
Function ConvertFrom-CAIQObjectId {
    Param (
        Helper function to convert the object IDs to display names
        This function converts the object IDs to display names for the differences object
        .PARAMETER Differences
        The differences object to convert

    # Regex to determine if the property name is an object that requires conversion
    $property_regex = "(?i)(?<!guestsorexternal)(include|exclude)(users|groups|applications|roles)(?<!guestsorexternaluser)"

    # Get the convertable objects
    $convertable_objs = $differences | Where-Object {
        $_.PropertyName -match $property_regex 

    # Loop through each object
    Foreach ($obj in $convertable_objs) {
        # Get the graph endpoint to use depending on the property name
        $endpoint = Get-CAIQDirectoryObjectEndpoint($obj.PropertyName)

        # If the endpoint is not found, continue
        If (!$endpoint) {
            } Else { 
            # Create new lists to store the display names
            $new_value = [system.collections.generic.list[string]]::new()
            $old_value = [system.collections.generic.list[string]]::new()

            # Get-CAIQDirectoryObjectDisplayName parameters
            $get_name_params = @{}
            $get_name_params['Endpoint'] = $endpoint

            # Loop through each ID in the new value
            Foreach ($id in $obj.NewValue) {
                Try {
                    $display_name = Get-CAIQDirectoryObjectDisplayName -DirectoryObjectId $id @get_name_params

                } Catch {
                    $new_value.Add("[DELETED] $id")
                    Write-Warning "Could not convert $id to a display name"

            # Loop through each ID in the old value
            Foreach ($id in $obj.OldValue) {
                Try {
                    $display_name = Get-CAIQDirectoryObjectDisplayName -DirectoryObjectId $id @get_name_params

                } Catch {
                    $old_value.Add("[DELETED] $id")
                    Write-Warning "Could not convert $id to a display name"
        # Update the new and old values with the display names
        $differences | Where-Object {
            $_.PropertyName -eq $obj.PropertyName
        } | ForEach-Object {
            $_.NewValue = $new_value -join ", "
            $_.OldValue = $old_value -join ", "
    # Return the updated differences object