Function ConvertTo-CAIQConditionalAccessObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Convert the oldValue or newValue from the audit log to a policy object .DESCRIPTION This function converts the oldValue or newValue from the audit log to a policy object. .PARAMETER AuditLog The audit log object. .PARAMETER ValueType The type of value to convert. Either "oldValue" or "newValue". .INPUTS System.String System.Object .OUTPUTS System.Object #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [PSCustomObject]$AuditLog, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet("oldValue","newValue")] [string]$ValueType ) $value = $audit_log.targetResources.modifiedProperties."$($valueType)" If ($value) { $policy = $value | ConvertFrom-Json } Else { $policy = $null } $policy } |