
function Get-CloneGist {
    Returns all GISTs with the name you specify in a named GitHub account

    Returns all GISTs with the name you specify in a named GitHub account

    .PARAMETER Username
    GitHub Username

    .PARAMETER Filename
    Name of the GIST name. This is named by the user before saving the GIST.
    Github does not mandate that the names are unique.
    This functions returns each that match the filename specified with this parameter

    Get-CloneGist kevinblumenfeld -FileName test.xml

    (Get-CloneGist kevinblumenfeld -FileName test.xml)[0]
    the most recent GIST named test.xml

    General notes

    param (

    $IdList = Get-CloneGistID -Username $Username -Filename $Filename
    foreach ($Id in $IdList) {
        $Params = @{
            Uri    = "${Id}"
            Method = 'Get'
        (Invoke-RestMethod @Params).files.$Filename