
#.ExternalHelp Connect-MS365-help.xml
Connects to a given online service of Microsoft.
Connects to a given online service of Microsoft.
One or multiple service names can be chosen. Supports connection handling for
- Microsoft Online (MSOL)
- Exchange Online (EOL)
- Teams
Specifies the service to connect to. May be a list of multiple services to use.
Toggles MFA usage. Not requesting PSCredential object.
None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension.
Connect-MS365 -Service MSOL
Connect-MS365 -Service MSOL -MFA
Connect-MS365 -Service MSOL,EOL -MFA

function Connect-MS365 {

    param (
        #service parameter to define to which services to connect to
        #are validated against available / implemented services
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position = 1)]
        #mfa parameter if mfa authentication is necessary
        #used later to determine different connection commands and is not using PScredential object
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position = 2, ParameterSetName = 'MFA')]
        #Credential parameter to receive previously created PSCredential object.
        #Primarily needed for testing calls
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3, ParameterSetName = 'Credential')]

    # dont gather PSCredential object if MFA is set
    If (($MFA -ne $True) -and (!($Credential))) {
        Write-Verbose "Gathering PSCredentials object for non MFA sign on"
        $Credential = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter your Office 365 credentials"
    # iterating through each service listed in service parameter
    # each service is passing PSCredential object if MFA not set or leaves it out if set
    ForEach ($ServiceItem in $Service) {
        Write-Verbose "Create session to Service $ServiceItem"
        Switch($ServiceItem) {
            # Microsoft Online service
            MSOL {
                if ($MFA) {
                else {
                    Connect-MSOL -Credential $Credential
            # Exchange Online service
            EOL {
                if ($MFA) {
                else {
                    Connect-EOL -Credential $Credential
            # Exchange Online service
            Teams {
                if ($MFA) {
                else {
                    Connect-Teams -Credential $Credential
        Write-Verbose "Create session to Service $ServiceItem done."

    Write-Verbose "Connect-MS365 terminated."

# Export only the functions using PowerShell standard verb-noun naming.
# Be sure to list each exported functions in the FunctionsToExport field of the module manifest file.
# This improves performance of command discovery in PowerShell.
Export-ModuleMember -Function Connect-MS365
function Install-MS365Module {
    param (
        # service module to be installed, must be known service

    Installs modules to connect for a given service.
    Installs modules to connect for a given service.
    Service name needs to be passed.
    .PARAMETER Service
    Name of service to check installed modules for.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension.
    Install-MS365Module -Service MSOL

    switch($Service) {
        MSOL {
            $ModuleName = "MSOnline"
        EOL {
            $ModuleName = "ExchangeOnlineManagement"
        Teams {
            $ModuleName = "MicrosoftTeams"

    $InstallCommand = "-Command &{ Install-Module -Name $ModuleName -Scope AllUsers }"
    $InstallChoice = Read-Host -Prompt "$ModuleName Module is not present! Install it (Y/n)"
    If (($InstallChoice -eq "") -or ($InstallChoice -eq "y") -or ($InstallChoice -eq "Y")) {
        try {
            Start-Process -Filepath powershell -ArgumentList $InstallCommand -Verb RunAs -Wait
        catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Error -Message "Could not install Module $ModuleName.`n$ErrorMessage" -Category ConnectionError

function Set-WindowTitle {
    param (

    Sets Window Title if connection was successful.
    Sets Window Title if connection was successful.
    Adds prefix if not already set.
    .PARAMETER Service
    Name of service to put in Window title.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension.
    Set-WindowTitle -Service MSOL

    If (($host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle) -notlike "*$ServiceItem*" ) {
        If (($host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle) -notlike "*Connected To:*") {
                $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle += " -- Connected To: $ServiceItem"
        Else {
            $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle += " || $ServiceItem"
function Test-MS365Module {
    param (
        # service module to be tested, must be known service

    Checks if a module of a given service to connect is installed.
    Checks if a module of a given service to connect is installed.
    Service name needs to be passed.
    .PARAMETER Service
    Name of service to check installed modules for.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension.
    Test-MS365Module -Service MSOL

    # Set Splatting argument list for Get-Module used to determine if module is existing
    $GetModulesSplat = @{
        ListAvailable = $True
        Verbose          = $False

    # TODO #10: changing to settings array containing module names making switch unnecessary

    Switch($Service) {
        # Microsoft Online Service
        MSOL {
            If ($null -eq (Get-Module @GetModulesSplat -Name "MSOnline")) {
            Else {
        # Exchange Online Service
        EOL {
            If ($null -eq (Get-Module @GetModulesSplat -Name "ExchangeOnlineManagement")) {
            Else {
        # Teams
        Teams {
            If ($null -eq (Get-Module @GetModulesSplat -Name "MicrosoftTeams")) {
            Else {

function Connect-EOL {
    param (

    Connects to Microsoft Exchange Online service.
    Connects to Microsoft Exchange Online service.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    PSCredential object containing user credentials.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension.
    PS> Connect-EOL -Credential $Credential

    # testing if module is available
    while (!(Test-MS365Module -Service $ServiceItem)) {
        # and install if not available
        Install-MS365Module -Service $ServiceItem
    try {
        # if MFA is set connect without PScredential object as modern authentication will be used
        if ($MFA) {
            Connect-ExchangeOnline -ShowProgress $true
        # or pass PSCredential object it will asked if not created earlier
        else {
            Connect-ExchangeOnline -Credential $Credential -ShowProgress $true
    catch {
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Error -Message "Could not connect to $ServiceItem.`n$ErrorMessage" -Category ConnectionError
    # set service name into window title if successfully connected
    Set-WindowTitle -Service $ServiceItem
function Connect-MSOL {
    param (

    Connects to Microsoft Online service.
    Connects to Microsoft Online service.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    PSCredential object containing user credentials.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension.
    PS> Connect-MSOL -Credential $Credential

    # testing if module is available
    while (!(Test-MS365Module -Service $ServiceItem)) {
        # and install if not available
        Install-MS365Module -Service $ServiceItem
    try {
        # if MFA is set connect without PScredential object as modern authentication will be used
        if ($MFA) {
            Connect-MsolService -ErrorAction Stop
        # or pass PSCredential object it will asked if not created earlier
        else {
            Connect-MsolService -Credential $Credential -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Error -Message "Could not connect to $ServiceItem.`n$ErrorMessage" -Category ConnectionError
    # set service name into window title if successfully connected
    Set-WindowTitle -Service $ServiceItem
function Connect-Teams {
    param (

    Connects to Microsoft Teams service.
    Connects to Microsoft Teams service.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    PSCredential object containing user credentials.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension.
    PS> Connect-Teams -Credential $Credential

    # testing if module is available
    while (!(Test-MS365Module -Service $ServiceItem)) {
        # and install if not available
        Install-MS365Module -Service $ServiceItem
    try {
        # if MFA is set connect without PScredential object as modern authentication will be used
        if ($MFA) {
            Connect-MicrosoftTeams -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        # or pass PSCredential object it will asked if not created earlier
        else {
            Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $Credential -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
    catch {
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Error -Message "Could not connect to $ServiceItem.`n$ErrorMessage" -Category ConnectionError
    # set service name into window title if successfully connected
    Set-WindowTitle -Service $ServiceItem