ConvertFrom-StringData @'
RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager heartbeat discovery method. EnableStatus = Heartbeat discovery is set to {0} return {1}. IntervalCountTest = Missing ScheduleInterval or ScheduleCount unable to evaluate schedule. SIntervalTest = NOT MATCH: Schedule interval expected: {0} returned {1}. SCountTest = NOT MATCH: Schedule count expected: {0} returned {1}. TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}. SettingEnable = Heartbeat discovery is currently {0}, setting to {1}. IntervalCount = Invalid parameter usage must specify ScheduleInterval and ScheduleCount. SIntervalSet = Setting Schedule interval to {0}. SCountSet = Setting Schedule count to {0}. MaxIntervalDays = The maximum allowed interval is 31 for days. {0} was specified and will result in the interval being set to 31. MaxIntervalHours = The maximum allowed interval is 23 for hours. {0} was specified and will result in the interval being set to 23. '@ |