
function Write-Interface {
        Creates an interface implementation that is backed by a PSObject
        Creates an interface implementation backed by a PSObject. All operations on the interface go straight to the PSObject, which lets you do two powerful things:
        - Implement interfaces in PowerShell
        - Test interfaces with a bad implementation, that does not implement certain overrides
        Write-Interface -interface ([IDisposable])

    # The type of an existing interface, for example, IDisposable
    # If set, compiles the interface

process {
   # If the FromObject parameter set is used, then quickly create a cache for the loaded types so that
   # we will not search through them each time.
   # Although all interfaces can be found with
   # [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain().GetAssemblies() | % { $_.GetTypes() } | ? { $_.IsInterface }
   # this operation will store them as a list.
   # As each interface is encountered, we will check a hashtable of the properties & methods of
   # each input object. When matches are encountered, the match will be added to a list of matching interfaces.
   # After all matches are cached, each type of
   switch ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
     FromObject {
         $loadedTypes = @{}         
     FromInterface {
         if (! $interface.IsInterface) { throw "Must provide an interface" }
         $requiredAssemblies = $interface.Assembly.Location, [object].Assembly.Location, [PSObject].Assembly.Location
         $ofs = ","          
         $methodCode = ""
         foreach ($method in ($interface.GetMethods()) ) {
             $parameterList =  $method.GetParameters() | % { "$_.Name" }
             $methodCode += @"
    public $method {
        return psObj.Methods.Item("$($method.Name)").Invoke($("$parameterList".Trim()));

         $propertyCode = ""
         foreach ($property in $interface.GetProperties()) {
    public $property {
        $(if ($property.CanRead) { "
        get { return psObj.Properties.Item(`"$($property.Name)`").Value; }"
        $(if ($property.CanWrite) { "
        set { psObj.Properties.Item(`"$($property.Name)`").Value = value; }"

$implementationCode = @"
using System;
using $($interface.Namespace);
using System.Management.Automation;
public class PsObject$($interface.Name) : $($interface.Name){
     public PsObject$($interface.Name) (PSObject object) { psObj = object}
if ($Compile) {
    Write-Verbose "Compiling $implementationCode"
    Add-Type -TypeDefinition $implementationCode         
} else {
