[ClassVersion("1.0.0"), FriendlyName("WemBrokerConfig")] class VDD_WemBrokerConfig : OMI_BaseResource { [Key, Description("Citrix WEM database name.")] String DatabaseName; [Required, Description("MS SQL Server hostname hosting the WEM database")] String DatabaseServer; [Required, ValueMap{"Enable", "Disable"}, Values{"Enable", "Disable"}, Description("Use vuemUser SQL user account password")] String SetSqlUserSpecificPassword; [Write, Description("vuemUser SQL user account password.")] String SqlUserSpecificPassword; [Write, ValueMap{"Enable", "Disable"}, Values{"Enable", "Disable"}, Description("Use Windows authentication for infrastructure service database connection.")] String EnableInfrastructureServiceAccountCredential; [Write, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("PSCredential for running the infrastructure service.")] String InfrastructureServiceAccountCredential; [Write, ValueMap{"Enable", "Disable"}, Values{"Enable", "Disable"}, Description("Enable infrastructure service to always reading site settings from its cache.")] String UseCacheEvenIfOnline; [Write, ValueMap{"Enable", "Disable"}, Values{"Enable", "Disable"}, Description("Enable Citrix WEM debug mode")] String DebugMode; [Write, ValueMap{"Enable", "Disable"}, Values{"Enable", "Disable"}, Description("Enable collection of statistics.")] String SendGoogleAnalytics; [Write, Description("Administration port for administration console to connect to the infrastructure service.")] uint32 AdminServicePort; [Write, Description("Agent service port for agent to connect to the infrastructure server.")] uint32 AgentServicePort; [Write, Description("Cache synchronization port for agent cache synchronization process to connect to the infrastructure service.")] uint32 AgentSyncPort; [Write, Description("Citrix WEM monitoring port.")] uint32 MonitoringPort; [Write, Description("Time (in minutes) before the infrastructure service refreshes its cache.")] uint32 CacheRefreshDelay; [Write, Description("Time (in seconds) between each infrastructure service attempt to poll the SQL server.")] uint32 SQLCheckDelay; [Write, Description("Time (in seconds) which the infrastructure service waits when trying to establish a connection with the SQL server.")] uint32 InfrastructureServiceSQLConnectionTimeout; [Write, ValueMap{"Enable", "Disable"}, Values{"Enable", "Disable"}, Description("Enable deletion of old statistics records from the database at periodic intervals.")] String EnableScheduledMaintenance; [Write, Description("Retention period for user and agent statistics (in days).")] uint32 StatisticsRetentionPeriod; [Write, Description("Retention period for system optimization statistics (in days).")] uint32 SystemMonitoringRetentionPeriod; [Write, Description("Retention period for agent registration logs (in days).")] uint32 AgentRegistrationsRetentionPeriod; [Write, Description("The time at which the database maintenance action is performed (HH:MM).")] String DatabaseMaintenanceExecutionTime; [Write, ValueMap{"Enable", "Disable"}, Values{"Enable", "Disable"}, Description("Override any Citrix License Server information already in the WEM database.")] String GlobalLicenseServerOverride; [Write, Description("Citrix License Server name.")] String LicenseServerName; [Write, Description("Citrix License Server port.")] uint32 LicenseServerPort; }; |