
function Get-CCMPropertiesToSend
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $currentInstance = ([System.Collections.Hashtable]$instance).Clone()

    $ResourceName = $currentInstance.ResourceName
    $currentInstance.Remove('ResourceName') | Out-Null

    $ResourceInstanceName = $currentInstance.ResourceInstanceName
    $currentInstance.Remove('ResourceInstanceName') | Out-Null

    # Retrieve information about the DSC resource
    $dscResourceInfo = Get-DSCResource -Name $ResourceName

    $propertiesToSend = @{}
    foreach ($propertyName in $currentInstance.Keys)
        # Retrieve the CIM Instance Property.
        $CimProperty = $dscResourceInfo.Properties | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq $propertyName}

        # If the current propertry is a CIMInstance
        if ($CimProperty.PropertyType.StartsWith('[MSFT_'))
            $cimResult = @()

            # Loop through all CIMInstances in the property
            foreach ($cimEntry in $currentInstance.$propertyName)
                $cimInstanceProperties = @{}

                # Loop through all properties of the CIMInstance
                foreach ($cimSubPropertyName in $cimEntry.Keys)
                    if ($cimSubPropertyName -ne 'CIMInstance')
                        $cimInstanceProperties.Add($cimSubPropertyName, $cimEntry.$cimSubPropertyName)

                $CimInstanceName = ([Array]$currentInstance.$propertyName.CIMInstance)[0]
                $propertyCIMInstanceValue = New-CimInstance -ClassName $CimInstanceName `
                                                            -Property $cimInstanceProperties `
                $cimResult += $propertyCIMInstanceValue
            $propertiesToSend.Add($propertyName, [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]]$cimResult)
            # Property is not a CIMInstance, therefore add it to the list.
            $propertyValue = $currentInstance.$propertyName

            # If the property's value is a variable, try to retrieve its value from the list of
            # parameters provided by the user.
            if ($propertyValue.StartsWith('$'))
                $propertyVariableName = $propertyValue.Substring(1)
                $propertyValue = $Parameters.$propertyVariableName

            # If the property is an empty array, explicitely define it as empty instead of null.
            if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($propertyValue) -and $CimProperty.PropertyType.EndsWith('[]]'))
                $propertyValue = @('')
            $propertiesToSend.Add($propertyName, $propertyValue)
    return $propertiesToSend

function Get-CCMParsedResources

    # Convert the DSC Resources into PowerShell Objects
    $resourceInstances = $null
    if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path))
        $resourceInstances = ConvertTo-DSCObject -Path $path
    elseif (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Content))
        $resourceInstances = ConvertTo-DSCObject -Content $Content
    return $resourceInstances

function Test-CCMConfiguration
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Path')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Content')]

    $TestResult = $true
    $Global:CCMAllDrifts = @()
    $currentLoadedModule = ''

    $currentInstance = $null
    $resourceInstances = Get-CCMParsedResources -Path $Path `
                                                -Content $Content
    foreach ($instance in $resourceInstances)
        $ResourceName = $instance.ResourceName
        $ResourceInstanceName = $instance.ResourceInstanceName

        $propertiesToSend = Get-CCMPropertiesToSend -Instance $instance `
                                                    -Parameters $Parameters
        # Load the resource's module.
        if ($resourceName -ne $currentLoadedModule)
            $ResourceInfo = Get-DSCResource -Name $ResourceName
            Import-Module $ResourceInfo.Path -Force
            $currentLoadedModule = $resourceName
        # Evaluate the properties of the current resource.
        $currentResult = Test-TargetResource @propertiesToSend

        # If a drift was detected, augment its related info with the name of the
        # current instance and collect it in the CCMAllDrifts Global Variable.
        if (-not $currentResult)
            $TestResult = $false
            $currentDrift = $Global:M365DSCCurrentDriftInfo
            $currentDrift.Add('InstanceName', $ResourceInstanceName)
            $Global:CCMAllDrifts += $currentDrift
    return $TestResult