
function Get-CmAzResourceName {
     Generates a name for a resource based on predefined naming conventions.
     Returns a message, validating that the package has been correctly installed.
    .Parameter Resource
     The type of the resource.
    .Parameter Architecture
     Infrastructure the resource is used for.
    .Parameter Region
     Where the resource will be located.
    .Parameter Name
     Custom value to provide contextual value to the resource.
    .Parameter MaxLength
     Max length of the name to be generated.
    .Parameter IncludeBuild
     For VM and VMscalesets replaces hash with build ID. For all other resources appends build id to hash.
     Get-CmAzResourceName -Resource "ResourceGroup" -Architecture "Core" -Region "UK South" -Name "DocsWebsite"
     Output: rg-docswebsite-core-97547bfe
     Get-CmAzResourceName -Resource "VirtualMachine" -Architecture "Core" -Region "UK South" -Name "NewWebsite" -IncludeBuild
     Output: rg-newwebsite-core-2a04bdf4-001
     Get-CmAzResourceName -Resource "VirtualMachine" -Architecture "Core" -Region "UK South" -Name "mywindows" -IncludeBuild
     Output: vmmywindows001
     Get-CmAzResourceName -Resource "VirtualMachine" -Architecture "Core" -Region "UK South" -Name "mywindows"
     Output: vmmywindowsa941





    $SubscriptionName = (Get-AzContext).SubscriptionName,

    $IncludeBuild = $False,

    $MaxLength = 0
      $ctx = Get-CmAzContext -ThrowIfUnavailable

      $generators = Get-CmAzSettingsFile -Path "$($ctx.ProjectRoot)\_names\generators.yml";
      $tokens = Get-CmAzSettingsFile -Path "$($ctx.ProjectRoot)\_names\tokens.yml";
      $regions = Get-CmAzSettingsFile -Path "$($ctx.ProjectRoot)\_names\regions.yml";
      $resources = Get-CmAzSettingsFile -Path "$($ctx.ProjectRoot)\_names\resources.yml";
      $buildId = (Get-CmAzContext).BuildId

      $generatedName = "";
      $nameSegments = @();

      $regionConvention = $regions.regions | Where-Object { $ -Eq $Region }

      if (!($regionConvention)) {
        throw "No regional naming convention found in _names\regions.yml for '$Region'"

      $resourceConvention = $resources.resources | Where-Object { $ -Eq $Resource }

      $resourceShortname = $resources.defaults.shortname;
      $generator = $resources.defaults.generator;

      # We found a resource-based convention, which probably has its own generator.
      if ($resourceConvention) {
        $generator = $resourceConvention.generator;
        $resourceShortname = $resourceConvention.shortname;
          $MaxLength = $resourceConvention.maxLength;
        Write-Verbose "Found resource-based convention for $Resource ($resourceShortname), selecting generator $generator";
      else {
        Write-Verbose "No resource-based convention for $Resource ($resourceShortname), defaulting to generator $generator";

      $gen = $generators.formats | Where-Object { $ -Eq $generator }

      if (!$gen) {
        throw "_naming/resources.yml refers to a generator $generator which does not exist in _naming/generators.yml"

      foreach ($component in $gen.components) {
        switch ($component.source) {
          "organisation" { $nameSegments += $tokens.organisation}
          "project" { $nameSegments += $tokens.project }
          "architecture" { $nameSegments += $tokens.architecture[$Architecture.ToLower()] }
          "environment" { $nameSegments += $tokens.environments[$ctx.Environment.ToLower()] }
          "resource" { $nameSegments += $resourceShortname }
          "region" { $nameSegments += $regionConvention.shortname }
          "name" { $nameSegments += $Name.ToLower() }
          "subscriptionName" { $nameSegments += $SubscriptionName[0..3]}
          "buildId" {
                $nameSegments += $buildId
                $hash = $nameSegments -Join $gen.separator
                $hash += "|" + $settings.tokens.salt

                $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($hash)
                $algorithm = [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create("MD5")
                $sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder

                $algorithm.ComputeHash($bytes) |
                ForEach-Object {
                    $null = $sb.Append($_.ToString("x2"))
                $hashLength = if ($component.maxLength) { $component.maxLength } else { 8 }
                $nameSegments += $sb.ToString().Substring(0, $hashLength)
          "hash" {

            $hash = $nameSegments -Join $gen.separator
            $hash += "|" + $settings.tokens.salt

            $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($hash)
            $algorithm = [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create("MD5")
            $sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder

            $algorithm.ComputeHash($bytes) |
            ForEach-Object {
                $null = $sb.Append($_.ToString("x2"))
            $hashLength = if ($component.maxLength) { $component.maxLength } else { 8 }
            $nameSegments += $sb.ToString().Substring(0, $hashLength)

              $nameSegments += $buildId


      # Strip out any empty entries so that we don't end up with double dashes
      # anywhere within a name.
      $nameSegments = $nameSegments | Where-Object {$_}

      $generatedName = $nameSegments -Join $gen.separator

      if ($MaxLength -Gt 0) {
        $length = if ($generatedName.Length -Gt $MaxLength) { $MaxLength } else { $generatedName.Length }
        $generatedName = $generatedName.Substring(0, $length)
