# Culture = "en-US" ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @' NotWorkstationOS = This resource can only be used on workstation operating systems. (SP0001) FoundServerOS = It appears we are running on a server operating system (ProductType = {0}). (SP0002) FoundWorkstationOS = It appears we are running on a worksstation operating system (ProductType = {0}). (SP0003) ReturningTrueToBeSafe = The test will evaluate to True to prevent an unintentional set targeting a server operating system. (SP0004) SystemProtectionState = Overall system protection state is {0}. (SP0005) UnknownOperatingSystemError = The operating system threw an error trying to retrieve system protection settings. (SP0006) GetEnabledDrivesFailure = An error occurred trying to retrieve the list of drives where system protection is enabled. (SP0007) DriveFound = Drive {0} has system protection enabled with maximum disk usage of {1} percent. (SP0008) DriveSkipped = Skipping drive {0} because it is not the drive to find (SP0009) VssAdminReturnValues = {1} Operation: VSS returned exit code {0} (Force = {2}). (SP0010) InDesiredStateDriveLetter = Set inDesiredState to {0} based on drive letter evaluation. (SP0011) EnableComputerRestoreFailure = An unexpected error occurred trying to enable system protection on drive {0}. (SP0012) DisableComputerRestoreFailure = An unexpected error occurred trying to disable system protection on drive {0}. (SP0013) InDesiredStateDiskUsageFalse = Set inDesiredState to false because the current maximum disk usage for drive {0} is not in the desired state. (SP0014) InDesiredStateDiskUsageUnchanged = Not changing inDesiredState because the current maximum disk usage for drive {0} is in the desired state. (SP0015) EnableComputerRestoreSuccess = System protection for drive {0} has been enabled successfully. (SP0016) DisableComputerRestoreSuccess = System protection for drive {0} has been disabled successfully. (SP0017) VssShadowResizeSuccess = System protection disk usage was changed successfully. (SP0018) VssShadowResizeFailure = An unexpected error occurred trying to configure the maximum disk usage for drive {0}. (SP0019) VssShadowDeleteFailure = An unexpected error occurred tying to delete restore points for drive {0}. VSS corruption and/or orphaned shadow copies are the most likely reasons for the failure. (SP0020) VssShadowResizeFailureWithForce = Deleting restore points for drive {0} because the resize operation failed and the Force option was specified. (SP0021) VssShadowResizeFailureWithForce2 = An unexpected error occurred trying to configure the maximum disk usage for drive {0} even after deleting its restore points. VSS corruption and/or orphaned shadow copies are the most likely reasons for the failure. (SP0022) '@ |