function New-CmAzMonitorMetricAlerts { <# .Synopsis Allows definiton and deployment of metric alerts for resources/resource groups to set action groups. .Description Deploys multi-resource single-metric alert rules at either a resource group or resource scope, which in turn are linked to specified action groups. The metric name is used to specify the metric rule used, all rules specified can have a customisable threshold, comparison operator, time aggregation, severity and schedule values. Metric alerts are only available if the resources/resources groups specified in the scope share the same location. .Parameter SettingsFile File path for the settings file to be converted into a settings object. .Parameter SettingsObject Object containing the configuration values required to run this cmdlet. .Component Monitor .Example New-CmAzMonitorMetricAlerts -SettingsFile "c:\directory\settingsFile.yml" -Confirm:$false .Example New-CmAzMonitorMetricAlerts -SettingsObject $settings #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")] param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Settings File")] [string]$SettingsFile, [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Settings Object")] [object]$SettingsObject ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" try { Write-CommandStatus -CommandName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $SettingsObject = Get-Settings -SettingsFile $SettingsFile -SettingsObject $SettingsObject -CmdletName (Get-CurrentCmdletName -ScriptRoot $PSCommandPath) if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess((Get-CmAzSubscriptionName), "Deploy monitor metric alerts")) { $standardDefinitions = Get-CmAzSettingsFile -Path "$PSScriptRoot/standardDefinitions.yml" $definitionSeverityNames = $standardDefinitions.Severity.GetEnumerator().Name $resourceGroup = Check-MonitorResourceGroup -AlertType "Metric" $alerts = @() foreach ($group in $SettingsObject.groups) { foreach ($alertSet in $group.alertSets) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $alertSet.alerts.count; $i++) { $alert = $alertSet.alerts[$i] $name = $ if($ { $name += "-$($" } if($ { $name += "-$($" } $ = Get-CmAzResourceName -Resource "Alert" -Architecture "Monitor" -Location $alert.targetResourceLocation -Name "mtr-$name-$i" Write-Verbose "Working on alert: $($" Set-GlobalServiceValues -GlobalServiceContainer $SettingsObject -ServiceKey "actionGroups" -ResourceServiceContainer $alert -IsDependency if ($definitionSeverityNames -contains $alert.severity) { $alert.severity = $standardDefinitions.Severity.$($alert.severity) } else { Write-Verbose "Setting default severity (informational)..." $alert.severity = 3 } if ($alert.schedule) { $alert.schedule.frequencyInMinutes = $standardDefinitions.frequencyInMinutes[$alert.schedule.frequencyInMinutes.ToString()] $alert.schedule.timeWindowInMinutes = $standardDefinitions.timeWindowInMinutes[$alert.schedule.timeWindowInMinutes.ToString()] } else { Write-Verbose "Setting default schedule..." $alert.schedule = @{ frequencyInMinutes = "PT1M" timeWindowInMinutes = "PT5M" } } $alert.actionGroups = @() $alert.scopes = @() $alert.criterias = @() for ($j = 0; $j -lt $alert.conditions.count; $j++) { $alert.conditions[$j].dimensions ??= @() $alert.criterias += @{ name = "Alert Criteria $j" metricName = $alert.conditions[$j].metricName metricNamespace = $alertSet.resourceType dimensions = $alert.conditions[$j].dimensions operator = $alert.conditions[$j].threshold.operator threshold = $alert.conditions[$j].threshold.value timeAggregation = $alert.conditions[$j].threshold.timeAggregation } } foreach ($actionGroup in $alert.service.dependencies.actionGroups) { $alert.actionGroups += @{ actionGroupId = (Get-CmAzService -Service $actionGroup -ThrowIfUnavailable -ThrowIfMultiple).resourceId } } foreach ($targetResourceService in $alert.service.dependencies.targetResources) { $targetResource = Get-CmAzService -Service $targetResourceService -ThrowIfUnavailable $alert.scopes += ($targetResource | Where-object { $_.location -eq $alert.targetResourceLocation.replace(' ', '') -and $_.resourceType -eq $alertSet.resourceType}).resourceId } foreach ($targetResourceGroupService in $alert.service.dependencies.targetResourceGroups) { $targetResourceGroup = Get-CmAzService -Service $targetResourceGroupService -ThrowIfUnavailable -IsResourceGroup $alert.scopes += $targetResourceGroup.resourceId } $alert.description ??= "Alert for $($alert.metricName) on $($alertSet.resourceType)" $alert.enabled ??= $true Set-GlobalServiceValues -GlobalServiceContainer $SettingsObject -ServiceKey "metricAlert" -ResourceServiceContainer $alert $alert += @{ resourceType = $alertSet.resourceType } $alerts += $alert } } } $deploymentName = Get-CmAzResourceName -Resource "Deployment" -Architecture "Monitor" -Location $resourceGroup.location -Name "New-CmAzMonitorMetricAlerts" New-AzResourceGroupDeployment ` -Name $deploymentName ` -TemplateFile "$PSScriptRoot\New-CmAzMonitorMetricAlerts.json" ` -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup.resourceGroupName ` -Mode "Complete" ` -TemplateParameterObject @{ Alerts = $alerts } Set-DeployedResourceTags -TagSettingsFile $TagSettingsFile -ResourceGroupIds $resourceGroup.resourceGroupName Write-CommandStatus -CommandName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -Start $false } } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($PSItem); } } |