
    RootModule        = 'CommonTasks.psm1'
    ModuleVersion     = '0.8.0'
    GUID              = '63e8bf79-62d3-4249-8fe6-9a766fbe8481'
    Author            = 'DSC Community'
    CompanyName       = 'DSC Community'
    Copyright         = 'Copyright the DSC Community contributors. All rights reserved.'
    Description       = 'DSC composite resource for'
    PowerShellVersion = '5.1'
    FunctionsToExport = '*'
    CmdletsToExport   = '*'
    VariablesToExport = '*'
    AliasesToExport   = '*'

    PrivateData       = @{

        PSData = @{
            Prerelease   = 'preview0004'
            Tags         = @('DesiredStateConfiguration', 'DSC', 'DSCResource')
            LicenseUri   = ''
            ProjectUri   = ''
            IconUri      = ''
            ReleaseNotes = '## [0.8.0-preview0004] - 2022-06-10

### Added

- `PowershellExecutionPolicies` Composite for managing Powershell execution policies.
- `VSTSAgents` Composite for installing the Azure DevOps agents.
- `Robocopies` Composite for leveraging the Robocopy command.
- `VirtualMemoryFiles` Composite for adjusting the system page file via the resource `VirtualMemory` from the `ComputerManagementDsc` Module.
- `SharePointSetup` Composite for installing the SharePoint Prerequisits, Setup and optionally Language Packs.
- `AddsWaitForDomains` Composite for making sure a domain is reachable before going further.
- `CertificateExports` is used to export a certificate from the Windows certificate store.
- `AddsTrusts` Composite for establishing Forest trusts with more configuration options than using AddsDomain-property DomainTrusts.
- `FilesAndFolder` Add property to embed binary files into MOF.
- `SmbShares` Add check and remove of duplicates from access properties in MOF.
- Update documentation
- `FileContents` Composite for managing file content.

### Changed

- Changed the build pipeline to Sampler.
  - Debugging Sampler migration:
    - Added ''Sampler.GitHubTasks''.
    - Moved DSCResources for faster build.
    - Removed dependencies for faster build.
- Fixed badges.
- Added back configurations and dependencies.
- Fixing issue with Cluster when only NodeMajority is used.
  - Fixed the fix: Quorum is not required in some SQL Always-On scenarios which did not work after the fix.
- Add new resource LocalUsers.
- Make DscLcmController independent from the DscDiagnostics resource.
- Add optional attributes to DscTagging resource.
- Update documentation.
- Applied HQRM standards.
- Fixing issue with AddsOrgUnitsAndGroups when OUs contain other non-word characters.
- Added MmaAgent to configure Microsoft Monitoring Agent.
- Added AddsServicePrincipalNames to configure SPNs.
- Disabling RebootNodeIfNeeded when LCM is on Monitor mode.
- Made ''WaitForClusterRetryIntervalSec'' and ''WaitForClusterRetryCount'' configurable in Cluster config.
- Added new configuration ''WebConfigPropertyCollections''.
- Fixed an issue with duplicate resource identifiers in ''WebConfigProperties''.
- Changed parameter ''Name'' to ''Names'' in ''WindowsFeatures'' and ''WindowsOptionalFeatures'' resources according to coding convention.
- Made the Office Online Server resources actually work and redesigned them.
  - Added ''OfficeOnlineServerMachineConfig'' configuration.
- WindowsFeatures configuration does not longer install all sub features. If needed, use prefix ''*''.
- Changed dependencies in ''OfficeOnlineServerSetup''.
- Added CertificateImports to import certificates.
- Added parameter ''CheckPrerequisites'' to ''WindowsEventForwarding'' resource.
- Fixed issue with names containing special characters in ''LocalUsers'' and ''LocalGroups'' resources.
- Fixed issue with quotation marks in ''SqlServer'' resource.
- Fixed issue with inter-configuration DependsOn by removing DependsOn inside configurations
- Added remote desktop control to ''ComputerSettings''.
- Fixed an issue with DscLcmController, the RebootNodeIfNeeded property is not
set to false before the first execution of maintenance window.
- Fixed issue with DscLcmController, The RebootNodeIfNeeded property is not
set to true when the LCM is already in ApplyAndAutoCorrect mode.
- Fixed GitVersion depreciated version in azurepipeline.
- Fixed issue #156, switch plublish task to ''unbuntu-latest'' vmimage.
- WindowsEventForwarding - replace localized system user names by SID to avoid problems on none english Windows systems
- Documentation update
- Removed DependsOn in ComputerSettings to ensure cross-configuration dependencies
- Migration of tests to Pester 5
- Added support for CimInstance parameters
- Fixed issue with Cluster composite ignoring the IgnoreNetwork parameter
- Fix #172 - RegistryPolicies: Error when Key or ValueName parameters contain bracket "()"
