ConvertFrom-StringData @'
InvalidDesiredValuesError = Property 'DesiredValues' in Test-DscParameterState must be either a Hashtable or CimInstance. Type detected was '{0}'. InvalidValuesToCheckError = If 'DesiredValues' is a CimInstance then property 'ValuesToCheck' must contain a value. TestDscParameterCompareMessage = Comparing values in property '{0}'. MatchPsCredentialUsernameMessage = MATCH: PSCredential username match. Current state is '{0}' and desired state is '{1}'. NoMatchPsCredentialUsernameMessage = NOTMATCH: PSCredential username mismatch. Current state is '{0}' and desired state is '{1}'. NoMatchTypeMismatchMessage = NOTMATCH: Type mismatch for property '{0}' Current state type is '{1}' and desired type is '{2}'. MatchValueMessage = MATCH: Value (type '{0}') for property '{1}' does match. Current state is '{2}' and desired state is '{3}'. NoMatchValueMessage = NOTMATCH: Value (type '{0}') for property '{1}' does not match. Current state is '{2}' and desired state is '{3}'. NoMatchValueDifferentCountMessage = NOTMATCH: Value (type '{0}') for property '{1}' does have a different count. Current state count is '{2}' and desired state count is '{3}'. NoMatchElementTypeMismatchMessage = NOTMATCH: Type mismatch for property '{0}' Current state type of element [{1}] is '{2}' and desired type is '{3}'. NoMatchElementValueMismatchMessage = NOTMATCH: Value [{0}] (type '{1}') for property '{2}' does match. Current state is '{3}' and desired state is '{4}'. MatchElementValueMessage = MATCH: Value [{0}] (type '{1}') for property '{2}' does match. Current state is '{3}' and desired state is '{4}'. TestDscParameterResultMessage = Test-DscParameter result is '{0}'. CurrentTimeZoneMessage = Current time zone is set to '{0}' GettingTimeZoneCimMessage = Getting current time zone using {0}. SettingTimeZoneMessage = Setting time zone to '{0}' using {1}. TimeZoneUpdatedMessage = Time zone has been updated to '{0}'. AddingSetTimeZoneDotNetTypeMessage = Adding .NET Set time zone Type. UnableToEnumeratingPowerSchemes = Error occurred while enumerating power schemes. Win32 error code: {0} - {1} UnableToGetPowerSchemeFriendlyName = Error occurred while getting the friendly name of the power scheme with the GUID {0}. Win32 error code: {1} - {2} FailedToGetActivePowerScheme = Error occurred while getting active power scheme. Win32 error code: {0} - {1} FailedToSetActivePowerScheme = Error occurred while activating power scheme with the GUID {0}. Win32 error code: {1} - {2} EnumeratingPowerPlans = Enumerating all available power plans/schemes on the system using native Win32 function 'PowerEnumerate'. PowerPlanFound = Found power scheme {0}. Getting friendly name. PowerPlanFriendlyNameFound = Friendly name is {0}. AllPowerPlansFound = Enumerating of available power schemes done. '@ |