
# see https://github.com/dsccommunity/xDhcpServer
configuration DhcpServer






    Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xDhcpServer

    WindowsFeature DHCPServer
        Name   = 'DHCP'
        Ensure = 'Present'

    if( $EnableSecurityGroups -eq $true )
        Script DHCPSecGroups
            SetScript = {
                netsh dhcp add securitygroups
                Restart-Service dhcpserver
            TestScript = {
                $checkDhcpSecGrpA = Get-ADGroup -filter "Name -eq 'DHCP Administrators'"
                $checkDhcpSecGrpU = Get-ADGroup -filter "Name -eq 'DHCP Users'"

                if ( $null -eq $checkDhcpSecGrpA -or $null -eq $checkDhcpSecGrpU )
                    Write-Verbose -Message 'Missing ADGroup DHCP Security groups.'
                    return $false

                Write-Verbose -Message 'ADGroup DHCP Security groups are existing.'
                return $true
            GetScript = { return @{result = 'N/A'} }
            DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]DHCPServer'

    if( $null -ne $Scopes )
        foreach( $scope in $Scopes.GetEnumerator() )
            # Remove Case Sensitivity of ordered Dictionary or Hashtables
            $scope = @{}+$scope

            if( [String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($scope.Ensure) )
                $scope.Ensure = 'Present'

            if( [String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($scope.AddressFamily) )
                $scope.AddressFamily = 'IPv4'

            $scope.DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]DHCPServer'

            $nameProtection = $scope.DnsNameProtection

            $scope.Remove( 'DnsNameProtection' )

            $executionName = "dhcpscope_$($scope.ScopeID -replace '[-.\s]','_')"
            (Get-DscSplattedResource -ResourceName xDhcpServerScope -ExecutionName $executionName -Properties $scope -NoInvoke).Invoke($scope)

            # generate DNS settings only if scope is present and one of the DNS settings are explicitly specified
            if( $scope.Ensure -eq 'Present' -and $null -ne $nameProtection )
                [string]$scopeId            = $scope.ScopeID
                [boolean]$dnsNameProtection = $nameProtection

                Script "$($executionName)_DnsSetting"
                    SetScript = {
                        Write-Verbose "DHCP Scope: $using:scopeId -> set DNS NameProtection to $using:dnsNameProtection"
                        Set-DhcpServerv4DnsSetting -ScopeId $using:scopeId -NameProtection $using:dnsNameProtection
                    TestScript = {
                        Write-Verbose "DHCP Scope: $using:scopeId -> test DNS NameProtection: $using:dnsNameProtection"
                        $dnsSetting = Get-DhcpServerv4DnsSetting -ScopeId $using:scopeId
                        Write-Verbose "DNS setting: $(($dnsSetting | Select-Object -Property '*' -ExcludeProperty 'Cim*') -join ', ' | Out-String)"

                        if( $null -ne $dnsSetting -and $dnsSetting.NameProtection -eq $using:dnsNameProtection )
                            return $True

                        return $False
                    GetScript = { return @{result = 'N/A'} }
                    DependsOn = "[xDhcpServerScope]$executionName"

    if( $null -ne $ExclusionRanges )
        [int] $i = 0

        foreach( $exclusionRange in $ExclusionRanges.GetEnumerator() )
            $exclusionRange.DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]DHCPServer'

            (Get-DscSplattedResource -ResourceName DhcpServerExclusionRange -ExecutionName "dhcpExclusionRange$i" -Properties $exclusionRange -NoInvoke).Invoke($exclusionRange)

    if( $null -ne $Reservations )
        foreach( $reservation in $Reservations.GetEnumerator() )
            # Remove Case Sensitivity of ordered Dictionary or Hashtables
            $reservation = @{}+$reservation

            if( [String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($reservation.Ensure) )
                $reservation.Ensure = 'Present'

            if( [String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($reservation.AddressFamily) )
                $reservation.AddressFamily = 'IPv4'

            # remove all separators from MAC Address
            $reservation.ClientMACAddress = $reservation.ClientMACAddress -replace '[-:\s]',''

            $reservation.DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]DHCPServer'

            $executionName = "dhcpReservation_$($reservation.ScopeID -replace '[().:\s]', '_')__$($reservation.IPAddress -replace '[().:\s]', '_')"

            (Get-DscSplattedResource -ResourceName xDhcpServerReservation -ExecutionName $executionName -Properties $reservation -NoInvoke).Invoke($reservation)

    if( $null -ne $OptionValues )
        foreach( $optionValue in $OptionValues.GetEnumerator() )
            # Remove Case Sensitivity of ordered Dictionary or Hashtables
            $optionValue = @{}+$optionValue

            $optionValue.DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]DHCPServer'

            # set VendorClass/UserClass to default if missing or empty
            if( [String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($optionValue.VendorClass) )
                $optionValue.VendorClass = ''

            if( [String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($optionValue.UserClass))
                $optionValue.UserClass = ''

            (Get-DscSplattedResource -ResourceName DhcpServerOptionValue -ExecutionName "dhcpServerOptionValue$($optionValue.OptionId)" -Properties $optionValue -NoInvoke).Invoke($optionValue)

    if( $null -ne $Authorization )
        # Remove Case Sensitivity of ordered Dictionary or Hashtables
        $Authorization = @{}+$Authorization

        if( [String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($Authorization.Ensure) )
            $Authorization.Ensure = 'Present'

        $Authorization.IsSingleInstance = 'Yes'

        (Get-DscSplattedResource -ResourceName xDhcpServerAuthorization -ExecutionName 'dhcpSrvAuth' -Properties $Authorization -NoInvoke).Invoke($Authorization)