$Global:CondaTabSettings = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ AllCommands = $false } # The default conda path if installed by Chocolatey $chocoCondaPath = "$env:ChocolateyToolsLocation\Anaconda3\Library\bin\conda.bat" # The default conda path (USER) $usrCondaPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Anaconda3\Library\bin\conda.bat" # The default conda path (System) $sysCondaPath = "$env:SystemDrive\Anaconda3\Library\bin\conda.bat" if (Test-Path -Path $chocoCondaPath -PathType Leaf) { $script:conda = $chocoCondaPath } elseif (Test-Path -Path $usrCondaPath -PathType Leaf) { $script:conda = $usrCondaPath } elseif (Test-Path -Path $sysCondaPath -PathType Leaf) { $script:conda = $sysCondaPath } else { $script:conda = conda.bat # Just use the conda.bat in PATH ... if can find one } function script:condaCmdOperations($commands, $command, $filter, $currentArguments) { $currentOptions = @('zzzz') if ($null -ne $currentArguments -and $currentArguments.Trim() -ne '') { $currentOptions = $currentArguments.Trim() -split ' ' } $commands.$command.Replace(" "," ") -split ' ' | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch "^(?:$($currentOptions -join '|' -replace "=", "\="))(?:\S*)\s?$" } | Where-Object { $_ -like "$filter*" } } $script:someCommands = @('activate','env','info','install','update','list','remove','create','search','clean','config','init','package','run','uninstall','upgrade','-h','--help','-V','--version') # ensure these all have a space to start, or they will cause issues $outputcommands = " --verbose -v --quiet -q --json" $namecommands = " --revision -r" $envcommands = " --name='' -n --prefix='' -p" $commandOptions = @{ clean = "-a --all -i --index-cache -p --packages -t --tarballs -f --force-pkgs-dirs -c --tempfiles='' -d --dry-run -y --yes" + $outputcommands config = "--system='' --env='' --file='' --show='' --show-sources --validate --describe='' --write-default --get='' --append --prepend --add --set --remove --remove-key --stdin" + $outputcommands create = "-h --clone='' -c --channel='' --use-local --override-channels --repodata-fn='' --strict-channel-priority --no-channel-priority --no-deps --only-deps --no-pin --copy -C -k --offline -d --download-only --show-channel-urls --file='' --no-default-packages --dev" + $envcommands + $outputcommands info = "-h -a --all --base -e --envs -s --system --unsafe-channels" + $outputcommands install = "-h --revision='' -c --channel='' --use-local --override-channels --repodata-fn='' --strict-channel-priority --no-channel-priority --no-deps --only-deps --no-pin --copy -C --use-index-cache -k --insecure -offline -d --dry-run --download-only --show-channel-urls --file='' --force-reinstall --freeze-installed --update-deps -S --update-all --update-specs -m --clobber --dev" + $envcommands + $outputcommands list = "-h --show-channel-urls -c --canonical -f --full-name --explicit --md5 -e --export --no-pip" + $envcommands + $outputcommands + $namecommands package = "-h -w --which='' -r --reset -u --untracked --pkg-name='' --pkg-version='' --pkg-build=''" + $envcommands remove = "-h -c --channel='' --use-local --override-channels --repodata-fn='' -all --features ==force-remove --no-pin -C --use-index-cache -k -insecure --offline -d --dry-run -y --yes --dev" + $envcommands + $outputcommands uninstall = "-h -c --channel='' --use-local --override-channels --repodata-fn='' -all --features ==force-remove --no-pin -C --use-index-cache -k -insecure --offline -d --dry-run -y --yes --dev" + $envcommands + $outputcommands search = "-h --envs -i --info --subdir='' --platform='' -c --channel='' --use-local --override-channels --repodata-fn='' -C --use-index-cache -k --insecure -offline" + $outputcommands update = "-h -c --channel='' --use-local --override-channels --repodata-fn='' --strict-channel-priority --no-channel-priority --no-deps --only-deps --no-pin --copy -C --use-index-cache -k -insecure --offline -d --dry-run -y --yes --download-only --show-channel-urls --file='' --force-reinstall --freeze-installed --update-deps -S --update-all --update-specs --clobber" + $envcommands + $outputcommands upgrade = "-h -c --channel='' --use-local --override-channels --repodata-fn='' --strict-channel-priority --no-channel-priority --no-deps --only-deps --no-pin --copy -C --use-index-cache -k -insecure --offline -d --dry-run -y --yes --download-only --show-channel-urls --file='' --force-reinstall --freeze-installed --update-deps -S --update-all --update-specs --clobber" + $envcommands + $outputcommands } function script:condaCommands($filter) { $cmdList = @() if (-not $global:CondaTabSettings.AllCommands) { $cmdList += $someCommands -like "$filter*" } else { $cmdList += (& $script:conda -h) | Where-Object { $_ -match '^ \S.*' } | ForEach-Object { $_.Split(' ', [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) } | Where-Object { $_ -like "$filter*" } } $cmdList #| sort } function script:condaLocalEnvs($filter) { if ($null -ne $filter -and $filter.StartsWith(".")) { return; } #file search @(& $script:conda env list $filter) | ForEach-Object{ if ($_ -match '^\w') { $_.Split(' ')[0] } } | Get-Unique } function script:condaLocalPackages($filter) { if ($null -ne $filter -and $filter.StartsWith(".")) { return; } #file search @(& $script:conda list $filter) | ForEach-Object{ if ($_ -match '^\w') { $_.Split(' ')[0] } } | Get-Unique } function script:condaRemotePackages($filter) { if ($null -ne $filter -and $filter.StartsWith(".")) { return; } #file search @(& $script:conda search $filter) | ForEach-Object{ if (-Not ($_ -match '^Loading channels: ') -and ($_ -match '^\w') -and -Not ($_ -match 'No match found for:')) { $_.Split(' ')[0] } } | Get-Unique } function Get-AliasPattern($exe) { $aliases = @($exe) + @(Get-Alias | Where-Object { $_.Definition -eq $exe } | Select-Object -Exp Name) "($($aliases -join '|'))" } function CondaTabExpansion($lastBlock) { switch -regex ($lastBlock -replace "^$(Get-AliasPattern conda) ","") { # Handles uninstall/remove package names "^(uninstall|remove)\s+(?<package>[^\.][^-\s]*)$" { condaLocalPackages $matches['package'] } # Handles install package names "^(install)\s+(?<package>[^\.][^-\s]+)$" { condaRemotePackages $matches['package'] } # Handles search first tab "^(search)\s+(?<package>[^\.][^-\s]+)$" { condaRemotePackages $matches['package'] } # Handles general activate "^activate(|\s+)$" { condaLocalEnvs } # Handles activate env names "^activate\s+(?<env>[^\.][^-\s]+)$" { condaLocalEnvs | Where-Object { $_ -like "$($matches['env'])*" } } # Handles info first tab "^info\s+(?<subcommand>[^-\s]*)$" { @('-h') | Where-Object { $_ -like "$($matches['subcommand'])*" } } # Handles create first tab "^create\s+(?<subcommand>[^-\s]*)$" { @('<package_spec>','-h') | Where-Object { $_ -like "$($matches['subcommand'])*" } } # Handles update/upgrade first tab "^(update|upgrade)\s+(?<subcommand>[^-\s]*)$" { @('<package_spec>','-h') | Where-Object { $_ -like "$($matches['subcommand'])*" } } # Handles list first tab "^list\s+(?<subcommand>[^-\s]*)$" { @('<package_spec>','-h') | Where-Object { $_ -like "$($matches['subcommand'])*" } } # Handles clean first tab "^clean\s+(?<subcommand>[^-\s]*)$" { @('-h') | Where-Object { $_ -like "$($matches['subcommand'])*" } } # Handles config first tab "^config\s+(?<subcommand>[^-\s]*)$" { @('-h') | Where-Object { $_ -like "$($matches['subcommand'])*" } } # Handles init first tab "^init\s+(?<subcommand>[^-\s]*)$" { @('<package_spec>','-h') | Where-Object { $_ -like "$($matches['subcommand'])*" } } # Handles env first tab "^env\s+(?<subcommand>[^-\s]*)$" { @('list','create','remove','update','config','export','<regex>','-h') | Where-Object { $_ -like "$($matches['subcommand'])*" } } # Handles more options after others "^(?<cmd>$($commandOptions.Keys -join '|'))(?<currentArguments>.*)\s+(?<op>\S*)$" { condaCmdOperations $commandOptions $matches['cmd'] $matches['op'] $matches ['currentArguments'] } # Handles conda <cmd> <op> "^(?<cmd>$($commandOptions.Keys -join '|'))\s+(?<op>\S*)$" { condaCmdOperations $commandOptions $matches['cmd'] $matches['op'] } # Handles conda <cmd> "^(?<cmd>\S*)$" { if ($_ -ne "activate") { condaCommands $matches['cmd'] } } } } $PowerTab_RegisterTabExpansion = if (Get-Module -Name powertabl) { Get-Command Register-TabExpansion -Module powertab -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if ($PowerTab_RegisterTabExpansion) { & $PowerTab_RegisterTabExpansion "conda" -Type Command { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) $line = $Context.Line $lastBlock = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Split($line, '[|;]')[-1].TrimStart() $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true CondaTabExpansion $lastBlock } return } if (Test-Path Function:\TabExpansion) { Rename-Item Function:\TabExpansion sysTabExpansionBackup } function TabExpansion($line, $lastWord) { $lastBlock = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Split($line, '[|;]')[-1].TrimStart() switch -regex ($lastBlock) { # Execute Conda tab completion for all conda-related commands "^$(Get-AliasPattern conda) (.*)" { CondaTabExpansion $lastBlock } # Fall back on exisitng tab expansion default { if (Test-Path Function:\sysTabExpansionBackup) { sysTabExpansionBackup $line $lastWord } } } } |