Function New-CAIQHtmlModifiedReport { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a HTML report of Conditional Access Policy changes. .DESCRIPTION This function generates a HTML report of Conditional Access Policy changes. .PARAMETER PolicyInfo The policy information to include in the HTML report. .PARAMETER Differences The differences between the old and new policy information. .PARAMETER ModifiedBy The user who modified the policy. .PARAMETER Version The version of the policy. .PARAMETER Action The action that was performed on the policy. .PARAMETER ActivityDateTime The date and time of the activity. .EXAMPLE New-CAIQHtmlModifiedReport -PolicyInfo $policyInfo -Differences $differences -ModifiedBy $modifiedBy -Version $version -Action $action -ActivityDateTime $activityDateTime .INPUTS System.Object System.String System.DateTime .OUTPUTS System.String #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Object]$PolicyInfo, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Object]$Differences, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ModifiedBy, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Version, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("Update", "Delete", "Add")] [string]$Action, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [datetime]$ActivityDateTime ) Begin { # Get templates Try { $report_template = $template_manager.GetTemplate("modified_report.html") $report_styles = $template_manager.GetTemplate("modified_report_styles.css") } Catch { Write-Error "Error getting templates: $_" -ErrorAction Stop } # Get HTML elements $html_elements = Set-CAIQHtmlReportActionElements -Action $action -PolicyInfo $policyInfo # Get activity date time [datetime]$activity_date_time = If (!$policyInfo."$($html_elements.DateAttribute)") { $activityDateTime } Else { $policyInfo."$($html_elements.DateAttribute)" } # Format changes table $total_changes = @($differences).Count $changes_table = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() [void]$changes_table.AppendLine("<table><tr><th>Condition Path</th><th>Condition</th><th>Old Value</th><th>New Value</th></tr>") foreach ($difference in $differences) { # If the property name is guestOrExternalUserTypes, then get the guest user types If ($difference.PropertyName -eq "guestOrExternalUserTypes") { $difference.OldValue = Get-CAIQGuestUserTypes -Value $difference.OldValue $difference.NewValue = Get-CAIQGuestUserTypes -Value $difference.NewValue } # Skip other authenticationStrength properties if id hasn't changed. # This is a workaround, when conditional access policies have an authenticationStrength applied, any changes to the policy # are reported as a change to the authenticationStrengths. However, when an actual authenticationStrength is changed, it includes the # id of the authenticationStrength in the property name. If ($differences.FullPath -notcontains "" -and $difference.FullPath -like "grantControls.authenticationStrength*") { $total_changes-- Continue } # Format the old value $old_value_formatted = Format-CAIQValue $difference.OldValue # Format the new value $new_value_formatted = Format-CAIQValue $difference.NewValue # Build the changes table [void]$changes_table.AppendLine("<tr><td>$($difference.FullPath)</td><td>$($difference.PropertyName)</td><td>$old_value_formatted</td><td>$new_value_formatted</td></tr>") } # Close the changes table [void]$changes_table.AppendLine("</table>") } Process { # Replace template tokens $html_content = $report_template $tokens = @{} $tokens["TITLE"] = $html_elements.Title $tokens["STYLES"] = "<style>$report_styles</style>" $tokens["DISPLAY_NAME"] = $html_elements.DisplayName $tokens["POLICY_ID"] = $policyInfo.Id $tokens["VERSION"] = $version $tokens["DATE_HEADER"] = $html_elements.DateHeader $tokens["ACTIVITY_DATE"] = $(ConvertTo-CAIQLocalTime($activity_date_time)) $tokens["BY_HEADER"] = $html_elements.ByHeader $tokens["MODIFIED_BY"] = $modifiedBy $tokens["TOTAL_CHANGES"] = $total_changes $tokens["CHANGES_TABLE"] = $changes_table.ToString() # Replace the tokens foreach ($key in $tokens.Keys) { $html_content = $html_content -replace "{{$key}}", $tokens[$key] } } End { # Return the html content $html_content } } |