function New-CitrixTemplateScript { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new PowerShell Script definition in the Citrix Optimizer template. .DESCRIPTION This function will create PowerShell Script Definition in the Citrix Optimizer template to disable. .PARAMETER Path Specifies the Path to the template file .PARAMETER GroupName The existing Group to add the Service to .PARAMETER EntryName The Display Name in Citrix Optimizer .PARAMETER EntryDescription The Description in Citrix Optimizer .PARAMETER ScriptFile The Service Name to Disable .INPUTS This function will take inputs via pipeline as string .OUTPUTS Returns $true or $false depending on the Script creation state .EXAMPLE PS> New-CitrixTemplateScript -Path 'template.xml' -GroupName 'Group 1' -EntryName 'Stop Windows Update Services' -EntryDescription 'Stops and disables the Windows Update Service' -ScriptFile './disablewu.ps1' Adds a script entry to disable the Windows Update service in the template file. .EXAMPLE PS> New-CitrixTemplateScript -Path $Template.Path -GroupName 'Group 1' -EntryName 'Stop Windows Update Services' -EntryDescription 'Stops and disables the Windows Update Service' -ScriptFile './disablewu.ps1' Adds a script entry to disable the Windows Update service in the template file using the $Template.Path return value. .EXAMPLE PS> New-CitrixTemplateScript -Path $Template.Path -GroupName $Group.Name -EntryName 'Stop Windows Update Services' -EntryDescription 'Stops and disables the Windows Update Service' -ScriptFile './disablewu.ps1' Adds a script entry to disable the Windows Update service in the template file using the $Template.Path return value and the $Group.Name return value. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter( ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,mandatory=$true )] [System.String]$Path, [Parameter( ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,mandatory=$true )] [System.String]$GroupName, [Parameter( ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,mandatory=$true )] [System.String]$EntryName, [Parameter( ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,mandatory=$true )] [System.String]$EntryDescription, [Parameter( ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,mandatory=$true )] [System.String]$ScriptFile ) begin { # Set strict mode and initial return value Set-StrictMode -Version Latest # Set up PSCustom Object for return $Return = New-Object -TypeName psobject $Return | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Complete" -Value $false } # begin process { # Check if the Script File Passed in is valid if(Test-Path -Path $ScriptFile){ # Check if the template already exists if(Get-Template -Path $Path){ write-verbose "Citrix Optimizer Template $($Path) found" write-verbose "Load Citrix Optimizer Template" # Load Template and check for existing Group and Service" [XML]$xmlfile = Get-Content $Path # Check that the Group exists if(Get-TemplateGroup -Path $Path -GroupName $GroupName){ write-verbose "Group $($GroupName) found" # Check the Entry is not already present if(!(Get-TemplateEntry -Path $Path -EntryName $EntryName)){ write-verbose "Script $($EntryName) not found, adding" # Get the Group XML details into a variable $Group = $ | where-object {$ -eq $($GroupName)} # Create the Entry element write-verbose "Create Entry element" $Entry = $XMLFile.CreateElement("entry") # Create the Entry header element write-verbose "Create Name, Description and Execute element" $Name = $XMLFile.CreateElement("name") $Name.InnerText = $EntryName $Entry.AppendChild($Name) $Description = $xmlfile.CreateElement("description") $Description.InnerText = $EntryDescription $Entry.AppendChild($Description) $Execute = $xmlfile.CreateElement("execute") $Execute.InnerText = "1" $Entry.AppendChild($Execute) # Create the action element write-verbose "Create Action element" $Action = $XMLFile.CreateElement("action") # Create the plugin element write-verbose "Create Plugin element" $Plugin = $XMLFile.CreateElement("plugin") $Plugin.InnerText = "PowerShell" $Action.AppendChild($Plugin) # Create the executeparams element write-verbose "Create ExecuteParams element" $Params = $XMLFile.CreateElement("executeparams") # Format the PowerShell to Citrix Optimizer Standard $ScriptData = Get-Content $ScriptFile $FinalScript = Set-PowerShellFormat -ScriptData $ScriptData # Write the PowerShell Formatted Script $ParamValue = $XMLFile.CreateElement("value") $ParamValue.InnerText = $FinalScript $ParamValue.AppendChild($XMLFile.CreateCDataSection($FinalScript)) $Params.AppendChild($ParamValue) $Action.AppendChild($Params) $Entry.AppendChild($Action) $Group.AppendChild($Entry) # Close and save the XML file $XMLFile.Save($Path) write-verbose "Script $($EntryName) added" $Return.Complete = $true } else { write-verbose "Entry $($EntryName) already found - quitting" write-error "Entry $($EntryName) already found - quitting" } } else { # Group was not found in template write-verbose "Group $($GroupName) not found - quitting" write-error "Group $($GroupName) not found - quitting" } } else { # Template file not found write-verbose "Template $($Path) not found - quitting" write-error "Template $($Path) not found - quitting" } } else { # Script file not found write-verbose "Script $($ScriptFile) not found - quitting" write-error "Script $($ScriptFile) not found - quitting" } } # process end { # Pass back return object return $Return } # end } |