
function Send-CKMailMessage {
    Sends a Mail Message.
    Author: Roberto Rodriguez (@Cyb3rWard0g)
    License: MIT
    Required Dependencies: None
    Optional Dependencies: None
    Send-CKMailMessage is a simple PowerShell wrapper to send a specific mail message in JSON or MIME format.
    .PARAMETER userPrincipalName
    Specific user to send the email on behalf of. (e.g
    .PARAMETER subject
    email subject.
    .PARAMETER recipients
    list of recipients. @('').
    .PARAMETER ccRecipients
    list of CC recipients.
    .PARAMETER message
    Message string. Text or HTML strings.
    .PARAMETER messageType
    Message content type. HTMLor text
    .PARAMETER accessToken
    Access token used to access the API.
    .PARAMETER api
    API endpoint to use to send mail messages. Microsoft Graph or Outlook API.
    Send-CKMailMessage -subject 'NewEmail' -recipients '' -message 'Hola' -saveToSentItems -accessToken $accessToken
    Send-CKMailMessage -subject 'NewEmail' -recipients '' -message 'Hola' -saveToSentItems -accessToken $accessToken -api Outlook
    Send-CKMailMessage -userPrincipalName '' -subject 'NewEmail' -recipients '' -message 'Hola' -saveToSentItems -accessToken $accessToken
    Send-CKMailMessage -userPrincipalName '' -subject 'NewEmail' -recipients '' -message 'Hola' -saveToSentItems -accessToken $accessToken -api Outlook

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$messageType = 'HTML',

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$api = 'MSGraph'

    if ($userPrincipalName) {
        $resourceUrl = "users/$userPrincipalName/sendMail"
    else {
        $resourceUrl = "me/sendMail"

    $save = if ($saveToSentItems){$true} else{$false}
    # Define Message
    $body = @{
        "Message" = @{
            "Subject" = "$subject"
            "Body" = @{
                "ContentType" = "$messageType"
                "Content" = $message
            "ToRecipients" = @($recipients | ForEach-Object {@{"EmailAddress" = @{"Address" = $_}}})
        "SaveToSentItems" = $save
    # Process CCRecipients
    if ($ccRecipients){
        $body["Message"]["CcRecipients"] = @($ccRecipients | ForEach-Object {@{"EmailAddress" = @{"Address" = $_}}})

    $parameters = @{
        Resource = $resourceUrl
        HttpMethod = "Post"
        Body = $body
        AccessToken = $accessToken

    if ($api -eq 'MSGraph') {
        $response = Invoke-CKMSGraphAPIAPI @parameters
    else {
        $response = Invoke-CKOutlookAPI @parameters