$str = @'
<root> <Header> <Customer Name="Customer1"> <clientExceptionNotes>Execption delivery address</clientExceptionNotes > </Customer> </Header> <Header> <Customer Name="Customer2"> <clientExceptionNotes></clientExceptionNotes > </Customer> </Header> </root> '@ $script:menuItems = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $script:MenuOptions = [pscustomobject]@{ MenuFillChar = "*" MenuFillColor = [consolecolor]::White Heading = "" HeadingColor = [consolecolor]::White SubHeading = "" SubHeadingColor = [consolecolor]::White FooterText = "" FooterTextColor = [consolecolor]::White MenuItemColor = [consolecolor]::White MenuNameColor = [consolecolor]::White MaxWith = 80 } $script:Menus = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList function New-Menu { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [string] $Name , [string] $DisplayName , [switch] $IsMainMenu ) BEGIN { $f = $MyInvocation.InvocationName } PROCESS { $newMenu = [PSCustomObject]@{ Id =0 Name = "$Name" DisplayName = "$DisplayName" IsMainMenu = $false } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("IsMainMenu")) { $currentMainMenu = $script:Menus.Where({$_.IsMainMenu -eq $true}) if ($currentMainMenu) { Write-Error -Message "$f - You can only have one Main Menu. Currently [$($currentMainMenu.Name)] is your main menu" break } else { $newMenu.IsMainMenu = $true } } $index = $script:Menus.Add($newMenu) $script:Menus[$index].Id = $index } END { } } function Get-Menu { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [switch] $MainMenu ) BEGIN {} PROCESS { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("MainMenu")) { $script:Menus.Where({$_.IsMainMenu -eq $true}) } else { $script:Menus } } END {} } function Set-Menu { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [string] $Name , [string] $DisplayName , [switch] $IsMainMenu ) BEGIN {} PROCESS { $menu = $script:Menus.Where({$_.Name -eq "$Name"}) if ($menu) { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DisplayName")) { $script:Menus[$].DisplayName = "$DisplayName" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("IsMainMenu")) { $script:Menus[$].IsMainMenu = $true # FIXME need to check if we have a main menu } else { $script:Menus[$].IsMainMenu = $false } } } END {} } function New-MenuItem { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [string] $Name , [string] $DisplayName , [string] $Description , [scriptblock] $ActionScriptblock , [bool] $ConfirmBeforeInvoke = $true , [int] $ParentMenuID ) BEGIN { $f = $MyInvocation.InvocationName Write-Verbose -Message "$f - START" } PROCESS { $menuItem = [PSCustomObject]@{ Id = 0 Name = "$Name" DisplayName = "$DisplayName" Description = "$Description" ActionScriptblock = $ActionScriptblock ConfirmBeforeInvoke = $ConfirmBeforeInvoke ParentMenu = 0 } $nameConflict = $null $nameConflict = $script:menuItems.Where({$_.Name -eq "$Name"}) if ($script:Menus.count -eq 0) { New-Menu -Name MainMenu -DisplayName "Main Menu" -IsMainMenu } if (-not $nameConflict) { $MainMenu = Get-Menu -MainMenu if (-not $MainMenu) { Write-Error -Message "$f - Unable to find Main Menu" break } $menuItem.ParentMenu = $MainMenu.Id Write-Verbose -Message "$f - Adding menuItem [$Name]" $insertedId = $script:menuItems.Add($menuItem) $script:menuItems[$insertedId].Id = $insertedId } else { Write-Warning -Message "$f - Menuitem with [$Name] already exists" } } END { Write-Verbose -Message "$f- END" } } function Set-MenuItem { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [string] $Name , [string] $DisplayName , [string] $Description , [scriptblock] $ActionScriptblock , [bool] $ConfirmBeforeInvoke ) BEGIN { $f = $MyInvocation.InvocationName Write-Verbose -Message "$f - START" } PROCESS { $menuItem = $script:menuItems.GetEnumerator().Where({$_.Name -eq "$Name"}) if(-not $menuItem) { Write-Error -Message "$f - Unable to find menuItem with name [$Name]" break } $menuItem = $script:menuItems[$] if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DisplayName")) { $menuItem.DisplayName = "$DisplayName" } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Description")) { $menuItem.Description = "$Description" } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ActionScriptblock")) { $menuItem.ActionScriptblock = $ActionScriptblock } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ConfirmBeforeInvoke")) { $menuItem.ConfirmBeforeInvoke = $ConfirmBeforeInvoke } } END { Write-Verbose -Message "$f- END" } } function Get-MenuItem { [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName='none')] Param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="ByName")] [string[]] $Name = "*" , [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline,ParameterSetName="ById")] [int[]] $Id ) BEGIN { $f = $MyInvocation.InvocationName Write-Verbose -Message "$f - START" } PROCESS { if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name") -and -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Id")) { $script:menuItems } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")) { foreach ($menuName in $Name) { $script:menuItems.Where({$_.Name -like $Name}) } } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Id")) { $script:menuItems.Where({$_.Id -in $id}) } } END { Write-Verbose -Message "$f- END" } } function Show-Menu { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [int] $InvokeItem , [switch] $Force , [int] $MenuID ) BEGIN { $f = $MyInvocation.InvocationName Write-Verbose -Message "$f - START" $mainMenu = Get-Menu -MainMenu if (-not $mainMenu) { Write-Warning -Message "Please add a menu first" break } } PROCESS { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("InvokeItem")) { $menuSelected = $script:menuItems.Where({$_.ID -eq $InvokeItem}) if($menuSelected) { if ($menuSelected.ConfirmBeforeInvoke) { if (-not $Force) { $Continue = Read-Host -Prompt "Are you sure you want to execute [$($menuSelected.Name)] Y/N?" If ($Continue -ne "y") { Write-Host -Object "Execution aborted" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow break } } } if ($menuSelected.ActionScriptblock) { Write-Host -Object "Invoking [$($menuSelected.Name)]" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow $menuSelected.ActionScriptblock.Invoke() Write-Host -Object "Invoke DONE!" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow break } } } } END { $menuLines = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $maxWith = $script:MenuOptions.MaxWith function Get-MenuLine { Param ( [string] $Text , [consolecolor] $Color = [System.ConsoleColor]::White ) [pscustomobject]@{ Text = "$Text" Color = $color } } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("MenuID")) { $mainMenu = Get-Menu | where Id -eq $MenuID if (-not $mainMenu) { Write-Error -Exception "$f - Could not find menu with ID [$MenuID]" } } $lineFeed = ""#[System.Environment]::NewLine $menuString = ($script:MenuOptions.MenuFillChar * ($maxWith - 2)) $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuString -color $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillColor)) $menuNameLength = $mainMenu.DisplayName.length $menuNameBlanks = (($maxWith - 2) - $menuNameLength) / 2 $menuName = " " * $menuNameBlanks + $mainMenu.DisplayName $menuName += " " * (($maxWith - 1) - $menuName.Length - 1) $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuName -Color $script:MenuOptions.MenuNameColor)) #$menuEmptyLine = $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillChar + (" " * 78) + $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillChar #+ $lineFeed $menuEmptyLine = (" " * ($maxWith - 2)) #+ $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillChar $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuEmptyLine -color $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillColor)) $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuEmptyLine -color $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillColor)) $menuHeadingLength = $script:MenuOptions.Heading.Length $menuHeadingBlanks = (($maxWith - 2) - $menuHeadingLength) / 2 $menuHeading = (" " * $menuHeadingBlanks) + $script:MenuOptions.Heading #+ (" " * $menuHeadingBlanks) + $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillChar #+ $lineFeed $menuHeading += (" " * (($maxWith - 1) - $menuHeading.length - 1)) $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuHeading -color $script:MenuOptions.HeadingColor)) $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuEmptyLine -color $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillColor)) $menuSubHeadingLength = $script:MenuOptions.SubHeading.Length $menuSubHeadingBlanks = (($maxWith - 2) - $menuSubHeadingLength) / 2 $menuSubHeading = (" " * $menuSubHeadingBlanks) + $script:MenuOptions.SubHeading #+ (" " * $menuSubHeadingBlanks) + $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillChar# + $lineFeed $menuSubHeading += (" " * (($maxWith - 1) - $menuSubHeading.length - 1)) $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuSubHeading -color $script:MenuOptions.SubHeadingColor)) $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuEmptyLine -color $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillColor)) $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuEmptyLine -color $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillColor)) $menuString = ($script:MenuOptions.MenuFillChar * ($maxWith - 2)) $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuString -color $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillColor)) $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuEmptyLine -color $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillColor)) foreach($item in $script:menuItems) { $menuItemLength = $item.Displayname.length #$menuItemBlanks = (70 - $menuItemLength) / 2 #$menuItem = $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillChar + (" " * $menuItemBlanks) + $item.Displayname + (" " * $menuItemBlanks) + $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillChar #+ $lineFeed $menuItem = " " + "$($item.Id). $($item.DisplayName)" $menuitem += " " * (($maxWith - 1) - $menuItem.length - 1) $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuItem -Color $script:MenuOptions.MenuItemColor)) } $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuEmptyLine -color $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillColor)) $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuEmptyLine -color $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillColor)) $menuFooterLength = $script:MenuOptions.FooterText.Length $menuFooterBlanks = (($maxWith - 2) - $menuFooterLength) / 2 $menuFooter = (" " * $menuFooterBlanks) + $script:MenuOptions.FooterText #+ (" " * $menuFooterBlanks) $menuFooter += (" " * (($maxWith - 1) - $menuFooter.length - 1)) $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuFooter -color $script:MenuOptions.FooterTextColor)) $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuEmptyLine -color $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillColor)) $menuEndString = ($script:MenuOptions.MenuFillChar * ($maxWith - 2)) + $lineFeed $null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuEndString -color $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillColor)) #$null = $menuLines.Add((Get-MenuLine -Text $menuEmptyLine -color $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillColor)) foreach ($line in $menuLines) { Write-Host -Object $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillChar -ForegroundColor $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillColor -NoNewline Write-Host -Object $line.Text -ForegroundColor $line.Color -NoNewline Write-Host -Object $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillChar -ForegroundColor $script:MenuOptions.MenuFillColor } $userSelection = (Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter number to execute action") try { $actionItemSelectionIndex = [int]$userSelection } catch { Write-Host -Object "Menuitem not found [$userSelection]" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow break } $menuSelected = $script:menuItems.Where({$_.ID -eq $actionItemSelectionIndex}) if ($menuSelected) { if ($menuSelected.ConfirmBeforeInvoke) { $Continue = Read-Host -Prompt "Are you sure you want to execute [$($menuSelected.Name)] Y/N?" If ($Continue -ne "y") { Write-Host -Object "Execution aborted" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow break } } if ($menuSelected.ActionScriptblock) { Write-Host -Object "Invoking [$($menuSelected.Name)]" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow $menuSelected.ActionScriptblock.Invoke() Write-Host -Object "Invoke DONE!" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow } } else { Write-Host -Object "Menuitem not found [$userSelection]" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow } Write-Verbose -Message "$f- END" } } function Test-Invoke1 { $F = $MyInvocation.InvocationName write-verbose -Message "$f - START" -Verbose } function Set-MenuOption { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [string] $MenuFillChar = "*" , [ConsoleColor] $MenuFillColor = [consolecolor]::white , [string] $Heading = "[Heading not set]" , [ConsoleColor] $HeadingColor = [consolecolor]::white , [string] $SubHeading = "[SubHeading not set ]" , [ConsoleColor] $SubHeadingColor = [consolecolor]::white , [string] $FooterText = "[FooterText not set]" , [ConsoleColor] $FooterTextColor = [consolecolor]::white , [consolecolor] $MenuItemColor = [consolecolor]::white , [consolecolor] $MenuNameColor = [consolecolor]::white , [int] $MaxWith = 80 ) BEGIN { $f = $MyInvocation.InvocationName Write-Verbose -Message "$f - START" foreach ($key in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) { $script:MenuOptions.$key = $PSBoundParameters.$key } if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($script:MenuOptions.FooterText)) { $script:MenuOptions.FooterText = "$(Get-date) - Running as $([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name)" } } END { Write-Verbose -Message "$f- END" } } function Get-MenuOption { [cmdletbinding()] Param () $script:MenuOptions } $function = "" ; Remove-Module -Name tmp -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue foreach($action in $script:menuItems) { $funcs = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $function += "function $($ {$($action.ActionScriptblock.ToString())};" Write-Verbose $function -Verbose } $sb = [scriptblock]::Create($function) New-Module -Name tmp -ScriptBlock $sb | Import-Module |