function New-CKAzADApplication { <# .SYNOPSIS Create/register a new Azure AD application. Author: Roberto Rodriguez (@Cyb3rWard0g) License: MIT Required Dependencies: None Optional Dependencies: None .DESCRIPTION New-CKAzADApplication is a simple PowerShell wrapper to create/register a new Azure AD application and its respective service principal. .PARAMETER displayName The name of the new Azure AD Application and service principal. .PARAMETER nativeApp Switch to register an application which can be installed on a user's device or computer. .PARAMETER signInAudience Specifies the Microsoft accounts that are supported for the current application. The possible values are: AzureADMyOrg, AzureADMultipleOrgs, AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount (default), and PersonalMicrosoftAccount .PARAMETER identifierUris Space-separated unique URIs that Azure AD can use for this app. .PARAMETER ExposeAPI Switch to define settings for an application that implements a web API. .PARAMETER APIScopeName Specifies the value to include in the scp (scope) claim in access tokens. Must not exceed 120 characters in length. Allowed characters are : ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ + _ ` { | } ~, as well as characters in the ranges 0-9, A-Z and a-z. Any other character, including the space character, are not allowed. May not begin with .. .PARAMETER APIScopeConsentType Whether this scope can be consented to by users or if admin consent is required. Choose Admins only for higher-privileged permissions. .PARAMETER WebReplyURI Web URI to which Azure AD will redirect in response to an OAuth 2.0 request. The value does not need to be a physical endpoint, but must be a valid URI. .PARAMETER AddSecret Switch to create add credentials to the application. .PARAMETER UseV2AccessTokens Switch to set application to use V2 access tokens. .PARAMETER RequireAssignedRole Switch to require assigned role to use the application. This restricts who can access your application. Only users that have the role assigned. .PARAMETER AssignAppRoleToUser Use this parameter to assign an app role to a service principal. Example: .PARAMETER accessToken Access token used to access the API. .LINK .EXAMPLE $accessToken = $(az account get-access-token --resource= --query accessToken --output tsv) Invoke-CKAzVMActionRunCommand -vmName DC01 -subscriptionId XXXXX -resourceGroupName XXXX -commandId RunPowerShellScript -script "whoami" -accessToken $accessToken [+] Requesting execution of RunPowerShellScript Action RunCommand [+] Getting Azure-AsyncOperation Status URI [*] Action RunCommand xXXX has status of InProgress [*] Action RunCommand xXXX has status of InProgress [*] Action RunCommand xXXX has status of InProgress [+] Action RunCommand xXXXoutput code: ComponentStatus/StdOut/succeeded nt authority\system #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String]$displayName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$nativeApp, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("AzureADMyOrg","AzureADMultipleOrgs","AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount","PersonalMicrosoftAccount")] [string]$signInAudience = "AzureADMyOrg", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$identifierUris, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $ExposeAPI, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $APIScopeName = "user_impersonation", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("Admin", "User")] [string] $APIScopeConsentType = "Admin", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $WebReplyURI, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $AddSecret, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $UseV2AccessTokens, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $RequireAssignedRole, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $AssignAppRoleToUser, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$accessToken ) try { $registeredApp = (Get-CKAzADApplications -filter "displayName eq '$displayName'" -accessToken $accessToken)[0] } catch { Write-Error "[!] Getting information about $displayName application failed" $_.Exception.Message break } if ($registeredApp -and -Not([bool]($ -match "value"))){ Write-Host "[!] Azure AD application $displayName already exists!" $registeredApp } else { $body = @{ displayName = "$displayName" signInAudience = "$SignInAudience" requiredResourceAccess = @( @{ resourceAppId = "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000" resourceAccess = @( @{ id = "e1fe6dd8-ba31-4d61-89e7-88639da4683d" type = "Scope" } ) } ) } if ($NativeApp) { $body["publicClient"] = @{ redirectUris = @("http://localhost" ) $body['isFallbackPublicClient'] = $true } } $parameters = @{ Resource = "applications" HttpMethod = "Post" Body = $body AccessToken = $accessToken } Write-Host "[+] Creating $displayName application." $registeredApp = Invoke-CKMSGraphAPI @parameters Start-Sleep -s 15 } if ($ExposeAPI) { if (-not $registeredApp.identifierUris){ $applicationIDURI = $("api://" + $registeredApp.AppId) Write-Host "[+] $displayName application: Application ID URI does not exist." $body = @{ identifierUris = @($applicationIDURI) } $parameters = @{ Resource = "applications/$($" HttpMethod = "Patch" Body = $body AccessToken = $accessToken } Write-Host "[+] Creating Application ID URI: $applicationIDURI" Invoke-CKMSGraphAPI @parameters Start-Sleep -s 5 } $body = @{ api = @{ oauth2PermissionScopes = @( @{ id = [guid]::NewGuid() adminConsentDescription = "Allow the application to access $displayName on behalf of the signed-in user." adminConsentDisplayName = "Access $displayName" userConsentDescription = "Allow the application to access $displayName on your behalf." userConsentDisplayName = "Access $displayName" value = "$APIScopeName" type = "$APIScopeConsentType" isEnabled = $True } ) } } $parameters = @{ Resource = "applications/$($" HttpMethod = "Patch" Body = $body AccessToken = $accessToken } Write-Host "[+] $displayName application: Adding new API scope." Invoke-CKMSGraphAPI @parameters } if ($IdentifierURI) { $currentIdentifierUri = $($registeredApp.identifierUris[0]) if ($IdentifierURI -eq $currentIdentifierUri){ Write-Host "[!] $currentIdentifierUri Identifier URI already exists" } else { $body = @{ identifierUris = @($IdentifierURI) } $parameters = @{ Resource = "applications/$($" HttpMethod = "Patch" Body = $body AccessToken = $accessToken } Write-Host "[+] Updating $displayName application: Updating the URIs that identify the application within its Azure AD tenant." Write-Host "[+] Current Identifier URI: $currentIdentifierUri" Write-Host "[+] New Identifier URI: $IdentifierURI" Invoke-CKMSGraphAPI @parameters } } if (($WebReplyURI) -and !($NativeApp) ) { $currentWebReplyUris = $registeredApp.web.redirectUris if ($WebReplyURI -in $currentWebReplyUris){ Write-Host "[!] Web Reply URI $WebReplyURI already exists" } else { $newWebReplyUris = $currentWebReplyUris += $WebReplyURI $body = @{ web = @{ redirectUris = @($newWebReplyUris) implicitGrantSettings = @{ enableIdTokenIssuance = $True } } } $parameters = @{ Resource = "applications/$($" HttpMethod = "Patch" Body = $body AccessToken = $accessToken } Write-Host "[+] Updating $displayName application: Updating URLs where user tokens are sent for sign-in" Invoke-CKMSGraphAPI @parameters } } if ($AddSecret) { $pwdCredentialName = 'NewSecret' + $( -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 12 | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ })) $body = @{ passwordCredential = @{ displayName = "$($pwdCredentialName)" } } $parameters = @{ Resource = "applications/$($" HttpMethod = "Post" Body = $body AccessToken = $accessToken } write-host $($parameters | Out-String) Write-Host "[+] Adding a secret to $displayName application" $credentials = Invoke-CKMSGraphAPI @parameters if (!($credentials)) { Write-Error "Error adding credentials to $displayName" } else { Write-Host "[+] Extracting secret text from results. Save it for future operations" Write-Host $credentials.secretText Write-Host $pwdCredentialName } } if ($UseV2AccessTokens) { # Set application to use V2 access tokens $body = @{ api = @{ requestedAccessTokenVersion = 2 } } $parameters = @{ Resource = "applications/$($" HttpMethod = "Patch" Body = $body AccessToken = $accessToken } Write-Host "[+] Updating $displayName application: Setting application to use V2 access tokens" Invoke-CKMSGraphAPI @parameters } # Creating the new Azure AD application service principal try { $appSP = New-CKAzADAppServicePrincipal -appId $registeredApp.appId -accessToken $accessToken } catch { Write-Error "[!] Creating a service principal for the $displayName application failed" $_.Exception.Message break } if ($RequireAssignedRole) { $body = @{ appRoleAssignmentRequired = $True } $parameters = @{ Resource = "servicePrincipals/$($appSP.Id)" HttpMethod = "Patch" Body = $body AccessToken = $accessToken } Write-Host "[+] Updating $displayName application: Setting application to require users being assigned a role" Invoke-CKMSGraphAPI @parameters Start-Sleep -s 5 } if ($AssignAppRoleToUser) { Write-Host "[+] Granting app role assignment to $AssignAppRoleToUser " Write-Host " [>>] Getting user's principal ID" $user = (Get-CKAzADUsers -userPrincipalName $AssignAppRoleToUser -accessToken $accessToken)[0] $principalId = $user.Id $body = @{ appRoleId = [Guid]::Empty.Guid principalId = $principalId resourceId = $ } $parameters = @{ Resource = "users/$AssignAppRoleToUser/appRoleAssignments" HttpMethod = "Post" Body = $body AccessToken = $accessToken } Write-Host " [>>] Adding user to application.." $AssignAppRoleResult = Invoke-CKMSGraphAPI @parameters if (!$AssignAppRoleResult) { Write-Error "Error granting app role assignment to user $AssignAppRoleToUser" } } } |