function Get-CMAuthToken { [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'AADAuth')] param ( [parameter(mandatory = $false, parametersetname = "AADAuth")] [string]$TenantId, [parameter(mandatory = $false, parametersetname = "AADAuth")] [string]$ClientID, [parameter(mandatory = $false, parametersetname = "AADAuth")] [string]$ServerAppId, [parameter(mandatory = $false, parametersetname = "AADAuth")] [string]$Scope ) try { #Write-Host "Getting AuthToken " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline if ($script:vault) { $TenantId = if ($TenantId) { $TenantId } else { Get-Secret -Vault $script:vault.Name -Name "AdminServiceTenantID" -AsPlainText } $ClientID = if ($ClientID) { $ClientID } else { Get-Secret -Vault $script:vault.Name -Name "AdminServiceClientAppId" -AsPlainText } $ServerAppId = if ($ServerAppId) { $ServerAppId } else { Get-Secret -Vault $script:vault.Name -Name "AdminServiceServerAppId" -AsPlainText } $Scope = if ($Scope) { $Scope } else { Get-Secret -Vault $script:vault.Name -Name "AdminServiceClientAppScope" -AsPlainText } } #Since we are using MSAL and Rest, the token bodies are different so we will normalize the output $TokenObj = [PSCustomObject]@{ AccessToken = $null ExpiresOn = $null } #if ($UseAADAuth.IsPresent) { $Authority = "$($TenantId)" if(-not $Scope) { $Scope = "api://$($TenantId)/$($ServerAppId)/.default" } $RedirectUri = if ($RedirectUri) { $RedirectUri } else { "msal$($ClientId)://auth" } $Params = @{ ClientId = $ClientID Authority = $Authority RedirectUri = $RedirectUri Scopes = $Scope TenantId = $TenantId Interactive = $True } $TokenResponse = Get-MsalToken @Params $TokenObj.AccessToken = $TokenResponse.AccessToken $TokenObj.ExpiresOn = $TokenResponse.ExpiresOn $script:AdminServiceAuthToken = $TokenObj #Write-Host $script:tick -ForegroundColor Yellow return $script:AdminServiceAuthToken } catch { Write-Host "An Error Occurred." Write-Host $_.Exception, $_.Exception.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage -ForegroundColor Yellow throw $_ } } |