
function Get-CAIQDirectoryObjectDisplayName {
        Get the display name of a directory object from Microsoft Graph
        This function gets the display name of a directory object from Microsoft Graph.
        .PARAMETER Endpoint
        The endpoint to call Microsoft Graph.
        .PARAMETER DirectoryObjectId
        The ID of the directory object to get the display name for.

    param (
    Begin {
        # Get the Microsoft Graph endpoint, if not already set
        If (!$script:graph_endpoint) {
            $script:graph_endpoint = Get-CAIQGraphEndpoint

        # Invoke-MgGraphRequest parameters
        $invoke_mg_params = @{}
        $invoke_mg_params["Method"] = "GET"
        $invoke_mg_params["OutputType"] = "PSObject"

        # Regex to determine if the directoryObjectId is a GUID
        $guid_regex = "^\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}$"

        # URI to call Microsoft Graph
        $uri = "$script:graph_endpoint/v1.0{0}{1}"
    } Process {
        # If the directoryObjectId is a GUID
        If ($directoryObjectId -match $guid_regex) {
            # If the endpoint is for applications set the filter to look for the directoryObjectId as an appId
            If ($endpoint -eq "/servicePrincipals") {
                $filter = "?`$filter=appId eq '$($directoryObjectId)'"
            #If the endpoint is not for applications set the filter to look for the directoryObjectId as an ID
            } Else {
                $filter = "?`$filter=id eq '$($directoryObjectId)'"
        } Else {
            # If the directoryObjectId is not a GUID return it as is
            return $directoryObjectId
        # Call Microsoft Graph and return the display name
        Try {
            $r = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest @Invoke_mg_params -Uri ($uri -f $endpoint, $filter)).Value.DisplayName
        } Catch {
    } End {
