function Get-PartnerCustomerServiceStates { <# .SYNOPSIS Get customer citrix cloud service states. .DESCRIPTION You will get the service state for all existing citrix cloud services.Are the services in production, trial or not onboarded yet. also how many stock order licenses are used. and you will also get the days to expire. .PARAMETER partnerID partnerID of your Citrix Cloud Tenant is mandatory to connect to the right Tenant. .PARAMETER customerID customerID of your Citrix Cloud customer is mandatory to get information for the right tenant. .PARAMETER token token should be the following content:'CwsAuth Bearer=ehJcciSRpICJ1bIsGIUkNnV5iJziyC6IIXO9....' Think its easier to put it in a variable. .EXAMPLE Get-PartnerCustomerServiceStates -token 'CwsAuth Bearer=ehJcciSRpICJ1bIsGIUkNnV5iJziyC6IIXO9....' -partnerID '3asdf21' -customerID '3ngking1jtejtw' .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS System.String .NOTES xxx .LINK #> param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $partnerID, $token, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$customerID ) $baseUrl = "" $Resource = "customers" $headers = @{ Authorization = "$token" } $Uri = $baseUrl + "/"+ $partnerID + "/" + $Resource + "/" + $customerID + "/servicestates" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri -Headers $headers $response = $response.items return $response } |