
# culture ="en-US"
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
    GettingEventlogName = Getting the Windows Event Log '{0}'.
    TestingWindowsEventlogSecurityDescriptor = Setting the SecurityDescriptor for Windows Event Log '{0}' to '{1}'.
    TestingWindowsEventlogLogFilePath = Setting the LogFilePath for Windows Event Log '{0}' to '{1}'.
    TestingEventlogMaximumSizeInBytes = Testing the given LogSize '{1}' for Windows Event Log '{0}'.
    TestingEventlogLogMode = Testing the given LogMode '{1}' for Windows Event Log '{0}'.
    TestingEventlogLogRetentionDays = Testing the given Retention '{1}' days for Windows Event Log '{0}'.
    TestingEventlogIsEnabled = Testing the given State '{1}' for Windows Event Log '{0}'.
    SettingEventlogLogMode = Setting the LogMode for Windows Event Log '{0}' to '{1}'.
    SettingEventlogLogRetentionDays = Setting the Log Retention for Windows Event Log '{0}' to '{1}' days.
    SettingEventlogLogSize = Setting the LogSize for Windows Event Log '{0}' to '{1}'.
    SettingEventlogLogFilePath = Setting the LogFilePath for Windows Event Log '{0}' to '{1}'.
    SettingEventlogIsEnabled = Setting the IsEnabled configuration for Windows Event Log '{0}' to '{1}'.
    SettingEventlogSecurityDescriptor = Setting the SecurityDescriptor configuration for Windows Event Log '{0}' to '{1}'.
    SettingWindowsEventlogRetentionDaysSuccess = Updating Logfile Retention for Windows Event Log '{0}' successfully to '{1}' days.
    SettingWindowsEventlogRetentionDaysFailed = Updating Logfile Retention for Windows Event Log '{0}' to '{1}' failed.
    SetResourceIsInDesiredState = Windows Event Log '{0}' is in desired state for configuration '{1}'.
    EventlogLogRetentionDaysWrongMode = Setting the Log Retention for Windows Event Log '{0}' failed. LogMode must be AutoBackup.
    SaveWindowsEventlogSuccess = Saving Windows Event Log settings successful.
    SaveWindowsEventlogFailure = Saving Windows Event Log settings failed.
    WindowsEventLogNotFound = Windows Event Log '{0}' is not found.
    WindowsEventLogFound = Windows Event Log '{0}' was found.