
function Save-CmdFav {
        Saves the CmdFav history cache to a specified configuration file.
        The Save-CmdFav function saves the CmdFav history cache to a configuration file.
        The path and filename for the configuration file are determined by the CmdFav module settings.
        Saves the CmdFav history cache to the configured file.

    param (

    $configfile = Join-Path (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'CmdFav.HistorySave.Path') (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'CmdFav.HistorySave.File')
    Write-PSFMessage "Saving CmdFav History Cache to $configfile"
    Invoke-PSFProtectedCommand -Action "Saving CmdFav History Cache to $configfile" -ScriptBlock {
        Get-PSFConfig -Module 'CmdFav' -Name 'History' | Export-PSFConfig -OutPath $configfile