
function New-CmAzIaasVpnGw {

        Set Virtual private network Gateway in Azure Vnet
        Completes the following:
            * This script creates Vpn Gateways in provided Vnets.
            * Optionally configures P2s and S2s.
            * Secrets and certificates are securely retrieved from Keyvault
        .Parameter SettingsFile
        File path for the settings file to be converted into a settings object.
        .Parameter SettingsObject
        Object containing the configuration values required to run this cmdlet.
        New-CmAzIaasVpnGw -SettingsFile "VpnGw.yml"
        New-CmAzIaasVpnGw -SettingsObject $settings

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Settings File Path")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Settings Object")]

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    try {

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess((Get-CmAzSubscriptionName), "Set Virtual private network Gateway in Azure Vnet")) {

            if ($SettingsFile -and !$SettingsObject) {
                $SettingsObject = Get-CmAzSettingsFile -Path $SettingsFile
            elseif (!$SettingsFile -and !$SettingsObject) {
                Write-Error "No valid input settings." -Category InvalidArgument -CategoryTargetName "SettingsObject"

            $env:location = $SettingsObject.Location
            $SettingsObject.ResourceGroupName = (Get-CmAzService -Service $SettingsObject.ResourceGroupTag -isResourceGroup -ThrowIfUnavailable).ResourceGroupName
            $SettingsObject.SubscriptionID = (Get-AzSubscription).id

            $SettingsObject.VpnGw | ForEach-Object -Parallel {

                $_.VirtualNetworkName = (Get-CmAzService -Service $_.VnetTag -ThrowIfUnavailable).name
                $vnetObject = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $_.VirtualNetworkName

                # Check if "GatewaySubnet Exists"

                Write-Verbose "Checking if 'GatewaySubnet' exists in Vnet."
                $gatewaySubnet = Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "GatewaySubnet" -VirtualNetwork $vnetObject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                if (!$gatewaySubnet) {

                    Write-Verbose "GatewaySubnet not found."
                    if (!$_.GatewaySubnetPrefix) {
                        Write-Error "GatewaySubnet doesnt exist, please provide GatewaySubnetPrefix to create one." -TargetObject $_.GatewaySubnetPrefix

                    Write-Verbose "$($_.GatewaySubnetPrefix) will be used to create GatewaySubnet in Vnet"
                else {

                    Write-Verbose "GatewaySubnet Found!"
                    $_.GatewaySubnetPrefix = ""

                $_.GatewayPublicIpName = Get-CmAzResourceName `
                    -Resource "PublicIPAddress" `
                    -Architecture "IaaS" `
                    -Region $env:location `
                    -Name $_.GatewayName

                $_.GatewayName = Get-CmAzResourceName `
                    -Resource "VirtualNetworkGateway" `
                    -Architecture "IaaS" `
                    -Region $env:location `
                    -Name $_.GatewayName

                if (!$_.P2s.VpnAddressPool -or !$_.P2s.KeyVaultTag -or !$_.P2s.RootCertificateName) {

                    Write-Verbose "P2s configuration not found."
                    $_.P2s.VpnAddressPool = ""
                    $_.P2s.ClientRootCertData = ""
                    $_.P2s.RootCertificateName = ""
                else {

                    $keyVaultService = Get-CmAzService -Service $_.P2s.KeyVaultTag -ThrowIfUnavailable

                    # This approach is because Vpn Gw expects Raw certificate data
                    $keyVaultCertificateObject = Get-AzKeyVaultCertificate -VaultName $ -Name $_.P2s.RootCertificateName
                    $_.P2s.ClientRootCertData = [Convert]::ToBase64String($keyVaultCertificateObject.Certificate.GetRawCertData())

                    if (!$_.P2s.ClientRootCertData) {

                        Write-Verbose "Certificate Not Found! P2s will not be configured."
                        $_.P2s.VpnAddressPool = ""
                        $_.P2s.RootCertificateName = ""
                        $_.P2s.ClientRootCertData = ""
                    else {
                        Write-Verbose "Certificate $($_.P2s.RootCertificateName) found, p2s will be configured."
                if (!$_.S2s.ClientSitePublicIP -or !$_.S2s.CidrBlocks -or !$_.S2s.KeyVaultTag ) {

                    Write-Verbose "S2s configuration not found."
                    $_.S2s.CidrBlocks = @()
                    $_.S2s.ClientSitePublicIP = ""
                    $_.S2s.SharedKey = ""
                else {
                    # This apporach is because Key vault reference cannot be used directly in Arm template because of conflict with copy
                    # SharedKeyObject is created to resolve with CLIXML type of object created when you run Az commands.
                    $_.S2s.SharedKey = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
                    $_.S2s.SharedKeyObject = (Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Name $_.S2s.KeyVaultSecret -VaultName (Get-CmAzService -Service $_.S2s.KeyVaultTag -ThrowIfUnavailable).name).SecretValueText
                    $_.S2s.SharedKey.add($_.S2s.SharedKeyObject.ToString()) > $null

                    if (!$_.S2s.SharedKey) {

                        Write-Verbose "Secret could not be retrieved! S2s configuration will be skipped."
                        $_.S2s.CidrBlocks = @()
                        $_.S2s.ClientSitePublicIP = ""
                        $_.S2s.SharedKey = ""
                    else {
                        Write-Verbose "Secret '$($_.S2s.KeyVaultSecret)' was found, s2s will be configured."
                        $_.S2s.localGatewayName = Get-CmAzResourceName `
                            -Resource "LocalNetworkGateway" `
                            -Architecture "IaaS" `
                            -Region $env:location `
                            -Name $_.GatewayName

            New-AzResourceGroupDeployment `
                -ResourceGroupName $SettingsObject.ResourceGroupName `
                -TemplateFile "$PSScriptRoot\New-CmAzIaasVpnGw.json" `
                -VpnGwObject $SettingsObject `
                -Location $env:location `

            Write-Verbose "Finished!"
    catch {