Function Set-CAIQHtmlReportActionElements($Action, [Object]$PolicyInfo) { <# .SYNOPSIS Set the display name, by header, and date header based on the action .DESCRIPTION This function sets the display name, by header, and date header based on the action and policy information. .PARAMETER Action The action that was performed on the policy. .PARAMETER PolicyInfo The policy information. .INPUTS System.String System.Object .OUTPUTS System.Object #> # Set the display name, by header, and date header based on the action Switch ($action) { "Update" { $title = $policyInfo.DisplayName $display_name = $policyInfo.DisplayName $by_header = "Modified By" $date_header = "Modified Date" $date_attribute = "ModifiedDateTime" } "Add" { $title = $policyInfo.DisplayName $display_name = "$($policyInfo.DisplayName) **(NEW)**" $by_header = "Created By" $date_header = "Created Date" $date_attribute = "CreatedDateTime" } "Delete" { $title = $policyInfo.DisplayName $display_name = "$($policyInfo.DisplayName) **(DELETED)**" $by_header = "Deleted By" $date_header = "Deleted Date" $date_attribute = "ModifiedDateTime" } } # Create the output object $output_obj = [ordered]@{} $output_obj["Title"] = $title $output_obj["DisplayName"] = $display_name $output_obj["ByHeader"] = $by_header $output_obj["DateHeader"] = $date_header $output_obj["DateAttribute"] = $date_attribute # Return the output object [pscustomobject]$output_obj } |