function New-CmAzIaasNetworking { <# .Synopsis Creates networking solution .Description Completes following: * Creates vnets and subnets. Optionally attach nsg and route tables to subnet. * Creates route tables and routes. * Creates network security groups. * Creates resource groups if doesn't exist. * Configure resources in mulitple resource groups at once. * Ability to optionally configure networking component independently. .Parameter SettingsFile File path for the settings file to be converted into a settings object. .Parameter VnetsCsvFile File path for the csv containing virtual network configurations. Required headers: resourceGroupName|location(optional)|vnetName|addressSpace|subnetName|cidr|networkSecurityGroup|routeTable. .Parameter RouteTablesCsvFile File path for the csv containing route table configurations. Required headers: resourceGroupName|location(optional)|tableName|routeName|cidr|nextHopType|nextHopIpAddress|notes .Parameter NsgsCsvFile File path for the csv containing virtual network security group configurations. Required headers: resourceGroupName|location(optional)|nsgName|ruleName|priority|direction|sourceIp|sourcePort|destinationIp|destinationPort|protocol|Access|Description .Parameter ResourceGroupsCsvFile File path for the csv containing resource Group and location mapping. By default location of first vnet is used to create resource group. Required headers: resourceGroupName|location .Parameter TagSettingsFile File path for settings containing tags definition. .Component IaaS .Example New-CmAzIaasNetworking -settingsFile "networking.yml" .Example New-CmAzIaasNetworking -VnetsCsvFile "vnet.csv" -RouteTablesCsvFile "routeTable.csv" -NsgsCsvFile "nsg.csv" -ResourceGroupCsvFile resourceGroup.csv -Confirm:$false .Example New-CmAzIaasNetworking -VnetsCsvFile "vnet.csv" -RouteTablesCsvFile "routeTable.csv" -NsgsCsvFile "nsg.csv" -Confirm:$false .Example New-CmAzIaasNetworking -RouteTablesCsvFile "routeTable.csv" -Confirm:$false #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = "High")] param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Settings Yml File")] [String]$SettingsFile, [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Settings CSV File")] [String]$VnetsCsvFile, [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Settings CSV File")] [String]$RouteTablesCsvFile, [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Settings CSV File")] [String]$NsgsCsvFile, [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Settings CSV File")] [String]$ResourceGroupsCsvFile, [String]$TagSettingsFile ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" try { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess((Get-CmAzSubscriptionName), "Create networking solution")) { if ($SettingsFile -and !$SettingsObject -and !$VnetsCsvFile -and !$RouteTablesCsvFile -and !$NsgsCsvFile ) { Write-Verbose "Importing setting from Yml file" $SettingsObject = Get-CmAzSettingsFile -Path $SettingsFile } elseif (!$SettingsFile -and !$SettingsObject -and !$VnetsCsvFile -and !$RouteTablesCsvFile -and !$NsgsCsvFile ) { Write-Error "No valid input settings." -Category InvalidArgument -CategoryTargetName "SettingsObject" } $resourceGroupObjectArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() # Code to Create Object from CSV if ($VnetsCsvFile -or $RouteTablesCsvFile -or $NsgsCsvFile -and !$SettingsObject) { if ($VnetsCsvFile) { Write-Verbose "Vnet CSV Found." $VnetsCsvFile = Resolve-FilePath -NestedFile $VnetsCsvFile $vnetObjectFile = Import-Csv -Path $VnetsCsvFile if ($vnetObjectFile.count -eq 1) { $vnetFile = @($vnetObjectFile) } else { $vnetFile = $vnetObjectFile } } else { Write-Verbose "Vnet CSV not found." $vnetFile = @() } if ($RouteTablesCsvFile) { Write-Verbose "Route Table CSV Found." $RouteTablesCsvFile = Resolve-FilePath -NestedFile $RouteTablesCsvFile $routeTablesFile = Import-Csv -Path $RouteTablesCsvFile } else { Write-Verbose "Route Table CSV not Found." $routeTablesFile = @() } if ($NsgsCsvFile) { Write-Verbose "Nsg CSV Found." $NsgsCsvFile = Resolve-FilePath -NestedFile $NsgsCsvFile $nsgFile = Import-Csv -Path $NsgsCsvFile } else { Write-Verbose "Nsg CSV Not Found." $nsgFile = @() } if ($ResourceGroupsCsvFile) { Write-Verbose "Resource Group CSV Found." $ResourceGroupsCsvFile = Resolve-FilePath -NestedFile $ResourceGroupsCsvFile $resourceGroupslocation = Import-Csv -Path $ResourceGroupsCsvFile } Write-Verbose "Starting file merge." [System.Collections.ArrayList]$mergedFile = $vnetFile + $nsgFile + $routeTablesFile if ($nsgFile) { $nsgCsv = $mergedFile | Group-Object nsgName foreach ($nsg in ($nsgCsv | Where-Object { $ -like "*.csv" } )) { Write-Verbose "NSG: external CSV detected" foreach ($externalNsg in $nsg.Group) { $interimNsgCsvPath = "$(Split-Path $NsgsCsvFile)/$($nsg.Name)" $interimNsgCsvPath | Write-Verbose $interimNsgFile = Import-Csv -Path $interimNsgCsvPath $interimNsg = $interimNsgFile | Group-Object nsgName $interimNsgObjectArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() foreach ($internalNsg in $interimNsg.Group) { $interimNsgObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ "resourceGroupName" = $internalNsg.resourceGroupName; "nsgName" = $internalNsg.nsgName; "location" = $internalNsg.location; "servicePublish" = $internalNsg.servicePublish; "resourceGroupServicePublish" = $internalNsg.resourceGroupServicePublish; "storageServiceDependency" = $internalNsg.storageServiceDependency; "workspaceServiceDependency" = $internalNsg.workspaceServiceDependency; "ruleName" = $externalNsg.ruleName; "priority" = $externalNsg.priority; "direction" = $externalNsg.direction; "sourceIp" = $externalNsg.sourceIp; "sourcePort" = $externalNsg.sourcePort; "destinationIp" = $externalNsg.destinationIp; "destinationPort" = $externalNsg.destinationPort; "protocol" = $externalNsg.protocol; "Access" = $externalNsg.Access; "Description" = $externalNsg.Description } $interimNsgObjectArray.add($interimNsgObject) > $Null } Write-Verbose "Starting merge.." $mergedFile.Remove($externalNsg) $mergedFile += $interimNsgObjectArray } } } $resourceGroupsFile = $mergedFile | Group-Object -Property resourceGroupName # Code to add vnet in the object function subnetObject { param( [Object]$subnetGroup, [String]$subnetName ) $subnetObject = @{ subnetName = $subnetName; cidr = $subnetGroup.cidr; networkSecurityGroup = $subnetGroup.networkSecurityGroup; routeTable = $subnetGroup.routeTable; } $subnetObject } function vnetObject { param( [Object]$vnetGroup, [String]$vnetName ) $subnetObjectList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $subnetGroup = $vnetGroup | Group-Object subnetName foreach ($subnet in $subnetGroup) { $subnetObject = subnetObject -subnetGroup $subnet.Group -subnetName $subnet.Name $subnetObjectList.Add($subnetObject) > $Null } if ($vnetGroup.addressSpace -is [array]) { $addressSpace = $vnetGroup.addressSpace[0].ToString().split('|') } else { $addressSpace = $vnetGroup.addressSpace.ToString().split('|') } if ($vnetGroup.dnsServers -and $vnetGroup.dnsServers -ne '') { if ($vnetGroup.dnsServers -is [array]) { $dnsServers = $vnetGroup.dnsServers[0].ToString().split('|') } else { $dnsServers = $vnetGroup.dnsServers.ToString().split('|') } } else { $dnsServers = "" } if ($vnetGroup.virtualnetworkpeers -and $vnetGroup.virtualnetworkpeers -ne '') { if ($vnetGroup.virtualnetworkpeers -is [array]) { $virtualnetworkpeers = $vnetGroup.virtualnetworkpeers[0].ToString().split('|') } else { $virtualnetworkpeers = $vnetGroup.virtualnetworkpeers.ToString().split('|') } } else { $virtualnetworkpeers = @() } if ($vnetGroup.location -is [array]) { $location = $vnetGroup.location[0] } else { $location = $vnetGroup.location } if ($vnetGroup.servicePublish -is [array]) { $servicePublish = $vnetGroup.servicePublish[0] } else { $servicePublish = $vnetGroup.servicePublish } if ($vnetGroup.resourceGroupServicePublish -is [array]) { $resourceGroupServicePublish = $vnetGroup.resourceGroupServicePublish[0] } else { $resourceGroupServicePublish = $vnetGroup.resourceGroupServicePublish } $vnetObject = @{ vnetName = $vnetName; addressSpace = $addressSpace; dnsServers = $dnsServers; subnets = $subnetObjectList; location = $location; virtualnetworkpeers = $virtualnetworkpeers service = @{ publish = @{ vnet = $servicePublish; resourceGroup = $resourceGroupServicePublish } } } $vnetObject } # Code to add UDR in the object function routeObject { param( [Object]$routeGroup, [String]$routeName ) $routeObject = @{ routeName = $routeName; cidr = $routeGroup.cidr; nextHopType = $routeGroup.nextHopType; nextHopIpAddress = $routeGroup.nextHopIpAddress } $routeObject } function routeTableObject { param( [Object]$routeTableGroup, [String]$tableName ) $routeObjectList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $routeGroup = $routeTableGroup | Group-Object routeName foreach ($route in $routeGroup) { $routeObject = routeObject -routeGroup $route.Group -routeName $route.Name $routeObjectList.Add($routeObject) > $Null } if ($routeTableGroup.location -is [array]) { $location = $routeTableGroup.location[0] } else { $location = $routeTableGroup.location } if ($routeTableGroup.routePropagation -is [array]) { $routePropagation = $routeTableGroup.routePropagation[0] } else { $routePropagation = $routeTableGroup.routePropagation } [bool]::TryParse($routePropagation, [ref]$routePropagation) > $Null if ($routeTableGroup.servicePublish -is [array]) { $servicePublish = $routeTableGroup.servicePublish[0] } else { $servicePublish = $routeTableGroup.servicePublish } if ($routeTableGroup.resourceGroupServicePublish -is [array]) { $resourceGroupServicePublish = $routeTableGroup.resourceGroupServicePublish[0] } else { $resourceGroupServicePublish = $routeTableGroup.resourceGroupServicePublish } $routeTableObject = @{ tableName = $tableName; routePropagation = $routePropagation; routes = $routeObjectList; location = $location; service = @{ publish = @{ routeTable = $servicePublish; resourceGroup = $resourceGroupServicePublish } } } $routeTableObject } # Code to add Nsg rules in the object function nsgruleObject { param( [Object]$nsgGroupObject ) $nsgruleObject = @{ ruleName = $nsgGroupObject.ruleName; Description = $nsgGroupObject.Description; priority = $nsgGroupObject.priority; direction = $nsgGroupObject.direction; sourceIp = $nsgGroupObject.sourceIp.ToString().split(','); sourcePort = $nsgGroupObject.sourcePort.ToString().split(','); destinationIp = $nsgGroupObject.destinationIp.ToString().split(','); destinationPort = $nsgGroupObject.destinationPort.ToString().split(','); protocol = $nsgGroupObject.protocol; Access = $nsgGroupObject.Access } $nsgruleObject } function nsgObject { param( [Object]$nsgGroup, [String]$nsgName ) $nsgruleObjectList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $nsgGroupObject = $nsgGroup | Group-Object ruleName foreach ($nsg in $nsgGroupObject) { if ($nsg -is [array]) { Write-Error "Rule name not unique : '$($nsg.Name) in '$($nsg.Group.nsgName[0])' for Resource Group: '$($nsg.Group.resourceGroupName[0])'" -CategoryTargetName $nsg.Name -ErrorAction Stop } $nsgruleObject = nsgruleObject -nsgGroupObject $nsg.Group $nsgruleObjectList.Add($nsgruleObject) > $Null } if ($nsgGroup.location -is [array]) { $location = $nsgGroup.location[0] } else { $location = $nsgGroup.location } if ($nsgGroup.servicePublish -is [array]) { $servicePublish = $nsgGroup.servicePublish[0] } else { $servicePublish = $nsgGroup.servicePublish } if ($nsgGroup.resourceGroupServicePublish -is [array]) { $resourceGroupServicePublish = $nsgGroup.resourceGroupServicePublish[0] } else { $resourceGroupServicePublish = $nsgGroup.resourceGroupServicePublish } if ($nsgGroup.storageServiceDependency -is [array]) { $storageServiceDependency = $nsgGroup.storageServiceDependency[0] } else { $storageServiceDependency = $nsgGroup.storageServiceDependency } if ($nsgGroup.workspaceServiceDependency -is [array]) { $workspaceServiceDependency = $nsgGroup.workspaceServiceDependency[0] } else { $workspaceServiceDependency = $nsgGroup.workspaceServiceDependency } $nsgObject = @{ nsgName = $nsgName; rules = $nsgruleObjectList; location = $location; service = @{ publish = @{ networkSecurityGroup = $servicePublish; resourceGroup = $resourceGroupServicePublish }; dependencies = @{ storage = $storageServiceDependency; workspace = $workspaceServiceDependency; } } } $nsgObject } # Create a unified Resource Group collection foreach ($ResourceGroup in ($resourceGroupsFile | Where-Object { $_.Name -notlike '' })) { if ($ResourceGroup.Name) { Write-Verbose "working for $($ResourceGroup.Name)" # Adding Vnets if ($VnetsCsvFile) { $vnetsGroup = $ResourceGroup.Group | Group-Object vnetName if (!$ { Write-Error "Problem found in `"$($VnetsCsvFile)`". No route tables found. Please check the file." -Category ObjectNotFound -TargetObject $vnetsGroup } Write-Verbose "'$($ResourceGroup.Name)' has vnets = '$($($vnetsGroup.Name -notlike '').count)'" $vnetObjectArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() foreach ($vnet in $vnetsGroup) { if ($ { $vnetObject = vnetObject -vnetGroup $vnet.Group -vnetName $vnet.Name Write-Verbose "Adding vnet = '$($vnet.Name)' to RG = '$($ResourceGroup.Name)'" $vnetObjectArray.Add($vnetObject) > $Null } } } # Adding UDR if ($RouteTablesCsvFile) { $routeTableGroup = $ResourceGroup.Group | Group-Object tableName if (!$ { Write-Error "Problem found in `"$($RouteTablesCsvFile)`". No route tables found. Please check the file." -Category ObjectNotFound -TargetObject $routeTableGroup } Write-Verbose "'$($ResourceGroup.Name)' has route tables = '$($($routeTableGroup.Name -notlike '').count)'" $routeTableObjectArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() foreach ($routeTable in $routeTableGroup) { if ($ { $routeTableObject = routeTableObject -routeTableGroup $routeTable.Group -tableName $routeTable.Name Write-Verbose "Adding UDR = '$($routeTable.Name)' to RG = '$($ResourceGroup.Name)'" $routeTableObjectArray.Add($routeTableObject) > $Null } } } # Adding NSG if ($NsgsCsvFile) { $nsgGroup = $ResourceGroup.Group | Group-Object nsgName if (!$ { Write-Error "Problem found in `"$($NsgsCsvFile)`". No network security groups found. Please check the file." -Category ObjectNotFound -TargetObject $nsgGroup } Write-Verbose "'$($ResourceGroup.Name)' has network security groups = '$($($nsgGroup.Name -notlike '').count)'" $nsgObjectArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() foreach ($nsg in $nsgGroup) { if ($ { $nsgObject = nsgObject -nsgGroup $nsg.Group -nsgName $nsg.Name Write-Verbose "Adding nsg = '$($nsg.Name)' to RG = '$($ResourceGroup.Name)'" $nsgObjectArray.Add($nsgObject) > $Null } } } # Default values if required for ARM template sanity checks if (!$vnetObjectArray) { $vnetObjectArray = @(@{vnetName = "none"; vnetPeerings = @(); location = ""; dnsServers = ""; addressSpace = @(""); subnets = @(@{subnetName = "none"; cidr = "" }); service = @{publish = @{vnet = "" } } }) } if (!$routeTableObjectArray) { $routeTableObjectArray = @(@{tableName = "none"; location = ""; routes = @(@{routeName = "none"; cidr = ""; nextHopType = "VirtualAppliance"; nextHopIpAddress = "" }); service = @{publish = @{routeTable = "" } } }) } if (!$nsgObjectArray) { $nsgObjectArray = @(@{nsgName = "none"; location = ""; rules = @(@{ruleName = "none"; description = "none"; priority = "none"; direction = "none"; sourceIp = ""; sourcePort = 3389; destinationIp = ""; destinationPort = 3389; protocol = "Tcp"; Access = "allow" }); service = @{publish = @{networkSecurityGroup = "" } } }) } # Build Resource Group Config $ifResourceGroupExists = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroup.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (!$ifResourceGroupExists) { $RGlocation = ($resourceGroupslocation | Where-Object { $_.resourceGroupName -like $ResourceGroup.Name }).location $resourceGroupServicePublish = ($resourceGroupslocation | Where-Object { $_.resourceGroupName -like $ResourceGroup.Name }).resourceGroupServicePublish if (!$RGlocation -and $vnetObjectArray[0].location ) { $RGlocation = $vnetObjectArray[0].location } if (!$RGlocation) { Write-Error "Resource Group $($ResourceGroup.Name) doesnt exist and a location is also not provided to create one." } if (!$resourceGroupServicePublish) { $resourceGroupServicePublish = $vnetObjectArray.service.publish.resourceGroup | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '' } } if (!$resourceGroupServicePublish) { $resourceGroupServicePublish = $routeTableObjectArray.service.publish.resourceGroup | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '' } } if (!$resourceGroupServicePublish) { $resourceGroupServicePublish = $nsgObjectArray.service.publish.resourceGroup | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '' } } if (!$resourceGroupServicePublish) { Write-Error "Resource Group $($ResourceGroup.Name) doesn't exist and need to be created. Please provide Resource Group Service to Publish." } if ($resourceGroupServicePublish -is [array]) { [String]$resourceGroupServicePublishString = $resourceGroupServicePublish[0] } else { [String]$resourceGroupServicePublishString = $resourceGroupServicePublish } $createRG = $true $service = @{ publish = @{ resourceGroup = $resourceGroupServicePublishString } } } else { $RGlocation = $ifResourceGroupExists.location $createRG = $false $service = @{ publish = @{ resourceGroup = "none" } } } # Adding Objects to resourceGroup Object Write-Verbose "Adding '$($ResourceGroup.Name)' to Resource Group Object List" $ResourceGroupObject = @{ resourceGroup = @{ name = $ResourceGroup.Name; location = $RGlocation; service = $service; createRG = $createRG; }; vnets = $vnetObjectArray; routeTables = $routeTableObjectArray; networkSecurityGroups = $nsgObjectArray } $resourceGroupObjectArray.Add($ResourceGroupObject) > $Null Write-Verbose "'$($ResourceGroup.Name)' Added" } } } # Code to Create Object from Yml if ($SettingsObject) { function createNetworkObjectFromYml { param ( [string] $YmlFilePath, [string] $ObjectType, [Boolean] $hasGroups ) if ($_.contains('/') -or $_.contains('\')) { $interimPath = Resolve-FilePath -NestedFile $YmlFilePath } else { $interimPath = "$(Split-Path $SettingsFile)/$ObjectType/$YmlFilePath" } if (!$interimPath.contains('.yml')){ $interimPath = "$interimPath.yml" } try { $returnObject = Get-CmAzSettingsFile -Path $interimPath } catch { try { $interimPath.replace('/', '\') $returnObject = Get-CmAzSettingsFile -Path $interimPath } catch { throw "Not able to find file $YmlFilePath" } } if ($hasGroups) { ForEach ($object in $returnObject) { if ($ObjectType -eq "networkSecurityGroups") { $groupName = "ruleGroup" $childObject = "rules" } elseif ($ObjectType -eq "routeTables") { $groupName = "routeGroup" $childObject = "routes" } if ($object.$groupName) { $object.$groupName | ForEach-Object { try { $interimGroupPath = "$(Split-Path $interimPath)/groups/$_" if (!$interimGroupPath.contains('.yml')){ $interimGroupPath = "$interimGroupPath.yml" } $returnObjectGroup = Get-CmAzSettingsFile -Path $interimGroupPath } catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException] { try { $interimGroupPath.replace('/', '\') $returnObjectGroup = Get-CmAzSettingsFile -Path $interimGroupPath } catch { throw "Not able to find file at $interimGroupPath." } } $object.$childObject += $returnObjectGroup } $object.remove($groupName) } } } return $returnObject } $SettingsObject.networking | ForEach-Object { $vnetObjectArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $routeTableObjectArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $nsgObjectArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $ResourceGroup = $_.ResourceGroupName $GlobalServiceContainer = $_ # Set Vnet object if ($_.vnets) { Write-Verbose "Importing virtual networks ..." $_.vnets | ForEach-Object { $vnetObjectYml = createNetworkObjectFromYml -YmlFilePath $_ -ObjectType "vnets" -hasGroups $false if (!$vnetObjectYml.subnets) { Write-Error "$($vnetObjectYml.vnetName) is missing subnet configuration." } $vnetObjectYml.subnets | Where-Object { !$_.networkSecurityGroup } | ForEach-Object { $_.networkSecurityGroup = "" } $vnetObjectYml.subnets | Where-Object { !$_.routeTable } | ForEach-Object { $_.routeTable = "" } $vnetObjectYml | Where-Object { !$_.location } | ForEach-Object { $_.location = "" } $vnetObjectYml | Where-Object { !$_.dnsServers } | ForEach-Object { $_.dnsServers = "" } $vnetObjectYml | Where-Object { !$_.virtualNetworkPeers } | ForEach-Object { $_.virtualNetworkPeers = @() } $vnetObjectYml | ForEach-Object { Set-GlobalServiceValues -GlobalServiceContainer $GlobalServiceContainer -ServiceKey "vnet" -ResourceServiceContainer $_ } $vnetObjectArray += $vnetObjectYml Write-Verbose "Vnets from $_ added to '$ResourceGroup'" } } # Set Route Table Object if ($_.routeTables) { Write-Verbose "Importing route tables..." $_.routeTables | ForEach-Object { $routeTableObjectYml = createNetworkObjectFromYml -YmlFilePath $_ -ObjectType "routeTables" -hasGroups $true $routeTableObjectYml | Where-Object { !$_.location } | ForEach-Object { $_.location = "" } $routeTableObjectYml | Where-Object { !$_.routePropagation } | ForEach-Object { $_.routePropagation = $false } $routeTableObjectYml | ForEach-Object { Set-GlobalServiceValues -GlobalServiceContainer $GlobalServiceContainer -ServiceKey "routeTable" -ResourceServiceContainer $_ } $routeTableObjectArray += $routeTableObjectYml Write-Verbose "Route tables from $_ added to '$ResourceGroup'" } } # Set network Security group Object if ($_.networkSecurityGroups) { Write-Verbose "Importing network security groups..." $_.networkSecurityGroups | ForEach-Object { $nsgObjectYml = createNetworkObjectFromYml -YmlFilePath $_ -ObjectType "networkSecurityGroups" -hasGroups $true $nsgObjectYml | Where-Object { !$_.location } | ForEach-Object { $_.location = "" } $nsgObjectYml | ForEach-Object { Set-GlobalServiceValues -GlobalServiceContainer $GlobalServiceContainer -ServiceKey "networkSecurityGroup" -ResourceServiceContainer $_ } $nsgObjectArray += $nsgObjectYml Write-Verbose "Network Security Groups from $_ added to '$ResourceGroup'" } } # Default values if required for ARM template sanity checks if (!$vnetObjectArray) { $vnetObjectArray = @(@{vnetName = "none"; vnetPeerings = @(); location = ""; dnsServers = ""; addressSpace = @(""); subnets = @(@{subnetName = "none"; cidr = "" }); service = @{publish = @{vnet = "" } } }) } if (!$routeTableObjectArray) { $routeTableObjectArray = @(@{tableName = "none"; location = ""; routes = @(@{routeName = "none"; cidr = ""; nextHopType = "VirtualAppliance"; nextHopIpAddress = "" }); service = @{publish = @{routeTable = "" } } }) } if (!$nsgObjectArray) { $nsgObjectArray = @(@{nsgName = "none"; location = ""; rules = @(@{ruleName = "none"; description = "none"; priority = "none"; direction = "none"; sourceIp = ""; sourcePort = 3389; destinationIp = ""; destinationPort = 3389; protocol = "Tcp"; Access = "allow" }); service = @{publish = @{networkSecurityGroup = "" } } }) } # Build Resource Group Config $ifResourceGroupExists = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $_.resourceGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (!$ifResourceGroupExists) { $RGlocation = $_.location if (!$RGlocation -and $vnetObjectArray[0].location ) { $RGlocation = $vnetObjectArray[0].location } if (!$RGlocation) { Write-Error "Resource Group $($_.resourceGroupName) doesnt exist and a location is also not provided to create one." } if (!$_.service.publish.resourceGroup) { Write-Error "Resource Group doesn't exist and need to be created. Please provide Resource Group Service to Publish." } $createRG = $true $service = @{ publish = @{ resourceGroup = $_.service.publish.resourceGroup } } } else { $RGlocation = $ifResourceGroupExists.location $createRG = $false $service = @{ publish = @{ resourceGroup = "" } } } # Adding Objects to resourceGroup Object Write-Verbose "Adding '$ResourceGroup' to Resource Group Object List" $ResourceGroupObject = @{ resourceGroup = @{ name = $ResourceGroup; location = $RGlocation; createRG = $createRG; service = $service }; vnets = $vnetObjectArray; routeTables = $routeTableObjectArray; networkSecurityGroups = $nsgObjectArray } $resourceGroupObjectArray.Add($ResourceGroupObject) > $Null Write-Verbose "'$ResourceGroup' Added" } } # Arm Deployment Write-Verbose "Deploying resource groups..." New-AzDeployment ` -Name 'Cm_network_resource_group_deployment' ` -TemplateFile $PSScriptRoot\New-CmAzIaasNetworking.ResourceGroups.json ` -Location $resourceGroupObjectArray[0].resourceGroup.location ` -NetworkingArrayObject $resourceGroupObjectArray if ($resourceGroupObjectArray.networkSecurityGroups.nsgName[0] -ne 'none' -and $resourceGroupObjectArray.networkSecurityGroups.nsgName -ne 'none') { Write-Verbose "Nsgs found..." $storageServiceDependency = $ $workspaceServiceDependency = $SettingsObject.service.dependencies.workspace if (!$storageServiceDependency) { if ($ -is [array]) { $storageServiceDependency = $[0] } else { $storageServiceDependency = $ } } if (!$workspaceServiceDependency) { if ($resourceGroupObjectArray.networkSecurityGroups.service.dependencies.workspace -is [array]) { $workspaceServiceDependency = $resourceGroupObjectArray.networkSecurityGroups.service.dependencies.workspace[0] } else { $workspaceServiceDependency = $resourceGroupObjectArray.networkSecurityGroups.service.dependencies.workspace } } if (!$storageServiceDependency) { Write-Error "Please provide a storage service value." -Category InvalidArgument } if (!$workspaceServiceDependency) { Write-Error "Please provide a workspace service value." -Category InvalidArgument } $storageAccounts = Get-CmAzService -Service $storageServiceDependency -ThrowIfUnavailable $workspace = Get-CmAzService -Service $workspaceServiceDependency -ThrowIfUnavailable -ThrowIfMultiple foreach ($resourceGroupObject in $resourceGroupObjectArray) { foreach ($nsg in $resourceGroupObject.networkSecurityGroups) { $nsg.resourceGroup = $resourceGroupObject.resourceGroup if (!$nsg.location) { $nsg.location = $resourceGroupObject.resourceGroup.location } $filteredStorageAccounts = $storageAccounts | Where-Object { $_.location -eq $nsg.location } if ($filteredStorageAccounts -Is [array]) { $filteredStorageAccounts = $filteredStorageAccounts[0] } $nsg.storageAccountId = $ } } $networkWatcherResourceGroupName = "NetworkWatcherRG" New-AzResourceGroup -Location $workspace.location -Name $networkWatcherResourceGroupName -Force Write-Verbose "Deploying nsgs..." New-AzDeployment ` -TemplateFile $PSScriptRoot\New-CmAzIaasNetworking.Nsgs.json ` -Location $workspace.location ` -Locations ($resourceGroupObjectArray.networkSecurityGroups.location | Sort-Object | Get-Unique) ` -NetworkWatcherResourceGroupName $networkWatcherResourceGroupName ` -Nsgs $resourceGroupObjectArray.networkSecurityGroups ` -Workspace $workspace } Write-Verbose "Deploying vnets and udrs..." New-AzDeployment ` -TemplateFile $PSScriptRoot\New-CmAzIaasNetworking.json ` -Location $resourceGroupObjectArray[0].resourceGroup.location ` -NetworkingArrayObject $resourceGroupObjectArray if ($resourceGroupObjectArray.vnets.virtualnetworkpeers) { $filteredVnetObject = $resourceGroupObjectArray.vnets | Where-Object { $_.virtualnetworkpeers } $vnetPeeringsObjectArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() foreach ($Vnet in $filteredVnetObject) { foreach ($peeringVnet in $Vnet.virtualnetworkpeers) { $currentVnetObject = $resourceGroupObjectArray | Where-Object { $_.vnets.vnetname -eq $Vnet.vnetname } $peeringVnetObject = $resourceGroupObjectArray | Where-Object { $_.vnets.vnetname -eq $peeringVnet } $vnetPeeringsObject = @{ sourceVnetRg = $ sourceVnetName = $Vnet.vnetname TargetVnetName = $peeringVnet TargetVnetRg = $ TargetVnetAddressSpace = $peeringVnetObject.vnets.addressSpace } $vnetPeeringsObjectArray.Add($vnetPeeringsObject) > $Null } } Write-Verbose "Configuring vnet peerings..." New-AzDeployment ` -TemplateFile $PSScriptRoot\New-CmAzIaasNetworking.vnetPeerings.json ` -Location $resourceGroupObjectArray[0].resourceGroup.location ` -VnetPeeringsObjectArray $vnetPeeringsObjectArray } $resourceGroupsToSet = ($resourceGroupObjectArray.resourceGroup | Where-object -Property createRG -eq $true).name $resourceGroupsToSet += $networkWatcherResourceGroupName if ($resourceGroupsToSet) { Set-DeployedResourceTags -TagSettingsFile $TagSettingsFile -ResourceGroupIds $resourceGroupsToSet } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$resourcesToSet = @() $resourcesToSet += $resourceGroupObjectArray.vnets.vnetName | Where-Object { $_ -ne "none" } $resourcesToSet += $resourceGroupObjectArray.networkSecurityGroups.nsgName | Where-Object { $_ -ne "none" } $resourcesToSet += $resourceGroupObjectArray.routeTables.tableName | Where-Object { $_ -ne "none" } Set-DeployedResourceTags -TagSettingsFile $TagSettingsFile -ResourceIds $resourcesToSet Write-Verbose "Finished." } } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($PSItem) } } |