
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager collection.
    DistroPointInstall = The Distribution Point role on {0} is not installed, run DSC_CMDistibutionPoint to install the role.
    PxePassword = Expected PXE password to be set.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.
    PxeThrow = Can not specify PXE settings when PXE is currently $false or setting to $false, please set EnablePxe to $true.
    NonWdsThrow = You can not enable nonWDSPxe while multicast is set to enabled.
    SettingValue = Setting value: {0} to {1}.
    SetPxePassword = Expected a PXE password to be used, setting PXE password.