#requires -Version 1 #region Variables $BaseUrl = '' $NovaAgentZipUrl = $BaseUrl + $NovaAgentVersion.Latest + $NovaAgentZip $NovaAgentUpdaterZipUrl = $BaseUrl + $NovaAgentVersion.Latest + $NovaAgentUpdaterZip $NovaAgentVersion = @{ 'Latest' = '' 'Previous' = @{ '' = '' '' = '' '' = '' } } $NovaAgentZip = '' $NovaAgentUpdaterZip = '' $TempDir = 'C:\Windows\Temp' $NovaAgentDir = 'C:\Program Files\Rackspace\Cloud Servers\' $NovaAgentService = @('RackspaceCloudServersAgent', 'RackspaceCloudServersAgentUpdater') #endregion #region Functions function Invoke-Unzip { Param( $ZipFile, $Destination ) try { if(-not (Test-Path -Path $Destination)) { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Destination -Force } $sh = New-Object -ComObject shell.application $sh.namespace($Destination).Copyhere($sh.namespace($ZipFile).items()) } catch [system.Exception] { Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Error :: Unzipping $ZipFile" Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Details:: $_" } } Function Invoke-FileDowload { Param( $Url, $localpath, $Filename ) if(!(Test-Path -Path $localpath)) { New-Item -Path $localpath -type directory > $null } $webclient = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient try { $webclient.DownloadFile($Url, $localpath + '\' + $Filename) Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Status :: Downloaded Successfully $Filename in $localpath" } catch [system.Exception] { Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Error :: Download Failed for $Filename in $localpath" Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Details:: $_" } } function Get-ServiceVersion { Param( [Array]$Name ) try { $output = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary foreach ($ServiceName in $Name) { $ServiceExecutable = (Get-WmiObject -Class win32_Service | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -contains $ServiceName } ).PathName $ServiceVersion = (Get-ChildItem -Path $ServiceExecutable).VersionInfo.ProductVersion $output.Add($ServiceName, $ServiceVersion) } $output } catch { Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Error :: Error when collecting the version $ServiceName" Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Details:: $_" } } function Test-NovaAgentVersion { Param( $VersionLatest ) $VersionInstalled = Get-ServiceVersion if ($VersionLatest -ge $VersionInstalled) { $true } else { $false } } function Update-NovaAgent { Param( $LatestNovaAgentVersion ) $NovaAgentVersionInstalled = Get-ServiceVersion -Name $NovaAgentService if ( -not $(Test-NovaAgentVersion -VersionLatest $NovaAgentVersionLatest) ) { Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Status :: Nova Agent Version $($NovaAgentVersionInstalled.RackspaceCloudServersAgent)" Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Status :: Nova Agent Updater Version $($NovaAgentVersionInstalled.RackspaceCloudServersAgentUpdater)" } else { if((Get-Service -Name $NovaAgentService).Status -ne 'Stopped') { Stop-Service -Name $NovaAgentService -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Status :: $NovaAgentService is stopped" } Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Status :: Downloading the $NovaAgentZip" Invoke-FileDowload -Url $NovaAgentZipUrl -localpath $TempDir -Filename $NovaAgentZip Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Status :: Downloading the $NovaAgentUpdaterZip" Invoke-FileDowload -Url $NovaAgentUpdaterZipUrl -localpath $TempDir -Filename $NovaAgentUpdaterZip if (-not(Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $NovaAgentDir -ChildPath $('Agent' + $($NovaAgentVersionInstalled.RackspaceCloudServersAgent))))) { Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Status :: Renaming Agent to $($NovaAgentVersionInstalled.RackspaceCloudServersAgent)" Rename-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $NovaAgentDir -ChildPath 'Agent') -NewName ( Join-Path -Path $NovaAgentDir -ChildPath $('Agent' + $($NovaAgentVersionInstalled.RackspaceCloudServersAgent)) ) -Force Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Status :: Renaming Agent to $($NovaAgentVersionInstalled.RackspaceCloudServersAgentUpdater)" Rename-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $NovaAgentDir -ChildPath 'AgentUpdater') -NewName ( Join-Path -Path $NovaAgentDir -ChildPath $('AgentUpdater' + $($NovaAgentVersionInstalled.RackspaceCloudServersAgentUpdater)) ) -Force Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Status :: Unzipping to Agent)" Invoke-Unzip -ZipFile (Join-Path -Path $TempDir -ChildPath '') -Destination ( Join-Path -Path $NovaAgentDir -ChildPath 'Agent' ) Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Status :: Unzipping to AgentUpdater" Invoke-Unzip -ZipFile (Join-Path -Path $TempDir -ChildPath '') -Destination ( Join-Path -Path $NovaAgentDir -ChildPath 'AgentUpdater' ) } Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Status :: Removing to" Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $TempDir -ChildPath '') -Force Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $TempDir -ChildPath '') -Force Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Status :: Restarting the Agent and AgentUpdater services" Start-Service -Name $NovaAgentService -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose if((Get-Service -Name $NovaAgentService).Status -ne 'Running') { Restart-Service -Name $NovaAgentService -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Output -InputObject "[$(Get-Date)] Status :: $NovaAgentService is stopped" } } } #endregion Function #region MAIN Update-NovaAgent -LatestNovaAgentVersion $NovaAgentVersion.Latest #endregion MAIN |