function Get-PartnerCustomer { <# .SYNOPSIS List existing Citrix Cloud customers .DESCRIPTION This function lists all customers linked to the partner account. Notifications, OrgID, services and much more information can be retrieved here. .PARAMETER partnerID partnerID of your Citrix Cloud Tenant is mandatory to connect to the right Tenant. .PARAMETER token token should be the following content:'CwsAuth Bearer=ehJcciSRpICJ1bIsGIUkNnV5iJziyC6IIXO9....' Think its easier to put it in a variable. .EXAMPLE Get-PartnerCustomer -token 'CwsAuth Bearer=ehJcciSRpICJ1bIsGIUkNnV5iJziyC6IIXO9....' -partnerID '3asdf21' .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS System.String .NOTES xxx .LINK #> param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $partnerID, $token, $customerID ) $baseUrl = "" $Resource = "customers" $headers = @{ Authorization = "$token" } $Uri = $baseUrl + "/"+ $partnerID + "/" + $Resource $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri -Headers $headers #response = $response.items if (!$customerID) { $response = $response.items | Select-Object notifictionCount ,@{Name="CustomerInformation"; Expression={ $_.customerInformation.displayName}}, @{Name="orgId"; Expression={ $_.customerInformation.orgId}},customerId, type, @{Name="adminFullName"; Expression={ $_.customerInformation.adminFullName}},@{Name="adminEmail"; Expression={ $_.customerInformation.adminEmail}}, services, federatedDomains, connectionId, serviceStates return $response } else { $response = $response.items |Where-Object {$_.customerId -eq $customerID} | Select-Object notifictionCount ,@{Name="CustomerInformation"; Expression={ $_.customerInformation.displayName}}, @{Name="orgId"; Expression={ $_.customerInformation.orgId}},customerId, type, @{Name="adminFullName"; Expression={ $_.customerInformation.adminFullName}},@{Name="adminEmail"; Expression={ $_.customerInformation.adminEmail}}, services, federatedDomains, connectionId, serviceStates return $response } } |