Configuration ConfigurationManagerDeployment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $SiteName, [Parameter()] [System.String] $SiteCode, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $DomainCredential, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $SccmInstallAccount, [Parameter()] [string] $SqlServerName, [Parameter()] [string] $DatabaseInstance, [Parameter()] [System.Nullable[UInt32]] $ConfigMgrVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $AdkSetupExePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $AdkWinPeSetupPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $MdtMsiPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ConfigManagerSetupPath, [Parameter()] [string] $ConfigManagerPath = 'C:\Apps\Microsoft Configuration Manager', [Parameter()] [string[]] $Roles = @('CASorSiteServer', 'ManagementPoint', 'DistributionPoint', 'SoftwareUpdatePoint'), [Parameter()] [string[]] $LocalAdministrators = @('contoso\SCCM-Servers', 'contoso\SCCM-CMInstall', 'contoso\Admin'), [Parameter()] [string] $AdkInstallPath = 'C:\Apps\ADK', [Parameter()] [string] $WsusContentPath = 'C:\Apps\WSUS', [Parameter()] [string] $MdtInstallPath = 'C:\Apps\MDT', [Parameter()] [bool] $InstallWindowsFeatures = $false ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration Import-DscResource -ModuleName ConfigMgrCBDsc Import-DscResource -ModuleName UpdateServicesDsc if ($ConfigMgrVersion -lt '1910') { $adkProductID = 'fb450356-9879-4b2e-8dc9-282709286661' $winPeProductID = 'd8369a05-1f4a-4735-9558-6e131201b1a2' } else { $adkProductID = '9346016b-6620-4841-8ea4-ad91d3ea02b5' $winPeProductID = '353df250-4ecc-4656-a950-4df93078a5fd' } # SCCM PreReqs xSccmPreReqs SCCMPreReqs { InstallAdk = $true InstallMdt = $true AdkSetupExePath = $AdkSetupExePath AdkWinPeSetupPath = $AdkWinPeSetupPath MdtMsiPath = $MdtMsiPath InstallWindowsFeatures = $InstallWindowsFeatures WindowsFeatureSource = 'C:\Windows\WinSxS' SccmRole = $Roles LocalAdministrators = $LocalAdministrators DomainCredential = $DomainCredential AdkInstallPath = $AdkInstallPath MdtInstallPath = $MdtInstallPath AdkProductName = 'Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit - Windows 10' AdkProductID = $adkProductID AdkWinPeProductName = 'Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit Windows Preinstallation Environment Add-ons - Windows 10' AdkWinPeProductID = $winPeProductID } UpdateServicesServer WSUSConfig { Ensure = 'Present' SQLServer = $SqlServerName ContentDir = $WsusContentPath Products = '*' Classifications = '*' UpstreamServerSSL = $false Synchronize = $false DependsOn = '[xSccmPreReqs]SCCMPreReqs' } File CreateIniFolder { Ensure = 'Present' Type = 'Directory' DestinationPath = 'C:\SetupFiles' DependsOn = '[xSccmPreReqs]SCCMPreReqs' } CMIniFile CreateSCCMIniFile { IniFileName = "Setup_CM_$SiteCode.ini" IniFilePath = 'C:\SetupFiles' Action = 'InstallPrimarySite' CDLatest = $false ProductID = 'eval' SiteCode = $SiteCode SiteName = $SiteName SMSInstallDir = $ConfigManagerPath SDKServer = $($Node.Name) RoleCommunicationProtocol = 'HTTPorHTTPS' ClientsUsePKICertificate = $true PreRequisiteComp = $true PreRequisitePath = 'C:\temp\SCCMInstall\Downloads' AdminConsole = $true JoinCeip = $false MobileDeviceLanguage = $false SQLServerName = $SqlServerName DatabaseName = if ($DatabaseInstance) { "$DatabaseInstance\CM_$SiteCode" } else { "CM_$SiteCode" } CloudConnector = $false SAActive = $true CurrentBranch = $true DependsOn = '[File]CreateIniFolder' } xSccmInstall SccmInstall { SetupExePath = $ConfigManagerSetupPath IniFile = "C:\SetupFiles\Setup_CM_$SiteCode.ini" SccmServerType = 'Primary' SccmInstallAccount = $SccmInstallAccount Version = $ConfigMgrVersion DependsOn = '[CMIniFile]CreateSCCMIniFile' } } |