
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager accounts.
    NonSiteServer = {0} is currently not a Site Server.
    SiteSvrAccountandAccount = You have specified to use SiteSystemAccount and an Account for site server communications, you can only specify 1 or the other.
    EnableProxyNoServer = When EnableProxy equals $True you must at least specify ProxyServerName.
    ProxySettingNoEnable = When specifying a proxy setting you must specify EnableProxy = $True.
    ProxyCheck = NOTMATCH: {0} Expected {1} returned {2}.
    NoProxyPort = No ProxyServerPort specified the port will be set to default value of 80 overwritting current value of {0}.
    NoProxyAccessAccount = No ProxyAccess account specified and is currently set to {0} will reset the proxy access account to use the system account.
    CurrentRoleCount = Must uninstall all other roles prior to removing the site server component current rolecount: {0}.
    SetSetting = Setting {0} to expected result {1}.
    BadAccountName = AccountName {0} does not exist in Configuraion Manager.
    BadProxyAccess = ProxyAccessAccount {0} does not exist in Configuraion Manager.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.