Using module '.\NewRelic.Agents.psm1' Using module '.\NewRelic.Configuration.psm1' Using module '.\NewRelic.Download.psm1' <# .Synopsis Installs the New Relic Infrastructure Agent .Description Installs the New Relic Infrastructure Agent .Example Install-NRInfraAgent -LicenseKey <LicenseKey> Installs, licenses and starts the New Relic Infrastructure agent. .Example Install-NRInfraAgent -LicenseKey <LicenseKey> -Version '1.9.7' Installs, licenses and starts the New Relic Infrastructure agent version 1.9.7 .Parameter LicenseKey New Relic License Key that links the agent to the account. .Parameter Version If provided, attempts to install a specific version of the agent otherwise falls back to the default managed by New Relic. #> Function Install-NRInfraAgent { [CMDLetBinding()] Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string] $LicenseKey, [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Version = '' ) # Must run as an admin to install and start the service... Confirm-RunAsAdmin | Out-Null $AgentRootURL = '' if ($Version -ne '') { Write-Output "Using Version: $Version" $AgentName = "newrelic-infra.$Version.msi" } else { # Use Default version updated by New Relic $AgentName = 'newrelic-infra.msi' } $localPath = Get-TempDownload -DownloadURL "$AgentRootURL$AgentName" -FileName $AgentName # Install and Wait Write-Output "Installing Agent: $AgentName" Start-Process 'C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe' -ArgumentList "/qn /i $localPath GENERATE_CONFIG=true LICENSE_KEY=$LicenseKey" -wait # Start Service Start-Service newrelic-infra # Remove Temp Agent File Write-Output "Cleaning up Agent Files: $localPath" Remove-Item $localPath -Force # Write output when finished Write-Output 'Finished Install' } <# .Synopsis Updates the New Relic Infrastructure Agent .Description Updates the New Relic Infrastructure Agent to a specific version .Example Update-NRInfraAgent -Version '1.55.0' Checks the existing agent version and if it doesn't match updates to 1.55.0 .Parameter Version Installs a specific version of the agent. Please review the release notes before updating. #> Function Update-NRInfraAgent { [CMDLetBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Version ) # Must run as an admin to install and start the service... Confirm-RunAsAdmin | Out-Null $AgentRootURL = '' if ($Version -ne '') { Write-Output "Updating to Version: $Version" $AgentName = "newrelic-infra.$Version.msi" } else { Throw 'You must provide a valid version to update' } $agentDetails = Get-NRInfraAgent if($agentDetails.'New Relic Infrastructure Agent version' -eq $Version){ Write-Output "Version $Version already installed..." }else{ Write-Output "Currently running version: $($agentDetails.'New Relic Infrastructure Agent version')" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('New Relic Infrastructure Agent',"Update to $Version")) { # Download Agent $localPath = Get-TempDownload -DownloadURL "$AgentRootURL$AgentName" -FileName $AgentName # Install and Wait Write-Output "Installing Agent: $AgentName" Start-Process 'C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe' -ArgumentList "/qn /i $localPath" -wait # Start Service Start-Service 'newrelic-infra' # Remove Temp Agent File Write-Output "Cleaning up Agent Files: $localPath" Remove-Item $localPath -Force # Write output when finished Write-Output 'Finished Updating' } } } <# .Synopsis Gets details on the New Relic infrastructure agent running on the machine. .Description Gets details on the New Relic infrastructure agent running on the machine. .Example Get-NRInfraAgent Returns details on the infrastructure agent #> Function Get-NRInfraAgent { # Doesn't use direct user input. Needs to be rewritten but native functionality for getting output from a process is limited. [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression', '')] [CMDLetBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] Param ( ) $Agent = "$ENV:ProgramFiles\New Relic\newrelic-infra\newrelic-infra.exe" # Validate Agent is present if(!(Test-Path $Agent)){ Throw "Agent not found at: $Agent" } # Query Agent $response = Invoke-Expression "& `"$Agent`" --version" # Check Output if($null -eq $response){ Throw "Failed to get output from agent at: $Agent" } # Response Object $data = @{} # Parse out the response into Key Value Pairs $kvs = $response.split(',') foreach ($kv in $kvs) { $parts = $kv.split(':') $key = $parts[0].Trim() $value = ($parts[1..($parts.count -1)] -join '').Trim() $data.Add($key, $value) } return $data } <# .Synopsis Gets the settings used by the New Relic Infrastructure agent from its yml file. .Description Gets the settings used by the New Relic Infrastructure agent from its yml file. .Example Get-NRInfraAgentSetting Gets the current settings from the yml file. #> Function Get-NRInfraAgentSetting { [CMDLetBinding()] Param ( ) $configFile = "$ENV:ProgramFiles\New Relic\newrelic-infra\newrelic-infra.yml" if(!(Test-Path $configFile)){ Throw "New Relic Infrastructure Agent Config file not found at $configFile. Make sure the agent is installed!" } return Get-NRConfigFromYAML $configFile } <# .Synopsis Sets the settings used by the New Relic Infrastructure agent in its yml file. .Description Sets the settings used by the New Relic Infrastructure agent in its yml file. Merges with existing settings, adds or updates matching. .Example $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add('enable_process_metrics', $true) Set-NRInfraAgentSetting -Settings $Settings .Parameter Settings Hashtable of settings to update. #> Function Set-NRInfraAgentSetting { [CMDLetBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')] Param ( [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [Hashtable] $Settings ) # Must run as an admin to install and start the service... Confirm-RunAsAdmin # Get Current Settings $config = Get-NRInfraAgentSetting # Combine Settings $newConfig = Join-HashTable -Base $config -Override $Settings -Verbose # Save Settings $configFile = "$ENV:ProgramFiles\New Relic\newrelic-infra\newrelic-infra.yml" $Content = ConvertTo-Yaml $newConfig if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Infra Agent Settings', 'Save')) { Set-Content -Path $configFile -Value $Content } # Restart Agent to pick up settings Restart-Service 'newrelic-infra' } |