# Types.ps1 ## # Assumptions: # - AzureRM context is initialized # Design Considerations: # - Resources with globally unique names are given random IDs and should be accessed by resource group, not name # - Defining a class "Environment" will cause issues with System.Environment #> using namespace Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.SdkModels using namespace Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions using namespace System.Collections # required for importing types Import-Module "AzureRm" # where region-agnostic resources are defined $DefaultRegion = "West US 2" # string preceding a random string on underlying resource names $DefaultResourcePrefix = "cluster" # name of the blob storage container containing service artifacts $ArtifactContainerName = "artifacts" # name of the blob storage container containing VM images $ImageContainerName = "images" <# .SYNOPSIS Writes formatted execution status messages to the Information stream .DESCRIPTION Prepends message lines with execution information and timestamp .PARAMETER Message The message(s) logged to the Information stream. Objects are serialized before writing. .EXAMPLE "Hello", "World" | Write-Log #> function Write-Log { Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $Message ) begin { # 'Write-Log' seemingly nondeterministically appears in the call stack $stack = Get-PSCallStack | % {$_.Command} | ? {("<ScriptBlock>", "Write-Log") -notcontains $_} if ($stack) { [array]::reverse($stack) $stack = " | $($stack -join " > ")" } $timestamp = Get-Date -Format "T" } process { $Message = ($Message | Format-List | Out-String) -split "[\r\n]+" | ? {$_} $Message | % {Write-Information "[$timestamp$stack] $_" -InformationAction Continue} } } # abstract class ClusterResourceGroup { # Indentity vector [string[]]$Identity ClusterResourceGroup([string] $resourceGroupName) { $this.Identity = $resourceGroupName -split "-" } [void] Create() { if ($this.Exists()) { throw "Resource Group '$this' already exists" } $region = @{ $True = $this.Identity[2] $False = $script:DefaultRegion }[$this.Identity.Count -ge 3] New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $this -Location $region New-AzureRmStorageAccount ` -ResourceGroupName $this ` -Name ([ClusterResourceGroup]::NewResourceName()) ` -Location $region ` -Type "Standard_LRS" ` -EnableEncryptionService "blob" ` -EnableHttpsTrafficOnly $true New-AzureRmKeyVault ` -VaultName ([ClusterResourceGroup]::NewResourceName()) ` -ResourceGroupName $this ` -Location $region New-AzureStorageContainer ` -Context $this.GetStorageContext() ` -Name $script:ArtifactContainerName New-AzureStorageContainer ` -Context $this.GetStorageContext() ` -Name $script:ImageContainerName $parentId = ($this.Identity | Select -SkipLast 1) -join "-" if ($parentId) { $parent = [ClusterResourceGroup]::new($parentId) $parent.PropagateArtifacts() $parent.PropagateImages() $parent.PropagateSecrets() } } [bool] Exists() { $resourceGroup = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup ` -ResourceGroupName $this ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $resourceGroup -as [bool] } [ClusterResourceGroup[]] GetChildren() { $children = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup ` | % {$_.ResourceGroupName} ` | ? {$_ -match "^$this-[^-]+$"} ` | % {[ClusterResourceGroup]::new($_)} return @($children) } [ClusterResourceGroup[]] GetDescendants() { $children = $this.GetChildren() return $children + ($children | % {$_.GetDescendants()}) } [IStorageContext]$_StorageContext [IStorageContext] GetStorageContext() { if (-not $this._StorageContext) { $storageAccount = Get-AzureRmStorageAccount ` -ResourceGroupName $this $this._StorageContext = $storageAccount.Context } return $this._StorageContext } [void] NewImage([string[]] $WindowsFeature) { New-BakedImage ` -StorageContext $this.GetStorageContext() ` -WindowsFeature $WindowsFeature ` -StorageContainer $script:ImageContainerName } [void] PropagateArtifacts() { $this.PropagateBlobs($script:ArtifactContainerName) } [void] PropagateImages() { $this.PropagateBlobs($script:ImageContainerName) } [void] PropagateBlobs([string] $Container) { $children = $this.GetDescendants() if (-not $children) { return } $childContexts = $children.GetStorageContext() $artifactNames = Get-AzureStorageBlob ` -Container $Container ` -Context $this.GetStorageContext() ` | % {$_.Name} # async start copying blobs $pendingBlobs = [ArrayList]::new() foreach ($childContext in $childContexts) { foreach ($artifactName in $artifactNames) { $childBlob = Get-AzureStorageBlob ` -Context $childContext ` -Container $Container ` -Blob $artifactName ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $childBlob) { $childBlob = Start-AzureStorageBlobCopy ` -Context $this.GetStorageContext() ` -DestContext $childContext ` -SrcContainer $Container ` -DestContainer $Container ` -SrcBlob $artifactName ` -DestBlob $artifactName $pendingBlobs.Add($childBlob) } } } # block until all copies are complete foreach ($blob in $pendingBlobs) { Get-AzureStorageBlobCopyState ` -Context $blob.Context ` -Container $Container ` -Blob $blob.Name ` -WaitForComplete } $children.PropagateBlobs($Container) } [void] PropagateSecrets() { $children = $this.GetChildren() if (-not $children) { return } $keyVaultName = (Get-AzureRmKeyVault -ResourceGroupName $this).VaultName $childKeyVaultNames = $children ` | % {Get-AzureRmKeyVault -ResourceGroupName $_} ` | % {$_.VaultName} $secretNames = (Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $keyVaultName).Name foreach ($childKeyVaultName in $childKeyVaultNames) { foreach ($secretName in $secretNames) { $secret = Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret ` -VaultName $keyVaultName ` -Name $secretName Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret ` -VaultName $childKeyVaultName ` -Name $secretName ` -SecretValue $secret.SecretValue ` -ContentType $secret.Attributes.ContentType } } $children.PropagateSecrets() } # abstract [string] ToString() { return $this.Identity -join "-" } [Reflection.TypeInfo] InferType() { switch ($this.Identity.Count) { 1 {return [ClusterService]} 2 {return [ClusterFlightingRing]} 3 {return [ClusterEnvironment]} 4 {return [Cluster]} } throw "Cannot infer type of '$this'" return [void] } [void] UploadArtifact([string] $ArtifactPath) { Set-AzureStorageBlobContent ` -File $ArtifactPath ` -Container $script:ArtifactContainerName ` -Blob (Split-Path -Path $ArtifactPath -Leaf) ` -Context $this.GetStorageContext() ` -Force } static [string] NewResourceName() { $Length = 24 $allowedChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" $chars = 1..($Length - $script:DefaultResourcePrefix.Length) ` | % {Get-Random -Maximum $allowedChars.Length} ` | % {$allowedChars[$_]} return $script:DefaultResourcePrefix + ($chars -join '') } } class ClusterService : ClusterResourceGroup { [ValidatePattern("^[A-Z][A-z0-9]+$")] [string]$Service ClusterService([string] $resourceGroupName) : base($resourceGroupName) { $this.Service = $this.Identity } } class ClusterFlightingRing : ClusterResourceGroup { [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ClusterService]$Service [ValidatePattern("^[A-Z]{3,6}$")] [string]$FlightingRing ClusterFlightingRing([string] $resourceGroupName) : base($resourceGroupName) { $this.Service = [ClusterService]::new($this.Identity[0]) $this.FlightingRing = $this.Identity | Select -Last 1 } } class ClusterEnvironment : ClusterResourceGroup { [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ClusterFlightingRing]$FlightingRing [ValidatePattern("^[A-z][A-z0-9 ]+$")] [string]$Region ClusterEnvironment([string] $resourceGroupName) : base($resourceGroupName) { $this.FlightingRing = [ClusterFlightingRing]::new($this.Identity[0..1] -join "-") $this.Region = $this.Identity | Select -Last 1 } [Cluster] NewChildCluster() { $indexes = ($this.GetChildren() | % {[Cluster]::new($_)}).Index for ($index = 0; $index -in $indexes; $index++) {} $cluster = [Cluster]::new("$this-$index") $cluster.Create() return $cluster } } class Cluster : ClusterResourceGroup { [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ClusterEnvironment]$Environment [ValidateRange(0, 255)] [int]$Index Cluster([string] $resourceGroupName) : base($resourceGroupName) { $this.Environment = [ClusterEnvironment]::new($this.Identity[0..2] -join "-") $this.Index = $this.Identity | Select -Last 1 } [void] Create() { ([ClusterResourceGroup]$this).Create() New-AzureStorageContainer ` -Context $this.GetStorageContext() ` -Name "configuration" New-AzureStorageContainer ` -Context $this.GetStorageContext() ` -Name "disks" } [string] GetConfig([string]$DefinitionsContainer, [string]$FileExtension) { ($service, $flightingRing, $region, $index) = $this.Identity $config = $service, "Default" ` | % {"$_.$flightingRing.$region", "$_.$flightingRing", $_} ` | % {"$DefinitionsContainer\$_.$FileExtension"} ` | ? {Test-Path $_} ` | Select -First 1 return $config } [PSResourceGroupDeployment] PublishConfiguration([string]$DefinitionsContainer, [datetime]$Expiry) { $context = $this.GetStorageContext() # build url components $vhdContainer = "$($context.BlobEndpoint)disks/" $sasToken = New-AzureStorageContainerSASToken ` -Context $context ` -Container "configuration" ` -Permission "r" ` -ExpiryTime $expiry # template deployment parameters $deploymentParams = @{ ResourceGroupName = $this TemplateFile = $this.GetConfig($DefinitionsContainer, "template.json") Environment = $this.Environment VhdContainer = $vhdContainer SasToken = $sasToken } # package and upload DSC $dscFile = $this.GetConfig($DefinitionsContainer, "dsc.ps1") if ($dscFile) { $publishDscParams = @{ ConfigurationPath = $dscFile OutputArchivePath = "$env:TEMP\dsc.zip" Force = $true } $dscConfigDataFile = $this.GetConfig($DefinitionsContainer, "dsc.psd1") if ($dscConfigDataFile) { $publishDscParams["ConfigurationDataPath"] = $dscConfigDataFile } Publish-AzureRmVMDscConfiguration @publishDscParams Set-AzureStorageBlobContent ` -File "$env:TEMP\dsc.zip" ` -Container "configuration" ` -Blob "dsc.zip" ` -Context $context ` -Force $deploymentParams["DscUrl"] = "$($context.BlobEndpoint)configuration/dsc.zip" $deploymentParams["DscFileName"] = Split-Path -Path $dscFile -Leaf $deploymentParams["DscHash"] = (Get-FileHash "$env:TEMP\dsc.zip").Hash.Substring(0, 50) } # package and upload CSE $cseFile = $this.GetConfig($DefinitionsContainer, "cse.ps1") if ($cseFile) { Set-AzureStorageBlobContent ` -File $cseFile ` -Container "configuration" ` -Blob "cse.ps1" ` -Context $context ` -Force $deploymentParams["CseUrl"] = "$($context.BlobEndPoint)configuration/cse.ps1" } # template parameters $templateParameterFile = $this.GetConfig($DefinitionsContainer, "parameters.json") if ($templateParameterFile) { $deploymentParams["TemplateParameterFile"] = $templateParameterFile } # freeform json passed to the DSC $configJsonFile = $this.GetConfig($DefinitionsContainer, "config.json") if ($configJsonFile) { $deploymentParams["ConfigJson"] = Get-Content $configJsonFile -Raw } # baked Windows Image URL $images = Get-AzureStorageBlob ` -Context $this.GetStorageContext() ` -Container $script:ImageContainerName if ($images) { $imageName = $images | Sort LastModified -Descending | Select -First 1 | % Name $sasToken = New-AzureStorageContainerSASToken ` -Context $context ` -Container "images" ` -Permission "r" ` -ExpiryTime $expiry $deploymentParams["ImageUrl"] = "$($context.BlobEndPoint)images/$imageName$sasToken" } # deploy template return New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment ` -Name ((Get-Date -Format "s") -replace "[^\d]") ` @deploymentParams ` -Verbose ` -Force } } |