function Add-WebApplication { param ( [string]$WebApplicationName, [string]$WebApplicationLocation, [string]$HostName, [string]$AppPool, [string]$ParentSite, [string]$EnableAnonymousAuthentication, [string]$EnableWindowsAuthentication, [string]$UsingLocalDb ) $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json Write-Host "Adding '$WebApplicationName' as Application to parent '$ParentSite' " -NoNewline if ($WebApplicationLocation -ne '') { if (-Not (Test-Path $WebApplicationLocation)) { New-Item $WebApplicationLocation -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } } if ($EnableAnonymousAuthentication -eq '') { $EnableAnonymousAuthentication = 'false' } if ($EnableWindowsAuthentication -eq '') { $EnableWindowsAuthentication = 'false' } $AppCmd = "$env:WinDir\system32\inetsrv\AppCmd.exe" # Set up IIS site / app pool & $AppCmd add apppool /name:$AppPool /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0 /managedPipelineMode:Integrated | %{ Write-Verbose "[AppCmd] $_" } & $AppCmd set config /section:applicationPools "/[name='$AppPool'].processModel.identityType:NetworkService" | %{ Write-Verbose "[AppCmd] $_" } & $AppCmd add app /site.name:"$ParentSite" /path:/"$WebApplicationName" /physicalPath:$WebApplicationLocation | %{ Write-Verbose "[AppCmd] $_" } & $AppCmd set app /app.name:"$ParentSite/$WebApplicationName" /applicationPool:"$AppPool" | %{ Write-Verbose "[AppCmd] $_" } if ([boolean]$UsingLocalDb) { # LocalDB requires identityType:LocalSystem & $AppCmd set config /section:applicationPools "/[name='$AppPool'].processModel.identityType:LocalSystem" | %{ Write-Verbose "[AppCmd] $_" } } # Change anonymous identity to auth as app-pool identity instead of IUSR_... & $AppCmd set config "$ParentSite/$WebApplicationName" /section:anonymousAuthentication /username:"" --password | %{ Write-Verbose "[AppCmd] $_" } # Set Authentication & $AppCmd set config "$ParentSite/$WebApplicationName" /section:anonymousAuthentication /enabled:$EnableAnonymousAuthentication /commit:apphost | %{ Write-Verbose "[AppCmd] $_" } & $AppCmd set config "$ParentSite/$WebApplicationName" /section:windowsAuthentication /enabled:$EnableWindowsAuthentication /commit:apphost | %{ Write-Verbose "[AppCmd] $_" } # Give Network Service permission to read the site files & icacls "$WebApplicationLocation" /inheritance:e /T /grant """NETWORK SERVICE:(OI)(CI)F""" | Out-Null Write-Host "[Done]" -ForegroundColor Green } |