.EXAMPLE This example creates a scheduled task called 'Test task Daily' in the folder task folder 'MyTasks' that starts a new powershell process every day at 00:00 repeating every 15 minutes for 8 hours. If the task fails it will be restarted after 5 minutes and it will be restarted a maximum of two times. It will only run if the network is connected and will wake the machine up to execute the task. #> Configuration Example { param ( [Parameter()] [System.String[]] $NodeName = 'localhost' ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName ComputerManagementDsc Node $NodeName { ScheduledTask ScheduledTaskDailyAdd { TaskName = 'Test task Daily' TaskPath = '\MyTasks' ActionExecutable = 'C:\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe' ScheduleType = 'Daily' DaysInterval = 1 RepeatInterval = '00:15:00' RepetitionDuration = '08:00:00' RestartCount = 2 RestartInterval = '00:05:00' RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable = $true WakeToRun = $true } } } |