
function New-CitrixTemplateTask {
    Creates a new Windows Scheduled Task definition in the Citrix Optimizer template.

    This function will create a Scheduled Task Definition in the Citrix Optimizer template.
    Specifies the Path to the template file

    .PARAMETER GroupName
    Specifies the Group in the template file to add the Scheduled Task to

    .PARAMETER TaskName
    The Display Name for the Scheduled Task in Citrix Optimizer

    .PARAMETER TaskPath
    The Full Path to the Scheduled Task

    .PARAMETER TaskDescription
    The Description for the Scheduled Task

    .PARAMETER State
    The Service State (Enabled / Disabled)

    This function will take inputs via pipeline as string

    Returns $true or $false depending on the Scheduled Task creation state

    PS> New-CitrixTemplateTask -Path 'template.xml' -GroupName 'Group1' -TaskName 'SchTask - AppID' -TaskPath '\Microsoft\Windows\AppID\' -TaskDescription 'This is the AppID Scheduled Task' -State "Disabled"
    Adds an entry to disable the AppID Scheduled Task in the template file.
    PS> New-CitrixTemplateTask -Path $Template.Path -GroupName 'Group1' -TaskName 'SchTask - AppID' -TaskPath '\Microsoft\Windows\AppID\' -TaskDescription 'This is the AppID Scheduled Task' -State "Disabled"
    Adds an entry to disable the AppID Scheduled Task in the template file based on the return value in $Template.Path
    PS> New-CitrixTemplateTask -Path $Template.Path -GroupName $Group.Name -TaskName 'SchTask - AppID' -TaskPath '\Microsoft\Windows\AppID\' -TaskDescription 'This is the AppID Scheduled Task' -State "Disabled"
    Adds an entry to disable the AppID Scheduled Task in the template file based on the return value in $Template.Path and $Group.Name



Param (
        ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,mandatory=$true
        ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,mandatory=$true
        ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,mandatory=$true
        ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,mandatory=$true
        ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,mandatory=$true
        ValuefromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,mandatory=$true

begin {

        # Set strict mode and initial return value
        Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

        # Set up PSCustom Object for return
        $Return = New-Object -TypeName psobject 
        $Return | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Complete" -Value $false

} # begin

process {

    if(Get-Template -Path $Path){

        write-verbose "Citrix Optimizer Template $($Path) found"
        write-verbose "Load Citrix Optimizer Template"

        # Load Template and check for existing Group"
        [XML]$xmlfile = Get-Content $Path

        if(Get-TemplateGroup -Path $Path -GroupName $GroupName){

            write-verbose "Group $($GroupName) found"

            if(!(Get-TemplateEntry -Path $Path -EntryName $TaskName)){

                write-verbose "Scheduled Task $($TaskName) not found, adding"

                $Group = $ | where-object {$ -eq $($GroupName)}

                # Decode Task Path
                $Task = Get-TaskDetail -TaskPath $TaskPath
                write-verbose "Create Entry element"
                $Entry = $XMLFile.CreateElement("entry")

                    write-verbose "Create Name element"
                    $Name = $XMLFile.CreateElement("name")
                    $Name.InnerText = $TaskName

                    $Description = $xmlfile.CreateElement("description")
                    $Description.InnerText = $TaskDescription

                    $Execute = $xmlfile.CreateElement("execute")
                    $Execute.InnerText = "1"

                    write-verbose "Create Action element"
                    $Action = $XMLFile.CreateElement("action")

                        $Plugin = $XMLFile.CreateElement("plugin")
                        $Plugin.InnerText = "SchTasks"

                        $Params = $XMLFile.CreateElement("params")

                            $ParamName = $XMLFile.CreateElement("name")
                            $ParamName.InnerText = $Task.TaskName

                            $ParamPath = $XMLFile.CreateElement("path")
                            $ParamPath.InnerText = $Task.TaskPath

                            $ParamValue = $XMLFile.CreateElement("value")
                            $ParamValue.InnerText = $State




                write-verbose "Scheduled Task $($TaskName) added"
                $Return.Complete = $true

            } else {

                write-verbose "Entry $($TaskName) already found - quitting"
                write-error "Entry $($TaskName) already found - quitting"


        } else {

            write-verbose "Group $($GroupName) not found - quitting"
            write-error "Group $($GroupName) not found - quitting"

    } else {

        write-verbose "Template $($Path) not found - quitting"
        write-error "Template $($Path) not found - quitting"


} # process

end {
    return $Return

} # end
