.SYNOPSIS Creates instances of config stores .DESCRIPTION Creates specified config store for the provided Config Hive .EXAMPLE New-Datastore -HiveName 'Test' -StoreName 'MemStore' -StoreLevel 'Origin' Creates a new data store using in-memory implementation 'MemStore' for storing origin level configuration for the given hive name .EXAMPLE New-DataStore -HiveName 'Test' According to the default values of this cmdlet it creates a 'MemStore' to store user level configuration for the given hive name .EXAMPLE New-DataStore -HiveName 'Test' -StoreName 'MemStore' -StoreLevel 'System' Creates a MemStore for System level access for the given hive name .EXAMPLE New-DataStore -HiveName 'Test' -StoreName 'MemStore' -StoreLevel 'Session' Creates a MemStore for Session level configuration data for the given hive name .EXAMPLE New-DataStore -HiveName 'Test' -StoreName 'CliFileStore' -StoreLevel 'User' -Options ([TimeSpan] '0:0:5') Creates a CLI serialized File store for User level configuration. This store requires custom parameters, the accepted parameters are [TimeStamp] or [ScriptBlock] which basically allows to customize the caching policy for hitting the target configuration file, every time the cache get invalidated access to the data will involve IO operation(s) to access the file otherwise cache data will be returned .EXAMPLE New-DataStore -HiveName 'Test' -StoreName 'CliFileStore' -StoreLevel 'System' -Options ([TimeSpan] '0:0:5') Creates a CLI File store for System level configuration, since this operation allows the data to be accessible at a system level, the running process must have access to the shared location designed, this typically requires admin access to the system otherwise the instance of the new store and/or operations with it may fail, it is responsiblity of the user to ensure the appropriate permission levels are used when using this option .EXAMPLE New-DataStore -HiveName 'Tesat' -StoreName 'CliFileStore' Creates a file serialized store with default options ([TimeSpan] '0:0:5') which are now optional .EXAMPLE New-DataStore -HiveName 'Test' -StoreName 'CliFileStore' -StoreLevel 'System' -Options ([System.IO.FileInfo] '/tmp/store.xml') Creates a file serialized store for Level Store 'System' but overrides the file to use for this level, to use the one given in the options, note that for this option to work the input type must be [System.IO.FileInfo] and the file extension must be .xml .NOTES Certain operations might require admin privileges. In particular System, Origin level stores on CliFileStore are known for this requirement #> function New-DataStore { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Normal')] param( # Config Hive to be used with [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Normal')] [Alias('Name')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $HiveName, # Name of the config store to create [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Normal')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Serialized')] [ValidateScript({$Script:AvailableStores -contains $_})] [string] $StoreName = 'MemStore', # Determines to what level is the store going to be used for [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Normal')] [CacheStoreLevel] $StoreLevel = 'User', # Allows to pass custom options to the store initialization [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Normal')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Options = $null, # Rehydrates a store based on serialized data [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Serialized')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $SerializedStoreData = [string]::Empty ) $store = New-Object $StoreName if ($SerializedStoreData -ne [string]::Empty) { Write-Output $store.Rehydrate($SerializedStoreData) } else { $storeInstance = $store.NewInstance($HiveName, $StoreLevel) if ($storeInstance.RequiresCustomParams() -and $Options -eq $null) { $m = "Store of type '{0}' requires custom parameters" -f $StoreName $err = New-Object ConfigHiveError -ArgumentList 'InvalidArgument', $m throw($err) } if ($Options -ne $null) { $storeInstance.SetCustomParams($Options) } $serializedData = $storeInstance.SerializeInstanceData() if ($serializedData -eq [string]::Empty -or $serializedData -eq $null) { $m = "Store of type '{0}' does not implemente ConfigBaseStore properly" -f $StoreName $err = New-Object ConfigHiveError -ArgumentList 'InvalidImplementation', $m throw($err) } Write-Output $storeInstance } } |