function Set-CmAzContext { <# .Synopsis Sets the session context for subsequent session runs. .Description Sets the following in an globally accessible context: * Environment * Project root directory * Build number * Package name * Package version * Build repo name * Build definition name * Build definiton number * Date .Parameter Environment The environment in which the context is set, e.g prd, dev etc .Parameter ProjectRoot Where settings and resource files are created. .Parameter ProjectConfirmation Override for prompt to create a new project root, default is 'y'. .Parameter BuildId The identifier of the current build. .Parameter BuildRepoName The repository of the current build. .Parameter BuildDefinitionName The definition name of the current build. .Parameter BuildDefinitionNumber The definition number of the current build. .Component Common .Example Set-CmAzContext -ProjectRoot "C:/MyProject" .Example Set-CmAzContext ` -Environment "Development" -ProjectRoot "C:/MyProject" -ProjectConfirmation "y" -BuildId "0.0.2" -BuildRepoName "MyRepoName" -BuildDefinitionName "Manual" -BuildDefinitionNumber "1.0" #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidGlobalVars", "", Justification = "Using a global variable for session state")] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = "Low")] param( [string]$Environment = "Development", [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$ProjectRoot, [string]$ProjectConfirmation = "n", [string]$BuildId = "001", [string]$BuildRepoName = "Local", [string]$BuildDefinitionName = "Manual", [string]$BuildDefinitionNumber = "0.0.1" ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" try { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Environment:$Environment", "Set the session context")) { $dataFile = Import-PowerShellDataFile "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\Cloudmarque.Azure.psd1" $packageName = $dataFile.rootModule.TrimEnd(".psm1") $packageVersion = $dataFile.moduleVersion $date = get-date -UFormat "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z" $isValid = Test-Path -LiteralPath $ProjectRoot -IsValid if (!$isValid) { throw "Project root $ProjectRoot is not valid" } $exists = Test-Path -LiteralPath $ProjectRoot if (!$exists -and $ProjectConfirmation -eq "n") { $ProjectConfirmation = Read-Host -Prompt "Create new project root? [y/n] (Default: n)" } if ($ProjectConfirmation -eq "y") { New-CmAzProject -Project $ProjectRoot } $namingFile = "$ProjectRoot/_names/tokens.yml" $namingConventions = Get-CmAzSettingsFile -Path $namingFile if (!$namingConventions.environments[$Environment.ToLower()]) { throw "Environment does not exist!" } if ($CMAZ_CTX) { Clear-CmAzContext } $global:CMAZ_CTX = @{ Environment = $Environment; ProjectRoot = $ProjectRoot; PakageName = $packageName PackageVersion = $packageVersion; BuildId = $BuildId BuildRepoName = $BuildRepoName BuildDefinitionName = "$BuildDefinitionName ($BuildDefinitionNumber)" Date = $date } $global:CMAZ_CTX $env:CMAZ_CTX_ENV = ($global:CMAZ_CTX.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Key) = $($_.Value)" }) -join "`n" if(!(Test-Path $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost)) { New-Item $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost -ItemType File -Force } $contextValue = ($global:CMAZ_CTX.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Key) = `"$($_.Value)`"" }) -join ";" $profileValue = "`$global:CMAZ_CTX = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ $contextValue }" Add-Content -Path $Profile.CurrentUserCurrentHost -Value $profileValue } } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($PSitem); } } |