configuration Wds { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $RemInstPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [pscredential] $RunAsUser = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [boolean] $UseExistingDhcpScope = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $ScopeStart, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $ScopeEnd, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $ScopeId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $SubnetMask, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $DomainName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $DefaultDeviceOU, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [hashtable[]] $BootImages, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [hashtable[]] $ImageGroups, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [hashtable[]] $InstallImages, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [hashtable[]] $DeviceReservations ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration Import-DscResource -ModuleName WdsDsc Import-DscResource -ModuleName xDhcpServer $dependsOnClientScope = '' if( $UseExistingDhcpScope -eq $false ) { WindowsFeature dhcpFeature { Name = 'DHCP' IncludeAllSubFeature = $true Ensure = 'Present' } xDhcpServerScope clientScope { ScopeId = $ScopeId IPStartRange = $ScopeStart IPEndRange = $ScopeEnd SubnetMask = $SubnetMask Name = 'WdsClients' Ensure = 'Present' DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]dhcpFeature' } $dependsOnClientScope = '[xDhcpServerScope]clientScope' } else { if( -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ScopeStart) -or -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ScopeEnd) -or -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SubnetMask) ) { throw "ERROR: if 'UseExistingDhcpScope' is set to 'true' the DHCP scope definition shall be empty." } } WindowsFeature wdsFeature { Name = 'WDS' IncludeAllSubFeature = $true Ensure = 'Present' } WdsInitialize wdsInit { IsSingleInstance = 'Yes' PsDscRunAsCredential = $runAsCred Path = $RemInstPath Authorized = $true Standalone = $false Ensure = 'Present' DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]wdsFeature' } Service wdsService { Name = 'WDSServer' StartupType = 'Automatic' State = 'Running' Ensure = 'Present' DependsOn = '[WdsInitialize]wdsInit' } $dependsOnWdsService = '[Service]wdsService' if( $null -ne $BootImages ) { foreach( $image in $BootImages ) { $image.DependsOn = $dependsOnWdsService $executionName = "bootImg_$($image.NewImageName -replace '[().:\s]', '')" (Get-DscSplattedResource -ResourceName WdsBootImage -ExecutionName $executionName -Properties $image -NoInvoke).Invoke($image) } } if( $null -ne $ImageGroups ) { foreach( $group in $ImageGroups ) { Script "imgGroup_$($group.Name -replace '[().:\s]', '_')" { TestScript = { $wdsGroup = Get-WdsInstallImageGroup -Name $using:group.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if( $using:group.Ensure -eq 'Absent' ) { if( $null -eq $wdsGroup -or $wdsGroup.Count -eq 0 ) { return $true } } else { if( $null -ne $wdsGroup -and $wdsGroup.Name -eq $using:group.Name ) { if( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($using:group.SecurityDescriptor) -or $wdsGroup.Security -eq $using:group.SecurityDescriptor) { return $true } } } return $false } SetScript = { $params = @{ Name = $group.Name } if( $using:group.Ensure -eq 'Absent' ) { Remove-WdsInstallImageGroup @params } else { if( -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($using:group.SecurityDescriptor) ) { $params.SecurityDescriptorSDDL = $using:group.SecurityDescriptor } $wdsGroup = Get-WdsInstallImageGroup -Name $using:group.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if( $null -eq $wdsGroup ) { New-WdsInstallImageGroup @params } else { Set-WdsInstallImageGroup @params } } } GetScript = { return @{result = 'N/A'}} DependsOn = $dependsOnWdsService } } } if( $null -ne $InstallImages ) { foreach( $image in $InstallImages ) { $image.DependsOn = $dependsOnWdsService $executionName = "instImg_$($image.NewImageName -replace '[().:\s]', '')" (Get-DscSplattedResource -ResourceName WdsInstallImage -ExecutionName $executionName -Properties $image -NoInvoke).Invoke($image) } } if( $null -ne $DeviceReservations ) { foreach( $devRes in $DeviceReservations ) { # Remove Case Sensitivity of ordered Dictionary or Hashtables $devRes = @{}+$devRes if( -not $devRes.ContainsKey('Ensure') ) { $devRes.Ensure = 'Present' } # make a DHCP reservation if( -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($devRes.IpAddress) ) { if( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ScopeId) ) { throw "ERROR: if 'IpAddress' is specified the parameter ScopeId is required to make a DHCP reservation." } xDhcpServerReservation "dhcpRes_$($devRes.DeviceName -replace '[().:\s]', '')" { IPAddress = $devRes.IpAddress ClientMACAddress = $devRes.MacAddress Name = $devRes.DeviceName ScopeID = $ScopeId Ensure = $devRes.Ensure DependsOn = $dependsOnClientScope } } # use MacAddress as DeviceID if it's not specified if( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($devRes.DeviceID) ) { $devRes.DeviceID = $devRes.MacAddress } # remove DHCP specific attributes $devRes.Remove('IpAddress') $devRes.Remove('MacAddress') $devRes.DependsOn = $dependsOnWdsService if( $devRes.JoinDomain -eq $true ) { if( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DomainName) ) { throw "ERROR: DomainName shall be specified to make a domain join." } $devRes.Domain = $DomainName if( -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DefaultDeviceOU) -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($devRes.OU)) { $devRes.OU = $DefaultDeviceOU } if( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($devRes.JoinRights) ) { $devRes.JoinRights = 'JoinOnly' } } if( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($devRes.PxePromptPolicy) ) { $devRes.PxePromptPolicy = 'NoPrompt' } $executionName = "wdsRes_$($devRes.DeviceName -replace '[().:\s]', '')" (Get-DscSplattedResource -ResourceName WdsDeviceReservation -ExecutionName $executionName -Properties $devRes -NoInvoke).Invoke($devRes) } } } |