
$Global:Current_Folder = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$Date = get-date -format "dd-MM-yy_HHmm"
$CompName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$Vendor = (gwmi win32_computersystemproduct).vendor

New-Alias XS Export-Services
New-Alias XD Export-Drivers
New-Alias XP Export-Process
New-Alias XB Export-BIOS
New-Alias XSo Export-Software
New-Alias XA Export-All

    The Export-Services function allows you to export a services list from your computer.
    Allow you to export a list of services from your computer.
    It will list each service with the following informations: Name, Caption, State, Start mode
    Services list can be export to the following format: CSV, XLSX, XML, HTML
PS Root\> Export-Services -Path C:\ -csv
The command above will export a services list in CSV format in the folder C:\
PS Root\> Export-Services -Path C:\ -xml
The command above will export a services list in XML format in the folder C:\
PS Root\> Export-Services -Path C:\ -html
The command above will export a services list in HTML format in the folder C:\
    Author: Damien VAN ROBAEYS - @syst_and_deploy -
Function Export-Services
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, position=1)]
        [string] $Path,
        [Switch] $CSV,
        [Switch] $XML,
        [Switch] $HTML        
        If ((-not $CSV) -and (-not $XML) -and (-not $HTML))
                write-host ""        
                write-host "*******************************************************************"    
                write-host " !!! You need to specific an output format. " -foregroundcolor "yellow"        
                write-host " !!! Use the switch -csv to export in CSV or XLS format " -foregroundcolor "yellow"             
                write-host " !!! Use the switch -html to export in HTML format " -foregroundcolor "yellow"                                        
                write-host "*******************************************************************"                    
                        $Excel_Test = new-object -comobject excel.application
                        $Excel_value = $True 
                        write-host ""        
                        write-host "***************************************************"    
                        write-host "Services will be exported in CSV and XLS format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"

                        $Excel_value = $false                     
                        write-host ""        
                        write-host "***********************************************"    
                        write-host "Services will be exported in CSV format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"
                write-host ""        
                write-host "**********************************************"    
                write-host "Services will be exported in XML format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"
                $CSS_File = "$Current_Folder\Export-config.css" # CSS for HTML Export
                write-host ""        
                write-host "***************************************************"    
                write-host "Services will be exported in HTML format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"

                $CSV_Services = "$Path\Export_Services.csv"                
                $win32_service = gwmi win32_service | select name, Caption, state, startmode     
                $win32_service | Export-csv -path $CSV_Services -encoding UTF8 -notype -UseCulture                 
                If ($Excel_value -eq $True)
                        $XLS_Services = "$Path\Export_Services.xlsx"                
                        $xl = new-object -comobject excel.application
                        $xl.visible = $False
                        $Workbook = $$CSV_Services)
                        $table=$Workbook.ActiveSheet.ListObjects.add( 1,$Workbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange,0,1)
                        $WorkSheet.columns.autofit() | out-null
                        $Workbook.Saved = $True
                $XML_Services = "$Path\Export_Services.xml"                
                $win32_service = gwmi win32_service | select name, Caption, state, startmode     
                $WIN32_service | export-clixml $XML_Services
                $HTML_Services = "$Path\Export_Services.html"                
                $win32_service = gwmi win32_service | select name, Caption, state, startmode     
                $services_list = "<p><span class=Main_Title>Services status list list on $CompName</span><br><span class=subtitle>This document has been updated on $date</span></p><br><br>"            
                $services_list_b = $win32_service | ConvertTo-HTML -Fragment
                $colorTagTable = @{Stopped = ' class="stopped">Stopped<';
                                   Running = ' class="running">Running<'}
                $services_list = $services_list + $services_list_b                 
                $colorTagTable.Keys | foreach { $services_list = $services_list -replace ">$_<",($colorTagTable.$_) }
                ConvertTo-HTML  -body " $services_list" -CSSUri $CSS_File |         
                Out-File -encoding ASCII $HTML_Services                    

                If ($Excel_value -eq $True)
                        write-host "Services have been exported in CSV and XLS format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                        write-host "***************************************************"                            
                        write-host "Excel seems to be not installed" -foregroundcolor "yellow"    
                        write-host "Services have been exported in CSV format"                        
                write-host "Services have been exported in XML format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                write-host "***************************************************"    
                write-host "Services have been exported in HTML format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                write-host "***************************************************"                    

    The Export-Process function allow you to export a Process list from your computer.
    Allow you to export a list of Process from your computer.
    It will list each service with the following informations: Name, Caption, State, Start mode
    Process list can be export to the following format: CSV, XLSX, XML, HTML
PS Root\> Export-Process -Path C:\ -csv
The command above will export a Process list in CSV format in the folder C:\
PS Root\> Export-Process -Path C:\ -xml
The command above will export a Process list in XML format in the folder C:\
PS Root\> Export-Process -Path C:\ -html
The command above will export a Process list in HTML format in the folder C:\
    Author: Damien VAN ROBAEYS - @syst_and_deploy -

Function Export-Process
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, position=1)]
        [string] $Path,
        [Switch] $CSV,
        [Switch] $XML,
        [Switch] $HTML                
        If ((-not $CSV) -and (-not $XML) -and (-not $HTML))
                write-host ""        
                write-host "*******************************************************************"    
                write-host " !!! You need to specific an output format. " -foregroundcolor "yellow"    
                write-host " !!! Use the switch -csv to export in CSV or XLS format " -foregroundcolor "yellow"        
                write-host " !!! Use the switch -html to export in HTML format " -foregroundcolor "yellow"                                        
                write-host "*******************************************************************"                    
                        $Excel_Test = new-object -comobject excel.application
                        $Excel_value = $True 
                        write-host ""        
                        write-host "***************************************************"    
                        write-host "Process will be exported in CSV and XLS format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"

                        $Excel_value = $false                     
                        write-host ""        
                        write-host "***********************************************"    
                        write-host "Process will be exported in CSV format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"
                write-host ""        
                write-host "**********************************************"    
                write-host "Process will be exported in XML format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"
                $CSS_File = "$Current_Folder\Export-config.css" # CSS for HTML Export
                write-host ""        
                write-host "**********************************************"    
                write-host "Process will be exported in HTML format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"

                $CSV_Process = "$Path\Export_Process.csv"        
                $win32_Process = gwmi win32_Process | select name, commandline     
                $win32_Process | Export-csv -path $CSV_Process -encoding UTF8 -notype -UseCulture     
                If ($Excel_value -eq $True)                
                        $XLS_Process = "$Path\Export_Process.xlsx"
                        $xl = new-object -comobject excel.application
                        $xl.visible = $False
                        $Workbook = $$CSV_Process)
                        $table=$Workbook.ActiveSheet.ListObjects.add( 1,$Workbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange,0,1)
                        $WorkSheet.columns.autofit() | out-null
                        $Workbook.Saved = $True
                $XML_Process = "$Path\Export_Process.xml"                
                $win32_Process = gwmi win32_Process | select name, commandline     
                $win32_Process | export-clixml $XML_Process
                $HTML_Process = "$Path\Export_Process.html"                
                $win32_Process = gwmi win32_Process | select name, commandline     
                $Process_list = "<p><span class=Main_Title>Process list list on $CompName</span><br><span class=subtitle>This document has been updated on $date</span></p><br><br>"                        
                $Process_list_b = $win32_Process  | ConvertTo-HTML -Fragment
                $Process_list = $Process_list + $Process_list_b
                ConvertTo-HTML  -body " $Process_list" -CSSUri $CSS_File |         
                Out-File -encoding ASCII $HTML_Process    

                If ($Excel_value -eq $True)
                        write-host "Process have been exported in CSV and XLS format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                        write-host "***************************************************"                            
                        write-host "Excel seems to be not installed" -foregroundcolor "yellow"     
                        write-host "Process have been exported in CSV format"                        
                write-host "Process have been exported in XML format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                write-host "***************************************************"    
                write-host "Process have been exported in HTML format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                write-host "***************************************************"                    

    The Export-Hotfix function allow you to export a Hotfix list from your computer.
    Allow you to export a list of Hotfix from your computer.
    It will list each Hotfix with the following informations: Hotfix ID, Description
    Hotfix list can be export to the following format: CSV, XLSX, XML, HTML
PS Root\> Export-Hotfix -Path C:\ -csv
The command above will export a Hotfix list in CSV format in the folder C:\
PS Root\> Export-Hotfix -Path C:\ -xml
The command above will export a Hotfix list in XML format in the folder C:\
PS Root\> Export-Hotfix -Path C:\ -html
The command above will export a Hotfix list in HTML format in the folder C:\
    Author: Damien VAN ROBAEYS - @syst_and_deploy -

Function Export-Hotfix
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, position=1)]
        [string] $Path,
        [Switch] $CSV,
        [Switch] $XML,
        [Switch] $HTML                
        If ((-not $CSV) -and (-not $XML) -and (-not $HTML))
                write-host ""        
                write-host "*******************************************************************"    
                write-host " !!! You need to specific an output format. " -foregroundcolor "yellow"    
                write-host " !!! Use the switch -csv to export in CSV or XLS format " -foregroundcolor "yellow"        
                write-host " !!! Use the switch -html to export in HTML format " -foregroundcolor "yellow"                                        
                write-host "*******************************************************************"                    
                        $Excel_Test = new-object -comobject excel.application
                        $Excel_value = $True 
                        write-host ""        
                        write-host "***************************************************"    
                        write-host "Hotfix will be exported in CSV and XLS format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"

                        $Excel_value = $false                     
                        write-host ""        
                        write-host "***********************************************"    
                        write-host "Hotfix will be exported in CSV format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"
                write-host ""        
                write-host "**********************************************"    
                write-host "Hotfix will be exported in XML format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"
                $CSS_File = "$Current_Folder\Export-config.css" # CSS for HTML Export
                write-host ""        
                write-host "**********************************************"    
                write-host "Hotfix will be exported in HTML format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"

                $CSV_Hotfix = "$Path\Export_Hotfix.csv"            
                $win32_quickfixengineering = gwmi win32_quickfixengineering | select hotfixid, description    
                $win32_quickfixengineering | Export-csv -path $CSV_Hotfix -encoding UTF8 -notype -UseCulture 
                If ($Excel_value -eq $True)                
                        $XLS_Hotfix = "$Path\Export_Hotfix.xlsx"
                        $xl = new-object -comobject excel.application
                        $xl.visible = $False
                        $Workbook = $$CSV_Hotfix)
                        $table=$Workbook.ActiveSheet.ListObjects.add( 1,$Workbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange,0,1)
                        $WorkSheet.columns.autofit() | out-null
                        $Workbook.Saved = $True
                $XML_Hotfix = "$Path\Export_Hotfix.xml"                
                $win32_quickfixengineering = gwmi win32_quickfixengineering | select hotfixid, description    
                $win32_quickfixengineering | export-clixml $XML_Hotfix                
                $HTML_Hotfix = "$Path\Export_Hotfix.html"    
                $win32_quickfixengineering = gwmi win32_quickfixengineering | select hotfixid, description                    
                $Hotfix_list = "<p><span class=Main_Title>Hotfix list on $CompName</span><br><span class=subtitle>This document has been updated on $date</span></p><br><br>"                
                $Hotfix_list_b = $win32_quickfixengineering | ConvertTo-HTML -Fragment
                $Hotfix_list = $Hotfix_list + $Hotfix_list_b
                ConvertTo-HTML  -body " $Hotfix_list" -CSSUri $CSS_File |         
                Out-File -encoding ASCII $HTML_Hotfix            

                If ($Excel_value -eq $True)
                        write-host "Hotfix have been exported in CSV and XLS format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                        write-host "***************************************************"                            
                        write-host "Excel seems to be not installed" -foregroundcolor "yellow"    
                        write-host "Hotfix have been exported in CSV format"                        
                write-host "Hotfix have been exported in XML format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                write-host "***************************************************"    
                write-host "Hotfix have been exported in HTML format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                write-host "***************************************************"                    

    The Export-Drivers function allows you to export a Drivers list from your computer.
    Allow you to export a list of Drivers from your computer.
    It will list each service with the following informations: Device name, manufacturer, version, inf name
    Drivers list can be export to the following format: CSV, XLSX, XML, HTML
PS Root\> Export-Drivers -Path C:\ -csv
The command above will export a Drivers list in CSV format in the folder C:\
PS Root\> Export-Drivers -Path C:\ -xml
The command above will export a Drivers list in XML format in the folder C:\
PS Root\> Export-Drivers -Path C:\ -html
The command above will export a Drivers list in HTML format in the folder C:\
    Author: Damien VAN ROBAEYS - @syst_and_deploy -

Function Export-Drivers
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, position=1)]
        [string] $Path,
        [Switch] $CSV,
        [Switch] $XML,
        [Switch] $HTML                
        If ((-not $CSV) -and (-not $XML) -and (-not $HTML))
                write-host ""        
                write-host "*******************************************************************"    
                write-host " !!! You need to specific an output format. " -foregroundcolor "yellow"    
                write-host " !!! Use the switch -csv to export in CSV or XLS format " -foregroundcolor "yellow"        
                write-host " !!! Use the switch -html to export in HTML format " -foregroundcolor "yellow"                                        
                write-host "*******************************************************************"                    
                        $Excel_Test = new-object -comobject excel.application
                        $Excel_value = $True 
                        write-host ""        
                        write-host "***************************************************"    
                        write-host "Drivers will be exported in CSV and XLS format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"

                        $Excel_value = $false                     
                        write-host ""        
                        write-host "***********************************************"    
                        write-host "Drivers will be exported in CSV format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"
                write-host ""        
                write-host "**********************************************"    
                write-host "Drivers will be exported in XML format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"
                $CSS_File = "$Current_Folder\Export-config.css" # CSS for HTML Export
                write-host ""        
                write-host "**********************************************"    
                write-host "Drivers will be exported in HTML format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"

                $CSV_Drivers = "$Path\Export_Drivers.csv"            
                $Win32_PnPSignedDriver = gwmi Win32_PnPSignedDriver | Select devicename, manufacturer, driverversion, infname | where-object {$_.infname -ne $null} 
                $Win32_PnPSignedDriver | Export-csv -path $CSV_Drivers -encoding UTF8 -notype -UseCulture         

                If ($Excel_value -eq $True)                                
                        $XLS_Drivers = "$Path\Export_Drivers.xlsx"
                        $xl = new-object -comobject excel.application
                        $xl.visible = $False
                        $Workbook = $$CSV_Drivers)
                        $table=$Workbook.ActiveSheet.ListObjects.add( 1,$Workbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange,0,1)
                        $WorkSheet.columns.autofit() | out-null
                        $Workbook.Saved = $True
                $XML_Drivers = "$Path\Export_Drivers.xml"                
                $Win32_PnPSignedDriver = gwmi Win32_PnPSignedDriver | Select devicename, manufacturer, driverversion, infname | where-object {$_.infname -ne $null} 
                $Win32_PnPSignedDriver | export-clixml $XML_Drivers                
                $HTML_Drivers = "$Path\Export_Drivers.html"    
                $Win32_PnPSignedDriver = gwmi Win32_PnPSignedDriver | Select devicename, manufacturer, driverversion, infname | where-object {$_.infname -ne $null}                 
                $Drivers_list = "<p><span class=Main_Title>Drivers list on $CompName</span><br><span class=subtitle>This document has been updated on $date</span></p><br><br>"                            
                $Drivers_list_b = $Win32_PnPSignedDriver |
                        Select-Object devicename, manufacturer, driverversion, infname | 
                        where-object {$_.infname -ne $null} | ConvertTo-HTML -Fragment
                $Drivers_list = $Drivers_list + $Drivers_list_b
                ConvertTo-HTML  -body " $Drivers_list" -CSSUri $CSS_File |         
                Out-File -encoding ASCII $HTML_Drivers    

                If ($Excel_value -eq $True)
                        write-host "Drivers have been exported in CSV and XLS format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                        write-host "***************************************************"                            
                        write-host "Excel seems to be not installed" -foregroundcolor "yellow"    
                        write-host "Drivers have been exported in CSV format"                        
                write-host "Drivers have been exported in XML format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                write-host "***************************************************"    
                write-host "Drivers have been exported in HTML format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                write-host "***************************************************"                    

    The Export-Software function allows you to export a Software list from your computer.
    Allow you to export a list of Software from your computer.
    It will list each service with the following informations: Name, Version
    Software list can be export to the following format: CSV, XLSX, XML, HTML
PS Root\> Export-Software -Path C:\ -csv
The command above will export a Software list in CSV format in the folder C:\
PS Root\> Export-Software -Path C:\ -xml
The command above will export a Software list in XML format in the folder C:\
PS Root\> Export-Software -Path C:\ -html
The command above will export a Software list in HTML format in the folder C:\
    Author: Damien VAN ROBAEYS - @syst_and_deploy -

Function Export-Software
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, position=1)]
        [string] $Path,
        [Switch] $CSV,
        [Switch] $XML,
        [Switch] $HTML                
        If ((-not $CSV) -and (-not $XML) -and (-not $HTML))
                write-host ""        
                write-host "*******************************************************************"    
                write-host " !!! You need to specific an output format. " -foregroundcolor "yellow"    
                write-host " !!! Use the switch -csv to export in CSV or XLS format " -foregroundcolor "yellow"        
                write-host " !!! Use the switch -html to export in HTML format " -foregroundcolor "yellow"                                        
                write-host "*******************************************************************"                    
                        $Excel_Test = new-object -comobject excel.application
                        $Excel_value = $True 
                        write-host ""        
                        write-host "***************************************************"    
                        write-host "Software will be exported in CSV and XLS format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"

                        $Excel_value = $false                     
                        write-host ""        
                        write-host "***********************************************"    
                        write-host "Software will be exported in CSV format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"
                write-host ""        
                write-host "**********************************************"    
                write-host "Software will be exported in XML format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"
                $CSS_File = "$Current_Folder\Export-config.css" # CSS for HTML Export
                write-host ""        
                write-host "**********************************************"    
                write-host "Software will be exported in HTML format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"

                $CSV_Software = "$Path\Export_Software.csv"                            
                $win32_product = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion 
                $win32_product | Export-csv -path $CSV_Software -encoding UTF8 -notype -UseCulture                 

                If ($Excel_value -eq $True)                                                
                        $XLS_Software = "$Path\Export_Software.xlsx"
                        $xl = new-object -comobject excel.application
                        $xl.visible = $False
                        $Workbook = $$CSV_Software)
                        $table=$Workbook.ActiveSheet.ListObjects.add( 1,$Workbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange,0,1)
                        $WorkSheet.columns.autofit() | out-null
                        $Workbook.Saved = $True
                $XML_Software = "$Path\Export_Software.xml"                
                $win32_product = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion 
                $win32_product | export-clixml $XML_Software    
                $HTML_Software = "$Path\Export_Software.html"    
                $win32_product = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion                 
                $Software_list = "<p><span class=Main_Title>Software list on $CompName</span><br><span class=subtitle>This document has been updated on $date</span></p><br><br>"                    
                $Software_list_b = $win32_product  | ConvertTo-HTML -Fragment
                $Software_list = $Software_list + $Software_list_b
                ConvertTo-HTML  -body " $Software_list" -CSSUri $CSS_File |         
                Out-File -encoding ASCII $HTML_Software                

                If ($Excel_value -eq $True)
                        write-host "Software have been exported in CSV and XLS format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                        write-host "***************************************************"                            
                        write-host "Excel seems to be not installed" -foregroundcolor "yellow"    
                        write-host "Software have been exported in CSV format"                        
                write-host "Software have been exported in XML format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                write-host "***************************************************"    
                write-host "Software have been exported in HTML format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                write-host "***************************************************"                    

    The Export-BIOS function allows you to export a BIOS settings list from your computer.
    Allow you to export a list of BIOS settings from your computer.
    BIOS settings list can be export to the following format: CSV, XLSX, XML, HTML
PS Root\> Export-Software -Path C:\ -csv
The command above will export a BIOS settings list in CSV format in the folder C:\
PS Root\> Export-Software -Path C:\ -xml
The command above will export a BIOS settings list in XML format in the folder C:\
PS Root\> Export-Software -Path C:\ -html
The command above will export a BIOS settings list in HTML format in the folder C:\
    Author: Damien VAN ROBAEYS - @syst_and_deploy -

Function Export-BIOS
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, position=1)]
        [string] $Path,
        [Switch] $CSV,
        [Switch] $XML,
        [Switch] $HTML                
        If ((-not $CSV) -and (-not $XML) -and (-not $HTML))
                write-host ""        
                write-host "*******************************************************************"    
                write-host " !!! You need to specific an output format. " -foregroundcolor "yellow"    
                write-host " !!! Use the switch -csv to export in CSV or XLS format " -foregroundcolor "yellow"        
                write-host " !!! Use the switch -html to export in HTML format " -foregroundcolor "yellow"                                        
                write-host "*******************************************************************"                    
                        $Excel_Test = new-object -comobject excel.application
                        $Excel_value = $True 
                        write-host ""        
                        write-host "***************************************************"    
                        write-host "BIOS settings will be exported in CSV and XLS format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"

                        $Excel_value = $false                     
                        write-host ""        
                        write-host "***********************************************"    
                        write-host "BIOS settings will be exported in CSV format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"
                write-host ""        
                write-host "*******************************************************"    
                write-host "BIOS settings will be exported in XML format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"
                $CSS_File = "$Current_Folder\Export-config.css" # CSS for HTML Export
                write-host ""        
                write-host "*******************************************************"    
                write-host "BIOS settings will be exported in HTML format" -foregroundcolor "cyan"
        If ($Vendor -eq "LENOVO")
                        $CSV_BIOS_Settings = "$Path\BIOS_Settings.csv"                        
                        $BIOS_WMI = gwmi -class Lenovo_BiosSetting -namespace root\wmi  | select currentsetting | Where {$_.CurrentSetting -ne ""} |
                        select @{label = "Name"; expression = {$_.currentsetting.split(",")[0]}} , 
                        @{label = "active_value"; expression = {$_.currentsetting.split(",*;[")[1]}}    
                        $BIOS_WMI | Export-csv -path $CSV_BIOS_Settings -encoding UTF8 -notype -UseCulture  
                        If ($Excel_value -eq $True)                                                
                                $XLS_BIOS_Settings = "$Path\BIOS_Settings.xlsx"                    
                                $xl = new-object -comobject excel.application
                                $xl.visible = $False
                                $Workbook = $$CSV_BIOS_Settings)
                                $table=$Workbook.ActiveSheet.ListObjects.add( 1,$Workbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange,0,1)
                                $WorkSheet.columns.autofit() | out-null
                                $Workbook.Saved = $True
                        $XML_BIOS_Settings = "$Path\BIOS_Settings.xml"
                        $BIOS_WMI = gwmi -class Lenovo_BiosSetting -namespace root\wmi  | select currentsetting | Where {$_.CurrentSetting -ne ""} |
                        select @{label = "Name"; expression = {$_.currentsetting.split(",")[0]}} , 
                        @{label = "active_value"; expression = {$_.currentsetting.split(",*;[")[1]}}                            
                        $BIOS_Col = gwmi win32_bios 
                        ForEach ($objItem in $BIOS_Col) 
                                $BIOS_Ver = $objItem.SMBIOSBIOSVersion 
                        $BIOS_WMI | export-clixml $XML_BIOS_Settings                        
                        $HTML_BIOS_Settings = "$Path\BIOS_Settings.html"
                        $BIOS_WMI = gwmi -class Lenovo_BiosSetting -namespace root\wmi  | select currentsetting | Where {$_.CurrentSetting -ne ""} |
                        select @{label = "Name"; expression = {$_.currentsetting.split(",")[0]}} , 
                        @{label = "active_value"; expression = {$_.currentsetting.split(",*;[")[1]}}                            
                        $BIOS_Col = gwmi win32_bios 
                        foreach ($objItem in $BIOS_Col) 
                                $BIOS_Ver = $objItem.SMBIOSBIOSVersion 

                        $Title = "<p><span class=Main_Title>BIOS Settings list on $CompName with BIOS Version $BIOS_Ver</span><br><span class=subtitle>This document has been updated on $date</span></p><br>"                        
                        $BIOS_WMI | ConvertTo-HTML  -body " $Title<br>$BIOS_WMI" -CSSUri $CSS_File |         
                        Out-File -encoding ASCII $HTML_BIOS_Settings    
                If ($Excel_value -eq $True)
                        write-host "BIOS settings have been exported in CSV and XLS format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                        write-host "***************************************************"                            
                        write-host "Excel seems to be not installed" -foregroundcolor "yellow"    
                        write-host "BIOS settings have been exported in CSV format"                        
                write-host "BIOS settings have been exported in XML format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                write-host "***************************************************"    
                write-host "BIOS settings have been exported in HTML format" -foregroundcolor "green"
                write-host "***************************************************"                    

    The Export-All function allows you to export a list with the following configurations: Services, Process, Drivers, Software, BIOS settings.
    Allow you to export a list of services, software, drivers, process and BIOS settings from your computer.
    Lists can be export to the following format: CSV, XLSX, XML, HTML
PS Root\> Export-All -Path C:\ -csv
The command above will export a list of services, software, drivers, process and BIOS settings in CSV format in the folder C:\
PS Root\> Export-All -Path C:\ -xml
The command above will export a list of services, software, drivers, process and BIOS settings in XML format in the folder C:\
PS Root\> Export-All -Path C:\ -html
The command above will export a list of services, software, drivers, process and BIOS settings in HTML format in the folder C:\
    Author: Damien VAN ROBAEYS - @syst_and_deploy -

Function Export-All
                [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, position=1)]
                [string] $Path,
                [Switch] $CSV,
                [Switch] $XML,
                [Switch] $HTML        
                If ((-not $CSV) -and (-not $XML) -and (-not $HTML))
                        write-host ""        
                        write-host "*******************************************************************"    
                        write-host " !!! You need to specific an output format. " -foregroundcolor "yellow"
                        write-host " !!! Use the switch -csv to export in CSV or XLS format " -foregroundcolor "yellow"        
                        write-host " !!! Use the switch -html to export in HTML format " -foregroundcolor "yellow"                                        
                        write-host "*******************************************************************"                    
                        write-host ""        
                        write-host "********************************************************************************************************************"    
                        write-host "Services, hotfix, drivers, software and BIOS settings settings will be exported" -foregroundcolor "Cyan"
                        write-host "********************************************************************************************************************"    
                        Export-Services -path $Path -CSV
                        Export-Drivers -path $Path -CSV
                        Export-Software -path $Path -CSV
                        Export-Hotfix -path $Path -CSV                        
                        Export-Process -path $Path -CSV
                        Export-BIOS    -path $Path    -CSV         
                        Export-Services -path $Path -XML
                        Export-Drivers -path $Path -XML
                        Export-Software -path $Path -XML
                        Export-Hotfix -path $Path -XML                                                
                        Export-Process -path $Path -XML
                        Export-BIOS    -path $Path    -XML 
                        Export-Services -path $Path -html
                        Export-Drivers -path $Path -html
                        Export-Software -path $Path -html
                        Export-Hotfix -path $Path -html                                                
                        Export-Process -path $Path -html
                        Export-BIOS    -path $Path    -html     