function Start-CBOrder { <# .SYNOPSIS Starts an order in CloudBolt. .DESCRIPTION The `Start-CBOrder` function creates an order in CloudBolt and submits/starts it. You can use `Wait-CBOrder` to wait for the order to complete. Pass a session object to the CloudBolt instance to use to the `Session` parameter (use `New-CBSession` to create a session object). Pass the ID of the group making the order to the `GroupID` parameter. Pass the blueprint ID to order to the `BlueprintID` parameter. If the build item being run by the blueprint has any parameters, pass them as a hashtable to the `BuildItemParameter`. Pass a name for the order to the `Name` parameter. Pass the name of the blueprint's resource (if any) to the `ResourceName` parameter. Pass any resource parameters as a hashtable to the `ResourceParameter` function. The request body generated by this function is visible in debug output. Set `$DebugPreference = 'Continue'` to see it. This function returns an order object that you can pass to `Wait-CBOrder` to block/wait for the order to complet before continuing your script. .EXAMPLE Start-CBOrder -Session $session -GroupID 389 -BlueprintID 392 Demonstrates how to create and start an order by group `389` that uses bluerint `392`. This blueprint has no parameters/resources. Start-CBOrder -Session $session -GroupID 389 -BlueprintID 393 -BuildItemParameter @{ 'fubar' = @{ 'snafu' = 'ufans' } } -ResourceName 'some_resource' -ResourceParameter @{ 'fizz' = 'buzz' } Demonstrates how co create and submit an order that requires build and resource parameters. In this example, the request body will look something like this: { "group": "/api/v2/groups/389", "items": { "deploy-items": [ { "blueprint": "/api/v2/blueprints/393", "blueprint-items-arguments": { "build-item-fubar": { "parameters": { "snafu": "ufans" } } }, "resource-name": "some_resource", "resource-parameters": { "fizz": "buzz" } } ] }, "submit-now": "true" } #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] # The session/connecton to the CloudBolt instance to use. Use `New-CBSession` to create a session object. $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int] # The group ID making the order. $GroupID, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int] # The blueprint ID to order. $BlueprintID, [hashtable] # Any build item parameters. The keys should be the names of the items (without the `build-item` prefix). The values should be a hashtable of name/value pairs to send to that action/item. $BuildItemParameter, [string] # A name for the order. $Name, [string] # The resource name used by the blueprint, if any. $ResourceName, [hashtable] # The resource parameter for the blueprint's resource, if any. $ResourceParameter ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState $blueprintArgs = @{} if( $BuildItemParameter ) { foreach( $buildItemName in $BuildItemParameter.Keys ) { $argName = 'build-item-{0}' -f $buildItemName $argValue = [pscustomobject]@{ parameters = [pscustomobject]$BuildItemParameter[$buildItemName] } $blueprintArgs[$argName] = $argValue } } $order = [pscustomobject]@{ 'name' = $Name; 'group' = ('/api/v2/groups/{0}' -f $GroupID); 'items' = [pscustomobject]@{ 'deploy-items' = @( [pscustomobject]@{ 'blueprint' = ('/api/v2/blueprints/{0}' -f $BlueprintID) 'blueprint-items-arguments' = [pscustomobject]$blueprintArgs 'resource-name' = $ResourceName; 'resource-parameters' = [pscustomobject]$ResourceParameter; } ) }; 'submit-now' = $true; } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $order = Invoke-CBRestMethod -Session $Session -Method Post -ResourcePath 'orders/' -Body $order | Add-CBTypeName -Order -PassThru $submitInfo = $order._links.actions | Where-Object { $_ | Get-Member 'submit' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'submit' Write-Verbose -Message $submitInfo.title if( $submitInfo.href -notmatch '(\borders/.*)' ) { Write-Error -Message ('Unable to find order submit URI from "{0}".' -f $submitInfo.href) return } $submitUri = $Matches[1] if( -not $submitUri.EndsWith('/') ) { $submitUri = '{0}/' -f $submitUri } Invoke-CBRestMethod -Session $Session -Method Post -ResourcePath $submitUri | Add-CBTypeName -Order -PassThru } |