
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting information for the specified Software Update Point Component.
    ScheduleNoSync = When specifying a schedule, the EnableSynchronization paramater must be true.
    SyncNoSchedule = When specifying the EnableSynchronization paramater as true, you must specify a schedule.
    WaitMonthNull = If you specify a value of $false for the ImmediatelyExpireSupersedence parameter, you muse use the WaitMonth parameter.
    WaitMonthNeeded = If you specify a value of $true for the ImmediatelyExpireSupersedence parameter, do not use the WaitMonth parameter.
    WaitFeatureNull = If you specify a value of $false for the ImmediatelyExpireSupersedenceForFeature parameter, you muse use the WaitMonthForFeature parameter.
    WaitFeatureNeeded = If you specify a value of $true for the ImmediatelyExpireSupersedenceForFeature parameter, do not use the WaitMonthForFeature parameter.
    UpstreamSourceNull = If you specify to synchronize from an upstream data source, you must use the UpstreamSourceLocation parameter.
    CertMgmtSpecified = If you specify not to enable third party updates, do not use the EnableManualCertManagement parameter.
    LangSumInEx = LanguageSummaryDetailsToExclude and LanguageSummaryDetailsToInclude contain to same entry {0}, remove from one of the arrays.
    LangFilesInEx = LanguageUpdateFilesToExclude and LanguageUpdateFilesToInclude contain to same entry {0}, remove from one of the arrays.
    ProductsInEx = ProductsToExclude and ProductsToInclude contain to same entry {0}, remove from one of the arrays.
    UpdateClassInEx = UpdateClassificationsToExclude and UpdateClassificationsToInclude contain to same entry {0}, remove from one of the arrays.
    LanguageSummaryIgnore = LanguageSummaryDetails is set, ignoring LanguageSummaryDetailsToInclude and LanguageSummaryDetailsToExclude settings.
    LanguageSummaryMissing = NOTMATCH: The following LanguageSummaryDetails are missing {0}.
    LanguageSummaryRemove = NOTMATCH: The following LanguageSummaryDetails need to be removed {0}.
    LanguageUpdateIgnore = LanguageUpdateFiles is set, ignoring LanguageUpdateFilesToInclude and LanguageUpdateFilesToExclude settings.
    LanguageUpdateMissing = NOTMATCH: The following LanguageUpdateFiles are missing {0}.
    LanguageUpdateRemove = NOTMATCH: The following LanguageUpdateFiles need to be removed {0}.
    ProductsIgnore = Products is set, ignoring ProductsToInclude and ProductsToExclude settings.
    ProductsMissing = NOTMATCH: The following Products are missing {0}.
    ProductsRemove = NOTMATCH: The following Products need to be removed {0}.
    UpdateClassificationsIgnore = UpdateClassifications is set, ignoring UpdateClassificationsToInclude and UpdateClassificationsToExclude settings.
    UpdateClassificationsMissing = NOTMATCH: The following UpdateClassifications are missing {0}.
    UpdateClassificationsRemove = NOTMATCH: The following UpdateClassifications need to be removed {0}.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.
    ChildBadParams = The specified site is a child site. The {0} parameter cannot be changed and will be ignored.
    NewSchedule = Modifying Software Update Point Component Syncrhonization schedule.
    SettingValue = Setting value: {0} to {1}.
    InvalidLangs = {0} is not a valid language available in ConfigMgr, please validate your input.
    InvalidCats = {0} is not a valid product or category available in ConfigMgr, please validate your input.
    MissingScheduleType = In order to create a schedule you must specify ScheduleType.
    AllSummaryRemoved = You cannot remove all Language Summary Details. Please remove one or more exclusions.
    AllUpdateRemoved = You cannot remove all Language Update Files. Please remove one or more exclusions.