
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager client policy for software center.
    ClientPolicySetting = Client Policy Setting {0} does not exist, and will need to be created prior to making client setting changes.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.
    TestDisabled = Not Match: EnableCustomize currently is enabled and should be disabled.
    SettingValue = Setting value: {0} to {1}.
    WrongClientType = Client Settings for Software Center only applies to default and device client settings.
    ColorSchemeErrorMsg = ColorSchema is not formated correct: {0}, example format would be #CB4154.
    CompanyPortalMsg = Software Center is currently set to use Company Portal in order to modify these settings, you must manually set client policy to Software Center.
    DisableIgnore = Currently setting EnableCustomize to false all other parameters specified will be ignored.
    TabsDisabled = With the settings specified all Tabs will be put into a disabled state, you must have at least one tab enabled.