
    Gets the Hive Name for the current scope
    Gets the Hive Name for the current scope, this means that caller stack gets inspected in order to get the
    appropriate scope. This cmdlet uses Get-PSCallStack to understand the call hierarchy and determine the caller
    scope to use.
    - When the caller is on the console or console defined (i.e. console defined functions/script blocks) the script
    returns 'ConsoleScope' by default
    - When the caller is a defined script file .ps1 the file name will be returned (i.e. myScript.ps1)
    - When the caller is a module the name of the module will be returned
PS> Get-CurrentHiveName
Returns the current hive name: 'ConsoleScope' when called from the command line
Returns the current hive name: 'ScriptName.ps1' when called from within a script file
Returns the current hive name: 'ModuleName' when called from within a module
PS> function func { param(); Get-CurrentHiveName }
PS> func
Returns the current hive name: 'ConsoleScope' when called from the command line
Returns the current hive name: 'ScriptName.ps1' when called from within a script file
Returns the current hive name: 'ModuleName' when called from within a module
PS> $block = { Get-CurrentHiveName }
PS> . $block
Returns the current hive name: 'ConsoleScope' when called from the command line
Returns the current hive name: 'ScriptName.ps1' when called from within a script file
Returns the current hive name: 'ModuleName' when called from within a module

function Get-CurrentHiveName {

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    $scripBlockCmd = '<ScriptBlock>'
    $noFileLabel = '<No file>'
    $callStacks = Get-PSCallStack
    $loadedModules = Get-Module
    $foundCommand = $false
    Get-PSCallStack | Out-String | Write-Verbose

    1..$callStacks.Count | Where-Object { -not $foundCommand } | ForEach-Object {
        $callStack = $callStacks[$_]
        $commandName = [string] $callStack.Command
        if ($commandName -eq $scripBlockCmd -and $callStack.Location -eq $noFileLabel) {
            $foundCommand = $true
            Write-Output 'ConsoleScope'
        elseif ($commandName -eq $scripBlockCmd) {
            # Find any module that contains the path of the script that contains the execution
            $scriptBlockFile = $callStack.InvocationInfo.ScriptName
            $sourceModule = $null
            $sourceModule = $loadedModules | Where-Object { $_.FileList -contains $scriptBlockFile }
            if ($sourceModule -eq $null) {
                # Some modules do not disclose the FileList so we need to do something more creative using
                # the module's path
                $sourceModule = $loadedModules | Where-Object {
                    $modulePath = ([System.IO.FileInfo] $_.Path).Directory.FullName
                    if ($callStack.ScriptName.StartsWith($modulePath)) {
                        return $true
                    else {
                        return $false

            if ($sourceModule -ne $null) {
                $foundCommand = $true
                Write-Output $sourceModule.Name
            else {
                # Get the script name
                $foundCommand = $true
                $scriptName = [System.IO.FileInfo] $callStack.ScriptName
                Write-Output $scriptName.Name
        elseif ($commandName.EndsWith('.ps1') -or $commandName.EndsWith('.psm1')) {
            $foundCommand = $true
            Write-Output $commandName
        else {
            # Here we've got two cases:
            # a function name exposed by a module/script
            # a function name not exposed by it
            $loadedModules | Where-Object { -not $foundCommand} | ForEach-Object {
                $moduleDefinition = $_
                if ($moduleDefinition.ExportedAliases.Keys.Contains($commandName)) {
                    $foundCommand = $true
                    Write-Output $moduleDefinition.Name
                elseif ($moduleDefinition.ExportedCmdlets.Keys.Contains($commandName)) {
                    $foundCommand = $true
                    Write-Output $moduleDefinition.Name
                elseif ($moduleDefinition.ExportedCommands.Keys.Contains($commandName)) {
                    $foundCommand = $true
                    Write-Output $moduleDefinition.Name
                elseif ($moduleDefinition.ExportedDscResources.Contains($commandName)) {
                    $foundCommand = $true
                    Write-Output $moduleDefinition.Name
                elseif ($moduleDefinition.ExportedFunctions.Keys.Contains($commandName)) {
                    $foundCommand = $true
                    Write-Output $moduleDefinition.Name
                elseif ($moduleDefinition.ExportedWorkflows.Keys.Contains($commandName)) {
                    $foundCommand = $true
                    Write-Output $moduleDefinition.Name

            # Function name was not exposed
            if (-not $foundCommand) {
                $functionFile = $callStack.InvocationInfo.ScriptName
                $sourceModule = $loadedModules | Where-Object { $_.FileList -contains $functionFile }
                if ($sourceModule -ne $null) {
                    Write-Output $sourceModule.Name
                    $foundCommand = $true