function Invoke-CMRunScript { [cmdletbinding()] param ( [string]$ScriptGuid, [string]$ScriptName, [int]$ResourceId, [string]$DeviceName, [switch]$WaitForResult, [int]$SecondsToWait, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $InputObject ) PROCESS { try { if ($ScriptName -and -not $ScriptGuid) { $Script = Get-CMScript -ScriptName $ScriptName if ($Script) { $ScriptGuid = $Script.ScriptGUID } else { Write-Host "No Script found with that name." -ForegroundColor Yellow } } $Device = $InputObject if ($DeviceName -and -not $ResouceId) { $Device = Get-CMDevice -Name $DeviceName } if ($Device) { $ResourceId = $Device.MachineId } $Body = @{ ScriptGuid = $ScriptGuid } #If you get a 403 here - it's cause the script has been denied and not allowed to run most likely. $Result = Invoke-CMPost -URI "$($script:ASVerURI)Device($($ResourceId))/AdminService.RunScript" -Body $Body -ReturnErrorToCaller $ResultObj = if ($Result -is [int]) { [PSCustomObject]@{ OperationId = $Result ResourceId = $ResourceId } } else { $null } if ($WaitForResult) { $ResultObj | Invoke-WaitScriptResult -SecondsToWait $SecondsToWait } else { Return $ResultObj } } catch [System.Net.WebException] { $HttpResultCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ if ($HttpResultCode -eq 403) { Write-Verbose "Access Denied. Likely need to approve script" return "Access Denied." } else { throw $_ } } catch { throw $_ } } } |