"$schema": "", "$id": "New-CmAzCoreMonitor", "type": "object", "title": "New-CmAzCoreMonitor", "description": "Settings Root.", "required": [ "name", "location", "advisorLowCPUThresholdPercentage", "service", "alerts" ], "properties": { "component": { "$id": "#/component", "type": ["string", "null"], "title": "Component", "description": "Value to determine what cmdlet should be dynamically loaded for these settings." }, "name": { "$id": "#/name", "type": "string", "title": "Name", "description": "Becomes part of the generated names for all deployed resources." }, "location": { "$id": "#/location", "type": "string", "title": "Location", "description": "Location for all resource deployments." }, "advisorLowCPUThresholdPercentage": { "$id": "#/advisorLowCPUThresholdPercentage", "type": "integer", "title": "AdvisorLowCPUThresholdPercentage", "description": "Set the cpu threshold for Azure Advisor.", "Enum": [0, 5, 10, 15, 20] }, "service": { "$id": "#/service", "type": "object", "title": "Service", "description": "Contains dependency and publish details for service location.", "required": [ "publish", "dependencies" ], "properties": { "publish": { "$id": "#/service/publish", "type": "object", "title": "Publish", "description": "Contains publish details for service location.", "required": [ "keyvaultAdminAlert", "resourceHealthAlert", "serviceHealthAlert", "appInsights", "resourceGroup", "solution", "storage", "workspace" ], "properties": { "actionGroup": { "$id": "#/service/publish/actionGroup", "type": ["string", "null"], "title": "ActionGroup", "description": "Global default value to publish on deployed resource type." }, "keyvaultAdminAlert": { "$id": "#/service/publish/keyvaultAdminAlert", "type": "string", "title": "KeyvaultAdminAlert", "description": "Value to publish on deployed resource type." }, "resourceHealthAlert": { "$id": "#/service/publish/resourceHealthAlert", "type": "string", "title": "ResourceHealthAlert", "description": "Value to publish on deployed 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"additionalProperties": false }, "dependencies": { "$id": "#/service/dependencies", "type": "object", "title": "Dependencies", "description": "Contains dependency details for service location.", "required": [ "keyvault" ], "properties": { "keyvault": { "$id": "#/service/dependencies/keyvault", "type": "string", "title": "Keyvault", "description": "Dependency value to fetch existing resource type." } }, "additionalProperties": false } }, "additionalProperties": false }, "alerts": { "$id": "#/alerts", "type": "object", "title": "Alerts", "description": "Details required to deploy all alerts.", "required": [ "keyvaultAdmin", "resourceHealth", "serviceHealth" ], "properties": { "keyvaultAdmin": { "$id": "#/alerts/keyvaultAdmin", "type": "object", "title": "KeyvaultAdmin", "description": "Contains details required to deploy a activity log alert for administration operations on a key vault.", "required": [ "actionGroupName" ], "properties": { "actionGroupName": { "$id": "#/alerts/keyvaultAdmin/actionGroupName", "type": "string", "title": "ActionGroupName", "description": "Part of the name of the action group to link the alert to, needs to match the name of an action group below." }, "enabled": { "$id": "#/alerts/keyvaultAdmin/enabled", "type": ["boolean", "null"], "title": "Enabled", "description": "If the alert is enabled ot not.", "default": false } }, "additionalProperties": false }, "resourceHealth": { "$id": "#/alerts/resourceHealth", "type": "object", "title": "ResourceHealth", "description": "Contains details required to deploy a resource health alert for all applicable core resources.", "required": [ "actionGroupName" ], "properties": { "actionGroupName": { "$id": "#/alerts/resourceHealth/actionGroupName", "type": "string", "title": "ActionGroupName", "description": "Part of the name of the action group to link the alert to, needs to match the name of an action group below." }, "enabled": { "$id": "#/alerts/resourceHealth/enabled", "type": ["boolean", "null"], "title": "Enabled", "description": "If the alert is enabled ot not.", "default": false } }, "additionalProperties": false }, "serviceHealth": { "$id": "#/alerts/serviceHealth", "type": "object", "title": "ServiceHealth", "description": "Contains details required to deploy a service health alert for all services and all chosen locations...", "required": [ "actionGroupName" ], "properties": { "actionGroupName": { "$id": "#/alerts/serviceHealth/actionGroupName", "type": "string", "title": "ActionGroupName", "description": "Part of the name of the action group to link the alert to, needs to match the name of an action group below." }, "impactedLocations": { "$id": "#/alerts/serviceHealth/impactedLocations", "type": ["array", "null"], "title": "ImpactedLocations", "description": "Locations the service health alerts are applicable for.", "items": { "$id": "#/alerts/serviceHealth/impactedLocations/items", "allOf": [ { "$id": "#/alerts/serviceHealth/impactedLocations/items/allOf", "type": "string" } ] } }, "enabled": { "$id": "#/alerts/serviceHealth/enabled", "type": ["boolean", "null"], "title": "Enabled", "description": "If the alert is enabled ot not.", "default": false } }, "additionalProperties": false } }, "additionalProperties": false }, "actionGroups": { "$id": "#/actionGroups", "type": "array", "title": "ActionGroups", "description": "All details required to deploy multiple action groups.", "items": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items", "minLength" : 1, "allOf": [ { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf", "type": "object", "required": [ "name", "shortname" ], "properties": { "name": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/name", "type": "string", "title": "Name", "description": "Becomes part of the generated action group's name." }, "shortname": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/shortname", "type": "string", "title": "Shortname", "description": "Friendly name for the action groups, used in emails/sms etc." 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"#/actionGroups/items/allOf/armRoles/items/allOf", "type": ["object", "null"], "required": [ "roleId" ], "properties": { "roleId": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/armRoles/items/allOf/roleId", "type": "string", "title": "RoleId", "description": "Arm role receiver id." } }, "additionalProperties": false } ] } }, "emails": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/emails", "type": ["array", "null"], "title": "Emails", "description": "All details required to deploy multiple email receivers.", "items": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/emails/items", "allOf": [ { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/emails/items/allOf", "type": ["object", "null"], "required": [ "emailAddress" ], "properties": { "emailAddress": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/emails/items/allOf/emailAddress", "type": "string", "title": "EmailAddress", "description": "The email address of this receiver." } }, "additionalProperties": false } ] } }, "functions": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/functions", "type": ["array", "null"], "title": "Functions", "description": "All details required to deploy multiple azure function receivers.", "items": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/functions/items", "allOf": [ { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/functions/items/allOf", "type": ["object", "null"], "required": [ "functionAppResourceId", "functionName", "httpTriggerUrl" ], "properties": { "functionAppResourceId": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/functions/items/allOf/functionAppResourceId", "type": "string", "title": "FunctionAppResourceId", "description": "Resource id of the azure function app." }, "functionName": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/functions/items/allOf/functionName", "type": "string", "title": "FunctionName", "description": "Name of the azure function app." }, "httpTriggerUrl": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/functions/items/allOf/httpTriggerUrl", "type": "string", "title": "HttpTriggerUrl", "description": "Url of the http trigger azure function." } }, "additionalProperties": false } ] } }, "itsm": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/itsm", "type": ["array", "null"], "title": "ITSM", "description": "All details required to deploy multiple itsm receivers.", "items": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/itsm/items", "allOf": [ { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/itsm/items/allOf", "type": ["object", "null"], "required": [ "workspaceId", "connectionId", "ticketConfiguration", "region" ], "properties": { "workspaceId": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/itsm/items/allOf/workspaceId", "type": "string", "title": "WorkspaceId", "description": "Log analytics workspace id." }, "connectionId": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/itsm/items/allOf/connectionId", "type": "string", "title": "ConnectionId", "description": "Unique id of the ITSM's connection defined in log analytics workpace." }, "ticketConfiguration": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/itsm/items/allOf/ticketConfiguration", "type": "string", "title": "TicketConfiguration", "description": "JSON blob for configuring the action of the ITSM." }, "region": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/itsm/items/allOf/region", "type": "string", "title": "Region", "description": "Log analytics workspace location." } }, "additionalProperties": false } ] } }, "logicApps": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/logicApps", "type": ["array", "null"], "title": "LogicApps", "description": "All details required to deploy multiple logic apps receivers.", "items": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/logicApps/items", "allOf": [ { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/logicApps/items/allOf", "type": ["object", "null"], "required": [ "resourceId", "callbackUrl" ], "properties": { "resourceId": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/itsm/items/allOf/resourceId", "type": "string", "title": "ResourceId", "description": "Resource id of the existing logic app." }, "callbackUrl": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/itsm/items/allOf/callbackUrl", "type": "string", "title": "CallbackUrl", "description": "The http trigger url of the existing logic app where the request is sent." } }, "additionalProperties": false } ] } }, "notifications": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/notifications", "type": ["array", "null"], "title": "Notifications", "description": "All details required to deploy multiple notification receivers.", "items": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/notifications/items", "allOf": [ { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/notifications/items/allOf", "type": ["object", "null"], "required": [ "emailAddress" ], "properties": { "emailAddress": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/notifications/items/allOf/emailAddress", "type": "string", "title": "EmailAddress", "description": "Address for the azure mobile app." } }, "additionalProperties": false } ] } }, "runbooks": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/runbooks", "type": ["array", "null"], "title": "Runbooks", "description": "All details required to deploy multiple runbook receivers.", "items": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/runbooks/items", "allOf": [ { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/runbooks/items/allOf", "type": ["object", "null"], "required": [ "automationAccountId", "runbookName", "webhookResourceId", "isGlobalRunbook" ], "properties": { "automationAccountId": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/runbooks/items/allOf/automationAccountId", "type": "string", "title": "AutomationAccountId", "description": "AThe resource id of the existing automation account." }, "runbookName": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/runbooks/items/allOf/runbookName", "type": "string", "title": "RunbookName", "description": "Name of the runbook in the above automation account." }, "webhookResourceId": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/runbooks/items/allOf/webhookResourceId", "type": "string", "title": "WebhookResourceId", "description": "Resource id of the webhook defined in the existing runbook." }, "isGlobalRunbook": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/runbooks/items/allOf/isGlobalRunbook", "type": "boolean", "title": "IsGlobalRunbook", "description": "If the runbook instance is global." }, "serviceUri": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/runbooks/items/allOf/serviceUri", "type": ["string", "null"], "title": "ServiceUri", "description": "The uri where the webhooks are sent." } }, "additionalProperties": false } ] } }, "sms": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/sms", "type": ["array", "null"], "title": "SMS", "description": "All details required to deploy multiple sms receivers.", "items": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/sms/items", "allOf": [ { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/sms/items/allOf", "type": ["object", "null"], "required": [ "countryCode", "phoneNumber" ], "properties": { "countryCode": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/sms/items/allOf/countryCode", "type": "string", "title": "CountryCode", "description": "Receiver's country code." }, "phoneNumber": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/sms/items/allOf/phoneNumber", "type": "string", "title": "PhoneNumber", "description": "Receiver's phone number." } }, "additionalProperties": false } ] } }, "voice": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/voice", "type": ["array", "null"], "title": "Voice", "description": "All details required to deploy multiple voice receivers.", "items": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/voice/items", "allOf": [ { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/voice/items/allOf", "type": ["object", "null"], "required": [ "countryCode", "phoneNumber" ], "properties": { "countryCode": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/voice/items/allOf/countryCode", "type": "string", "title": "CountryCode", "description": "Receiver's country code." }, "phoneNumber": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/voice/items/allOf/phoneNumber", "type": "string", "title": "PhoneNumber", "description": "Receiver's phone number." } }, "additionalProperties": false } ] } }, "webhooks": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/webhooks", "type": ["array", "null"], "title": "Webhook", "description": "All details required to deploy multiple webhook receivers.", "items": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/webhooks/items", "allOf": [ { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/webhooks/items/allOf", "type": ["object", "null"], "required": [ "serviceUri" ], "properties": { "serviceUri": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/webhooks/items/allOf/serviceUri", "type": "string", "title": "ServiceUri", "description": "Where webhooks are dispatched to." }, "useAadAuth": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/webhooks/items/allOf/useAadAuth", "type": ["boolean", "null"], "title": "UseAadAuth", "description": "Utilise aad authentication." }, "objectId": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/webhooks/items/allOf/objectId", "type": ["string", "null"], "title": "ObjectId", "description": "Existing webhook app id." }, "identifierUri": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/webhooks/items/allOf/identifierUri", "type": ["string", "null"], "title": "IdentifierUri", "description": "Uri for aad authentication." }, "tenantId": { "$id": "#/actionGroups/items/allOf/webhooks/items/allOf/tenantId", "type": ["string", "null"], "title": "TenantId", "description": "Tenant id for aad authentication." } }, "additionalProperties": false } ] } } }, "additionalProperties": false } ] } } }, "additionalProperties": false } |