
    This resource is used to configure the settings of an event log.
    ## RestrictGuestAccess and Event Log DACLs
    If you choose to restrict guest access to an event log, the
    RestrictGuestAccess registry key will be configured and the event
    log's DACL will be checked and updated to ensure the built-in
    Guests group has been removed. Conversely, if you choose to
    allow guest access, the registry key will be configured and the
    DACL will be checked and updated to ensure the built-in Guests
    group has been added.
    This DACL behavior also applies if you configure your own custom
    DACL via the SecurityDescriptor property and a warning will be
    displayed to notify you of the change.
    ## RegisteredSource and Resource Files
    The PowerShell cmdlets that define event log sources do not check
    for the presence of the resource file on the computer and this
    resource follows the same paradigm. If you choose to create your
    own resource files and want to register them with the event source,
    you must ensure the files have been copied to the computer via a
    DSC File resource definition or equivalent.
    Key - String
    Specifies the name of a valid event log
    Write - Boolean
    Specifies whether the specified event log should be enabled or disabled
.PARAMETER MaximumSizeInBytes
    Write - SInt64
    Specifies the maximum size in bytes for the specified event log
    Write - String
    Allowed values: AutoBackup, Circular, Retain
    Specifies the log mode for the specified event log
.PARAMETER SecurityDescriptor
    Write - String
    Specifies the SDDL for the specified event log
    Write - String
    Specifies the file name and path for the specified event log
.PARAMETER LogRetentionDays
    Write - SInt32
    Specifies the number of days to retain events when the log mode is AutoBackup
.PARAMETER RegisteredSource
    Write - String
    Specifies the name of an event source to register for the specified event log
.PARAMETER CategoryResourceFile
    Write - String
    Specifies the category resource file for the event source
.PARAMETER MessageResourceFile
    Write - String
    Specifies the message resource file for the event source
.PARAMETER ParameterResourceFile
    Write - String
    Specifies the parameter resource file for the event source
.PARAMETER RestrictGuestAccess
    Write - Boolean
    Specifies whether to allow guests to have access to the specified event log