Function Get-CAIQModifiedBy([object]$InputObject) { <# .SYNOPSIS This is a helper function that gets the modified by for a policy from the Entra ID audit logs. .DESCRIPTION This is a helper function that gets the modified by for a policy from the Entra ID audit logs. .PARAMETER PolicyId The ID of the policy. .INPUTS System.Object .OUTPUTS System.String #> # If the policy was modified by an app, then set the modified by to the app service principal name if ($ { return $ # If the policy was modified by a user, then set the modified by to the user principal name } ElseIf ($inputObject.initiatedBy.user.userPrincipalName) { return $inputObject.initiatedBy.user.userPrincipalName # If the policy was modified by a Microsoft-managed policy, then set the modified by to "Microsoft-generated policy" # This is a workaround to detect when a policy was generated by a Microsoft-managed policy } ElseIf ($inputObject.targetResource.displayName.StartsWith("Microsoft-managed:")) { return "Microsoft-managed" # If the policy was modified by an unknown entity, then set the modified by to "Unknown" } Else { return "Unknown" } } |